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![]() There will be those who manifest their consistency and devotion and can help us attain our goalsMaster Morya I AM El Morya, who has come to you again through my Messenger in order to give a Teaching and talk to you about vital problems. I am glad to have such an opportunity. Every time when I come, I cannot hide my delight about the fact that there is an opportunity to communicate with you. Therefore, today, in order to save time, I am starting to report what is necessary. It is necessary for you to know about many things. If you could constantly concentrate on the goals of the Brotherhood and carry out our plans, the evolution on the planet would go at a much faster pace. Yet, you continue to reside in illusion, soothing your consciousness with the illusionary manifestations that surround you. That is why I come again and again and try to get across to your consciousness the things that are indispensable for you. You forget everything that I tell you literally right when you stop reading my Messages. I have to come again and give you the same Teaching at a somewhat different angle hoping that there will be those who manifest their consistency and devotion and can help us attain our goals. It seems to you with your agile mind that you already know everything that we talk about and you go off in pursuit of new impressions hoping to occupy your carnal mind. However, you do not need any new knowledge. There is only one Teaching and one Divine Truth. This Truth can be understood only with a mind of a child. Abandonment of excess speculations and intellectual refinement is what you should do. I realize that your mental bodies are not fully developed yet. That is why you are trying to load them with various intellectual twists. You come into the gross world, and one of the goals that you come with is to develop not only your physical bodies but also your subtle bodies: the astral body, the mental body, and the etheric body. Your subtle bodies represent your soul. Your soul needs development. That is why you will remain in the matter until you gain enough experience and until all your bodies are developed. Now the cycle is such that your mental bodies receive an impulse for development. They are curious like children and are trying to find more and more new terrains for their activity. However, in the same way as you give up alcohol, nicotine, and other attachments and habits of your physical body, you need to find the strength within you to give up the attachments of your mental body, of your carnal mind. All of your four lower bodies undergo evolution on planet Earth. You have to achieve harmony and maturity of all your bodies. Until you gain enough experience, until all your bodies gain enough experience, you cannot return to the world from which you originally had come as Divine particles. You will take the experience that you have gained to this Divine world, but only the part of your experience that corresponds to the Divine models. So, since the mental bodies of a significant part of mankind are now going through their experiences and acquiring the necessary knowledge, you need to take that into account in your development. You have to constantly try to detect when your mind leads you into the deep forest of intellectual speculations and when you are actually coming in contact with the eternal Divine Wisdom. You should try to make your differentiation within yourselves. The Divine Wisdom does not have anything in common with intellectual speculations, which resemble some sort of a drug for your carnal mind. Many people, when they open another Message and do not see any food in it for their conceited mind, go seek that food in other places, and they receive what they are aspiring in considerable amounts. However, what is not visible to you is visible to us. We can see that what you sometimes receive and consider as being very valuable and indispensable is in the best case useless for you, and in the worst case, it pushes back the development of your soul by years and incarnations. There are many intellectual traps into which many people of light fall. Those traps are placed so skillfully that at times it is impossible not to be caught in them if you are not constantly maintaining the attunement with our Hierarchy and asking the Ascended Masters for help. Many people rely on their own powers, on the physical muscle, and neglect the help of the Hierarchy of Light. However, this is another manifestation of the intellectual ego. At the modern stage of human development you cannot differentiate between the proper models and their malformed counterparts, between the intellectual speculations and the Divine Wisdom. That is because the difference between them can sometimes be seen only at the level of the Divine intuition and the vibrations that are natural to these manifestations. Now I have to tell you one more important thing. It concerns your advancement on the Path of Initiations that many are trying to follow and take on responsibilities to follow that Path. Yet, in the same way as they take on the task eagerly, they turn away from the Path, whether because of their own laziness or the lack of Faith and devotion. That is because the qualities of consistency, devotion, and determination are inherent to a very small number of individuals. As a rule, these qualities have been acquired by those individuals in their past incarnations by means of training themselves in those qualities, either in the communities of spiritual Masters or in hermit’s shacks. Do not think that everything that you have in this life has been inherited by you from your parents or that you have attained these achievements yourselves in this life. Many of your attainments and qualities go back into the distant past, up to the times of ancient Atlantis and Lemuria. Only now, in this life, they come out in you, and you are given the right to use them. Therefore, please use your Divine gifts and qualities to serve the Common Good, to serve the Life on Earth, and to serve us, the Great White Brotherhood. We are the Masters of mankind that have been accompanying humanity for millions of years. We were with you during your incarnations in ancient Lemuria and Atlantis and taught you — as less developed individuals at that time — in our schools and ashrams. Therefore, you should value what you have as your heritage, your achievements that have come to you from the remote past. Use your gifts not to submerge yourselves into the illusion, but to ascend to the peak of the Divine consciousness. Do not think that you are alone on your Path. We are constantly by your side and are holding your hands in our hands. However, we cannot take you by your hand forcefully and lead you if you are like stubborn little children pulling out your hand and running away from the evolutionary path of development. Apparently, your intellectual body is not developed enough yet to conform to the Law and understand all the advantages of the Ascended Masters guiding you and helping you on your Path. I am parting with you for today, but I am foreseeing new meetings and talks. I AM El Morya, with hope in you. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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