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![]() I am looking for heart-to-heart commune with those who are ready for such communicationBeloved Jesus I AM Jesus, having come to you today in order to give you my exhortations that I have prepared for you beforehand. It is not often that we have an opportunity of immediate commune with those who are in embodiment now. However, this chance of direct communication between you and me is inherent in your nature. And if you took the trouble and aspired with all your heart, with all your soul to our commune, then you would be able to hear me. I would come to you exactly as I have now come to the body temple of Tatyana, and we would have a talk with you. I could give you my exhortations directly, without a Messenger. And this is what I strongly desire — to have direct contact with each of you. Most people who read these Dictations are familiar with Christianity, but religion is not an obstacle for the commune of ours. People themselves divided faith into different religions, and each religious system is trying to subordinate their congregation and is keeping vigilant watch so that they do not leave the bounds of their church. However, I exist and aspire to communication with everyone regardless of that religion to which you and your family belong. Do try to recognize me in your consciousness as an Ascended Master — not as an idol that is worshiped by most Christians of the world, but as your elder brother, your friend who is ready to respond to any request of yours and to come to the rescue when you are calling me. I am that Master who is very close to humanity of Earth, and you cannot even imagine how close my presence is. I can be among you during your prayers when you are calling me. And I can come to you in the silence of your solitude when you sincerely intend to meet me and get some advice in a hard life situation. Do not hesitate to appeal to me. I am an Ascended Master and I have been serving humanity of Earth during all that time since I performed a transition in that life when I was Jesus. Since then, I have often come to those who have been practicing genuine Christianity in their hearts. But not to those who have made the religion of Christianity their source of living, and not to those who insincerely follow church dogmas and rules. I am looking for heart-to-heart commune with those who are ready for such communication. For many I am not so much a Christian symbol as a friend. And many incarnations ago I met you and gave you my Teaching during my incarnation as Jesus, and our connection still exists in the subtle plane. You have an opportunity to get your education in my retreat during your sleep. I am urging those of you who have not used this opportunity for our communication yet, to take advantage of this opportunity. If you are in a calm, harmonious state before your sleep, then after your prayer you can aspire with your thought toward our meeting, and we will surely meet during your night sleep. I will answer your questions and give you all possible help. Do not be confused by the fact that after you awaken you may not remember all the details of our meeting or even may not remember that our meeting has taken place at all. This is not important, because you will use the received advice in your life, even if it will go past your external consciousness. Therefore, keep the aspiration to meeting me within you and we will certainly meet. Do not expect that I will come to you as if I were a human and dropped in to your place. No, our communication will take place in the subtle plane. And you should apply your efforts in order to hear me. I will speak to your soul or to your Higher Self. And you will hear my words in your heart. Those will not be common human words, and they may not even be thoughts. There will be the sense of my presence and your sense of my energy filling you. I will fill the chalice of your heart with life-giving water, and I will give you quietness and the sense of peace and bliss, everything that you lack in your life. And after you drink the nectar of bliss from my chalice, you will realize that everything that has concerned and tormented you, all your problems, moved somewhere aside. And many of them will not return to you, because I have given you a part of my consciousness. And as your consciousness has changed, you will no longer be involved in those karmic situations that have caused your anxiety and trouble. You are granted according to your faith. If your faith is strong and your aspiration cannot be broken by any life failure, then we will always meet with you. I have strong hopes that we will meet. For the opportunity of our meeting is that help for you that is given by Heavens. Do not believe those who say that you need a mediator in order to communicate with me. No, I can have a meeting with you in the silence of your heart, and I will help you to solve your current problems. However, that degree of Faith and devotion that allows me to be present in your aura is not a common thing among people. I cannot come to you if you are staying in a big city and if you are too concerned about your earthly things and problems. I cannot come to you if you are burdened with any habits that separate us — by that I mean any of your attachments to alcohol, nicotine, watching TV, bad states of consciousness that haunt you: offence, envy, jealousy, and anger. I will not be able to be present in your aura if you are burdened with these faults or any other faults, which you can easily list yourself because you know them pretty well and cannot get rid of them incarnation after incarnation. I am open for communication but you must apply your efforts in order to approach me, raise your vibrations to that level where our communication can take place. And each of you knows very well about those faults that impede your approach to me; however, you do not hasten to part from your faults and problems. Well, I will wait until you become mature and decide to initiate immediate communication with me. For the time being I am having the opportunity to speak to you through this Messenger. And I also remind you of an opportunity to meet me in your dream. The opportunity for our meeting always exists, and only you yourselves limit the opportunity of our communication. And now I would like to wish you to acquire that inner aspiration that will surmount all your faults and will allow you to rise to the summit of the Divine consciousness without stopping or slipping down. Sometimes one wrong choice of yours is enough in order to close the opportunity of our communication to the end of your current incarnation. Be careful as you go through life and consider every choice of yours and every step of yours. There are a lot of inhabitants of the astral plane who aim to come in contact with you in order to get in your person to execute their will and their plans. And coming in contact and starting an interaction with such beings is much easier than coming in contact and having an interaction with me. For this you do not need to part from any of your habits. Therefore, you will always know yourselves with whom you meet in the subtle plane. With me, or my counterpart, who is not from the Light. The key to the answer of this question will be the purity of your consciousness and those habits and attachments that you are not able to give up. You do not even need to ask anyone about who you communicate with in the subtle plane. It is enough for you to simply make an unbiased analysis of your thoughts, your way of living, and your interactions with the people around you. Therefore, everything is in your power, and you make a decision yourself concerning who you come in contact with in the subtle plane. You need the gift of distinction, but sometimes you do not need any gift in order to make a distinction; you simply need to analyze your thinking, your habits, and your attachments. I don't lose hope for meeting with you. And I look forward to our meeting. I AM Jesus, with great Love for you. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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