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![]() Comments on the Path of apprenticeshipLord Maitreya I AM Maitreya. I have come to you again, and as always, I have come to guide you along your Path. Your Path, as you have already understood from my previous Dictations, is closely connected with the Path of Initiations. This Path is your shortest way Home, to God. And if you are still doubtful about it and take the guidance that is being given to you in this cycle of the Dictations skeptically, well, that is your choice and your time has not yet come. You have the right to wander in your illusion, trying to get pleasure from your physical world. However, you will feel less pleasure with every incarnation of yours, for your soul comes to this world to find the Path while you are still trying to find the meaning of your existence within your limited world, having no eagerness to raise your consciousness and look up, to turn to God and see the whole limitedness of your world. You are in a prison formed of limitations of your consciousness. Only you can destroy the walls of your prison. I can help you with that, but you should turn to me for help. I give help to everyone who asks me. My help is connected with the destruction of your ego and of your attachments to the physical world. When you start your advancement along the Path, many of you consider the situation that you find yourselves in as a ruin of everything. You see how your stereotypes and attachments are destroyed one after another; and your ego trembles at those trials and suggests that you are going the wrong way and that the Path to God is only eternal bliss and peace. Yes indeed, you are moving toward bliss and peace, but in order to achieve the state of peace you should reject everything that impedes your advancement and makes you come to this world again and again and endure suffering. Sufferings and lofty states of consciousness are so interwoven and mixed in your world that sometimes you do not understand anything in your life at all. I try to take you out of your habitual life to make you look at your life from another visual angle. This Path is inseparably connected with giving up your ego; and simultaneously, you should acquire the state of Oneness with all around you and the state of complete humility before God, before the Higher Law that there is in this universe. Any change, not to mention my fearful stories, becomes an obstacle for many of you, and you feel fear and do not wish to accept the conditions that we offer you. Well, you feel fear, and consequently, the first thing that you should do is to get rid of your fear. That fear is similar to the one that you feel during your transition to the other world. That is what you call death in your language. However, I am telling you that the true death for you is the condition of thoughtlessly staying in your world and your attachment to the world. In that case, you truly risk dying because it is not terrible to change bodies, but it is sad if you lose your soul. But you do not even understand that, because your consciousness is attached to your physical bodies and to everything around you in the physical world. As this world will soon cease to exist, you will really become extinct if you do not turn your consciousness to the Higher worlds. You choose between the perishable and the imperishable, between the physical world and the real Divine world. That is the whole Path of Initiations. When you enter my School and start following the Path of Initiations, you just start seeing consciously how you have to make your choices between the perishable and the imperishable day after day. When you make the right choices and free yourself from another attachment, you feel joy, causeless joy that overflows your whole being. But if you cannot get rid of some habit or attachment when the time has come to get rid of it, you feel depression and the lack of meaning of your existence. I change your states, and you have your trials. It is similar to the way you train your pets. Unfortunately, sometimes there is no chance to reach your consciousness directly, and we are forced to influence you through your states. Thus, you have an opportunity to move along the Path and to understand where you move. Many of you are waiting for me to come to you personally or through my Messenger to announce to you that you have entered my School and to give another examination or a test. Believe me, all of you have been under my intent observation for a long time and have been learning your lessons while being in your usual life conditions. Your external circumstances and the people who you meet represent the best tests and the best examinations for you. So, do not worry that you haven't been informed about your entering my School. You will know about it when it is needed. But you should treat any losses and troubles in your life as my tests. You pass your initiations and move up to the next class when you make the right choices and come to the right conclusions as a result of your tests. Therefore, do not rush to get some super-mystical experience. You will face exactly the situation that you should face in your life to work off another attachment and imperfection. And because all of your attachments are connected with the most ordinary things, it is in your everyday life where you should start getting rid of your attachments. It is very easy to get rid of your bad habits if you are in a favorable environment. But staying constantly where there are temptations is the most difficult initiation, and none of the Schools of Mystery of the past could offer you such a difficult test. So, watch yourself and your reactions to all your life situations that you face every day. And then when you pass all the necessary examinations, you will be cleansed from your attachments to such an extent that you will be able to see me and meet me. Then for the first time you will know that you have been studying at my School and have graduated from it successfully. It is similar to your distance learning, staying where you are living now, and then the time comes, and you go to another city to get a diploma, and you receive it. Thus, those of you who have written their letters to me and have sent them with the help of the angels, have entered my School. But if you still treat the situations that you face in your life unconsciously, without making proper conclusions as a result, I won't be able to spare you my time any more. There is no place for lazy and careless students in my School. The time for your education has not come yet. I have told you everything that you should know by now. However, it doesn't mean that I have left you and will not watch or look after you in the near future. Try to keep your consciousness constantly tuned to the Ray of the Hierarchy because in that case it is easier for us to work with you and lead you. We send our Messengers exactly for you so that you can keep your guiding lines. So, use all of the help that we give you. And now I say goodbye to you, and I hope for future meetings. I AM Maitreya. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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