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![]() We are calling you to follow our PathBeloved El Morya I AM El Morya, coming to you! I have come to inform you that this is the end of the spring cycle of the Dictations that we have been giving through our Messenger. We are happy with the possibility that we have had, and we are satisfied with the fact that we have been able to give all that we planned to give in this cycle of the Dictations. Unlike the previous cycle of the Dictations that we gave in Altai in the winter, in this Dictation cycle we have paid more attention to your Path. The time has come to accustom you to the Path that has been planned for you. This Path has always existed, and there were always Schools and Ashrams created in this or that part of Earth where the Hierarchy of Light gave the Teaching for its disciples. The time has come when we see the possibility to resume our practice of working with non-ascended mankind through our outer Schools. Therefore, we try to give all the necessary knowledge about The Path of Initiations so you can consciously make your choice and step on the Path. The difference between our Path and many other teachings is that we lead you through your heart and let you come into contact with the true Real world through your mystical experiences and insights. Having that possibility in your outer consciousness, to realize the existence of the other Divine world, you consciously aspire to become free of everything impeding you from entering that world. It is your ego and your attachments to the physical world, to things of this world and to people, as well as your habits and imperfections that impede you. Therefore, you consciously step on the Path and you are ready to sacrifice much in order to get the true knowledge. There are many other teachings that use very similar methods. Yet, there are some differences. Therefore, your immediate task is to find these differences, using the most reliable guide — your heart. We are giving our Teaching through our Messenger. Every one of you who reads our Messages already gets into the outer circle of our disciples and enters the Guru-Chela relationship with our Messenger as a representative of our Hierarchy on the physical plane. Therefore, as soon as you choose to read our Messages, you already become our disciples. However, there are many levels of Guru-chela relationships. You mount the next step when you consciously make your choice in favor of our Teaching. In your consciousness you try to understand the difference from other teachings, and you make your choice in favor of the Teaching that you receive through our Messenger. In this case you limit your freedom, yet, in return you acquire better understanding and better awareness of the knowledge that you receive through our Messenger. At the next level you consciously accept our Messenger as your Guru. In this cycle of the Dictations, we hurried those of you who are ready to make this choice consciously and to rise to that level of your apprenticeship. The next level begins when the Messenger takes you as candidates for apprenticeship. The difference of that level from the previous ones is that the Messenger partly takes on the karmic obligations and bears responsibility for her disciples. Further relations that you experience are entirely under the authority of our Messenger. She determines how those relations should develop. Therefore, we are trying to restore the Guru-chela relationships that belong to the Ascended Masters’ disciple succession. Yet, those relationships are always built at a new level and are determined by the conditions formed on Earth. We do not need millions of followers who only show their undertaking of obligations, but do not let our Teaching into their hearts. We aspire to complete mutual understanding and collaboration with our disciples. Our Messenger is just like a crutch for you during that period of time until you can go independently and get in touch with us directly. Even in this case, you will need our Messenger as a lighthouse to show you the Path in storms and gales of earthly life. Therefore, we will go on giving our instructions in the following cycles of the Dictations. We ask you not to waste your time but to take all of the instructions contained in our Dictations not as abstract ones, but as the immediate guiding principles that you should use in your lives. I am a very concrete Master, and I do not like to beat about the bush. Therefore, I am calling you not to wait for somebody to give you more detailed instructions for your actions. We are giving the general direction. You have to get all the details immediately from your heart. If you reread the Dictations that we have been giving through our Messenger for the last year, you will understand that there is enough information in those Dictations to start concrete activity. You can start with the environment around you and with the habits that you have. Do try to start — not tomorrow but right now. First, free yourself from your biggest attachment that impedes you most of all in your life. That might be fear, inclination to censure and criticism, smoking, or any other attachment and any other imperfection. Then you will find another imperfection and then the next one. You will always know only one immediate task that you should implement. Then you will be able to start deciding the next issue. Do not aim at too much activity at once. Take the issues that you can decide. Sometimes it is much more difficult for many to get rid of smoking than even to build an ashram. We are calling you to follow our Path. We are telling you that the way is open. But you make your own choice, and nobody can force you to make this choice. You are mature individuals, and we talk to you as with our equals who are just a bit behind in their advancement along the Path. So now I say goodbye to you, and I wish you success on your Path! I AM El Morya. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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