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![]() Your consciousness is the key to your future and to the future of the whole planetGautama Buddha I AM Gautama Buddha, having come to you this day. I have come to give you certain knowledge and training. As always, I am using the vessel and the opportunity afforded to me by our Messenger, Tatyana. Just a short time ago we had no opportunity to give our Teaching so freely on a worldwide scale. No longer than two or three years ago, no one could have supposed that the Teaching could be given in the territory of Russia. Just look how great the changes are. We are giving our Teaching, and at the same time the situation in Russia and on the whole planet Earth is changing. You have a chance to observe, and you see how a seemingly insignificant event is capable of influencing the whole world. Probably, you cannot draw analogies to your lives and connect the changes taking place in them with the fact that we now have an opportunity to give our Dictations. Well, we do not expect you to draw any analogies at all. Just try to observe the changes taking place in your lives and in the lives of the people around you. Some time will pass and you will be able to discern the influence of the Ascended Hosts behind these changes. We are acting straightforwardly, and there is nothing in our actions that we do not reveal in our Dictations. Without keeping anything back, we reveal in our Dictations and in our Teaching the whole mechanism of our influencing both planet Earth and the changes on planet Earth. The way things happen is very simple. You read Dictations; you attend seminars that we hold with the help of our Messenger and the people who expressed a wish to serve us. You receive energy and knowledge, and you change your consciousness, your thinking, and your vibrations. You influence every person you meet in the street and at work. In such a manner during this year, we have managed to exercise our influence on millions of people. That is why we can now safely say that the process of changing of consciousness is gaining momentum so successfully that it has been decided to hasten the process of changes on planet Earth to the maximum. This does not mean that in the near future you will be threatened by impending major disasters and natural calamities. Moreover, if the process of changing of consciousness goes on at that successful rate, you will avoid many major cataclysms and disasters. However, we cannot guarantee that no cataclysms and disasters will occur if the opposing forces, which are ready at any sacrifice to delay the process of changes, take dynamic actions and galvanize many people into them. Therefore, before you start any activity in your world, carefully debate your motives in your mind, and try to understand the motives that predetermine the people who invite you to take part in these or those actions including prayer practices. The energy of prayers can be craftily used for reaching goals diametrically opposite to the Divine ones. At the present time your level of consciousness enables us to give these Teachings about the distortion of the energy of prayers. At all times there were people who directed the energy of prayers to the Supreme octaves of Light. But there were other people who used the energy of prayers while having an axe to grind. In that case they did not act in accordance with the Will of God. Moreover, the people involved in their activity created karma. All actions in your world, all thoughts and feelings, create karma. It is impossible for you not to act, and consequently, not to create karma. However, there is negative and positive karma. Negative karma extends the cycle of your lives on Earth and you have to come into embodiment again and again. Positive or good karma, in contrast, leads to reducing the cycle of your stay on planet Earth. The fate of every individual and the situation on planet Earth are influenced by the balance between the positive and the negative karma that was created by humanity in the past and is being created now, at every moment of the present. That is why we say time and again that the future of planet Earth and the process of changes on this planet depend on each of you. No matter how grave your difficulties are, you should always remember that your existence does not terminate with the death of your physical body. Oh, you are far more than your physical bodies. Each of you has the potential to become a God. And in the course of time all of you will become Gods, except for those who voluntarily refuse to become Gods and wish to identify themselves with the physical body. You know that everything around you represents a colossal illusion. And in the grand scheme of things your task is to rise above this illusion within your consciousness. When you rise above the illusion and give up your attachments to the physical world, you continue your evolution in the Higher Worlds. However, if you identify yourself with the physical world, then you voluntarily doom yourself to death because in due time the physical world will be no more, and you will be unable to transit to the Higher Worlds because your consciousness does not accept them. Thus, the key to your future and the future of the whole planet is your consciousness and the degree of your readiness to change your consciousness. The valuable opportunity, which is being given to the planet, must be accepted by your consciousness. You should realize the fact that the Divine opportunity exists, and you should strive to accept this opportunity and implement it in your lives. In that case the Divine opportunity will be able to manifest itself in your physical world. I have told you about the mechanism with the help of which we influence the physical world and change the physical world. This is the most natural way of changing, which should be applied first and foremost. Any cataclysms occur because the level of human consciousness does not conform to the level that Heavens wish earthly mankind to have at a given moment. That is why we always warn you when stepped-up work is required of you in order to change your consciousness. At present I am happy to state that the rate of change of human consciousness satisfies the demands we raise. Keep it up! Heavens are grateful to you. And you may fairly have high hopes for the new mercies of Heavens. I am pleased to have met you today. I AM Gautama Buddha. Om. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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