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![]() We expect that the seeds of Spirit sown by us will be able to germinate in people’s soulsMaster Godfre I AM Godfre,[1] having come to you on this day. Since today is almost the peak of the summer solstice, the influence of this day will boost your understanding of our Teaching, which we strive to provide to the fullest extent possible. So, since we are giving our Teaching in Russia, then of course, the conclusion arises that for some reason it is necessary and probably connected with something. Yes, beloved, we show our interest in this country because in the coming era the circumstances should arise for the realization of great opportunities. We expect the advent of these opportunities. And despite the fact that it is not too obvious that something can change (and change for the better) in this country, the Divine energy is released again as credit to this country. It is because of the opportunities that are coming that you are given another chance to receive the transmission of our Messages. Always, before the cosmic opportunity is to come into its own, we fill the vessels of those who can perceive our energy. The calculation is simple: When enough people are able to absorb and conduct our energies, we will be able to carry out our plans through these people and through their activities on the physical plane. For instance, when you start to grow crops on your land, first you prepare the soil. You fertilize it, cultivate it, and sow the seeds or plant seedlings. Then you take care of your plants throughout the time required for the maturation of the crop. We act the same way. First, we prepare the ground in the hearts of those people who are able to perceive our Teaching. Then we sow the seeds of the Spirit in their hearts. And finally we wait for germination in the form of growth of the Divine consciousness. All are subject to the cosmic cycles, and in the next few years we hope that the seeds sown by us will turn into sprouts, and then blossom into a new consciousness and a new way of thinking. Our tireless care is first for those who have managed, throughout the duration of the years that we have been giving our Teaching through the Russian Messenger, to prepare the ground within their beings for the successful sprouting of the seeds of Spirit. We always act in this way. Look at America. This is the country that I have karmic connections with, and I was directly involved in laying the foundations of this country.[2] For a considerable period of time (almost all of the 20th century), we watered the land of America with the Divine energy through various Messengers. And I, during my last incarnation, faithfully served the Masters on this land. And everything would have been fine, but our expectations were not met. And this is connected with the fact that the material side of existence is too prevalent in people living in the land of America. We did not get the sprouts of spiritual growth. We got sprouts associated with material prosperity. That is why we were forced to turn our attention to the other side of the globe. And as soon as the Divine opportunity came into view on the horizon of Russia, the collective unconscious of the Russian nations and nationalities rushed to receive benefits on the physical plane. The Divine energy, given for the creation of spirituality, started flowing again along the beaten track to materiality. So, today I come with this Message of warning. The Higher Forces are ready to continue their work in Russia. However, we must be sure that our energy and our efforts will take the proper direction. That is why the examples of every person who will conduct the Divine principles taught by the Masters are precious. The priority of spiritual and moral values must be placed at the forefront. When a person is willing to sacrifice something material in favor of some intangible spiritual or moral principle, we see this as a sign that our Teaching is understood and put into practice. You can no longer absorb more and more information. You must put the given Teaching into practice. And you must apply the given Teaching in a proper way, not for the growth of your material well-being but for your spiritual growth and advancement. This is very difficult because there are not enough proper examples in the world. But it is exactly because of this that each of your efforts will be valuable and will find the necessary support. We expect that the seeds of Spirit sown by us will germinate in people’s souls. Then humankind will be able to reach the path of development that was originally intended. Unfortunately, at the present time, humankind continues to go along the path that leads to an evolutionary dead end. The next stages of evolution assume a priority of spiritual values in humans. The priority of spiritual values must come to the forefront. For this, the human consciousness must change its vector and direct it toward the eternal values. Unfortunately, none of the spheres of human activity today meets the requirements that the Law of evolution requires. There are sprouts of a new consciousness, but the weeds of wrong aspirations are still supplanting these good patterns. What is needed now at this stage is a complete re-evaluation of the system of values and the refocusing of consciousness from the indulgence on endless wants and desires to satisfy purely animal instincts to the eternal values. This turning point in human development is so crucial that it has attracted the attention of many intelligent beings of our universe. How safe the near future will be and to what extent it will be possible to minimize the number of cataclysms and man-made disasters depends on how fast and decisively humanity manages to overcome old patterns of behavior and strive for the new Divine models. The world is teetering on the brink. And turning the evolution of humankind in a safe direction depends entirely on changing your consciousness and on the extent that the transient values within your consciousness can give way to eternal values. Focusing on the satisfaction of purely material things needs to be replaced by the pursuit of higher goals. Society needs to change in order to continue evolving. That is why we come to you and seek more and more Divine mercies for you on the Great Central Sun. And these mercies are truly limitless. Our efforts must inevitably lead to a positive result — this time in this part of the globe! I hope and believe it with all my heart and soul. I AM Godfre. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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