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![]() A Teaching on the importance of distinguishing what part of the Path you are onLord Lanto I AM Lanto, having come to give our Teaching. I seldom come, but I still hope that you remember me. Every time our meetings take place under my ray, the ray of knowledge and insight, the ray under which the information coming from our world is assimilated best of all. So, today we are going to fill the tabernacles of those who are ready and who have prepared their temples for the perception of our information. Come closer and listen. Today I would like to share with you one ancient Teaching that was taught at one of our outer schools not long ago. This is a Teaching about the Path that our disciples follow in the external world. While we are calling you to change your consciousness and inner work, the illusion around you is trying to do everything to keep you at the old level of consciousness, at the level of consciousness that is typical of the majority of the population on the planet now. However, it is not difficult to understand that the level of mass consciousness is not the milestone to which one should aspire. Therefore, sooner or later every spiritual seeker faces a problem when external circumstances start to impede his advancement along the Path more and more. And this always happens because such is the law of matter. The matter resists and tries to keep you at the same old level of your consciousness. And here, at this point on the Path, the moment of a very serious choice comes. You either continue moving or stay in your position in the illusory world, and in this case you wander off the Path. Each of you will face your own choice, but the essence of this choice is always the same: You either choose the illusory world, the world of illusion around you in the physical world, or you choose the real and eternal world. Depending on karmic circumstances, this question may come up before you in different ways. For example, someone with a certain quality that has not been worked off could have a career, success in life, material well-being, or independence, and then he will face a dilemma of whether to sacrifice his well-paid job or stay at the same position and try to combine Serving God with serving mammon. Of course, when this question is right in front of you, your consciousness, as a rule, is not aware that this is a matter of choice — and a very serious choice on the Path. It seems to you that there is nothing terrible in continuing to serve the outer world and following the Path simultaneously. And in this case your choice leads you away from the Path. Today I appeal to a small audience of those of our chelas who have already been following the Path of Initiations for a long time. So, if you make use of the given information when you are just about to take the first step on the Path, you will act wrongly. Usually people tend to exaggerate their spiritual achievements, especially at the beginning stage of the Path. And many people quit their jobs and become intensely engaged in spiritual practices, placing their hope in God and the Masters in the matters of material support for their existence in the physical world. However, this will be a similar wrong choice for you on your part of the Path because your part of the Path assumes that you should continue combining your stay in the world and performing your social responsibilities while simultaneously working on yourself and your consciousness with the help of various spiritual tools. Therefore, the same recommendations cannot be given to people who are on different parts of the Path. Perhaps you have noticed that in many of our instructions there can be inconsistent recommendations. This is due to the fact that we give our Teaching for different levels of consciousness. That is why you have to be aware of the part of the Path you are on in order to adopt our guidelines, or postpone their practice for some period of time. Since the majority of people who read our Messages are at the beginning of the Path, the moment of choice that I was speaking about at the beginning of our talk has not yet come for them. It is only for our disciples in this life who have been following the Path of Initiations for more than one lifetime that the question about whom to serve comes up. As I have already mentioned, this question will come up in different ways depending on the karmic circumstances of a person — for example, for some individuals the question of getting married or having a baby can arise. For 99 percent of those who read our Messages, there will be nothing wrong in these simple human desires. More than that, these healthy wishes are welcomed by all healthy members of society, but not in the case when they have been following the Path of Initiations for a long period of time. For them these simple and natural human desires are the temptations on the Path that they must either overcome or surrender to. I do not know how much I have managed to convey this Teaching to your consciousness today. On the highest parts of the Path you should give up any human desires and any human attachments. And this Truth was always taken with incomprehension, and even animosity, from the side of most members of society. Therefore, such Messages have never been presented for consideration to a large audience so as not to mislead those individuals who have not yet approached that crossing on their life journey where they seriously decide to devote their lives to self-perfection in God. Yet I have dared to touch on this important topic in today’s talk because in my discourse you can see for yourself the criterion that you can and should be guided by when you determine the level of a person who declares himself a messenger, a prophet, or a spiritual teacher. At the current stage of development, it is impossible for most of you to do without a spiritual Teacher. And as you already know, the need to find a Teacher arises within you at a subconscious level. Demand creates a supply, and that is exactly why you see such a variety of different gurus and messengers. If you have seriously decided to follow the spiritual Path, then you can easily find the Teacher who will give you the right concept of the Path. If this teacher gives you instructions on how you can comfortably settle down in your life, how to solve financial and personal problems at work and in your family, then chances are that this teacher cares about the well-being of your earthly personality but not about your eternal part. And such a teacher will be popular with people because he teaches understandable things about how to achieve well-being during the earthly life. Another type of Teacher will not be in great demand in your society because from the point of view of most people, she will teach abstract things that have nothing in common with your everyday needs and problems. This Teacher will primarily care about your eternal part. For people who are still too immersed in the material world, that kind of care will be incomprehensible, and it can even cause suspicion and ultimately fear because incomprehensible things always cause fear in people. Today I tried to convey to you the information concerning the necessity and importance of distinguishing what part of the Path you are on. The reason is because with all the positivity of your aspirations for spirituality, you need to understand that in order to seriously follow the spiritual Path, you must pass all the stages of development for you as an individual in the material world. You must obtain necessary experience on all planes of Existence, and only after this are you ready for the Path of Initiations. But not earlier because if you fantasize that you are ready to enter on the Path, but in reality you are miles away from it due to your inner qualities, then the forced advancement along the Path can cause great harm to your soul. I AM Lanto, always caring for your souls. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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