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![]() A Teaching on Divine MiraclesBeloved Surya I AM Surya, having come to you today from the Great Central Sun. I am happy to greet you today, children of Earth, and I am glad to meet you again. Now we leave your Human problems behind, and move to me through time and space to that area of the Universe where I love to dwell. You will not even be able to imagine the bliss and peace of this place. This place is the cradle of everything that exists in the Universe. How often many of you have experienced a longing for this place! Sometimes you may feel that anguish and depression take hold of your heart, and you cannot explain that state of yours because you look for the reason outside of yourself, but the reason is actually within you. At this moment your soul is longing for the World that it left millions of years ago, but the memory of it is still with you in your hearts. Seventh heaven, eternal peace, and all-embracing happiness express the state in which I live and the state in which you used to reside before you descended into the Physical World. If you could escape from the surrounding vanity and dive into that bliss, perhaps you would not bring yourself back into your World. Therefore, such states are only accessible when you reach a certain level of spiritual development. All of you have a chance to reach those states — maybe not in the current incarnation, but in the next ones. However, each of you will certainly experience that bliss and incomparable peace, as if you returned to your Father's Home and you do not have to leave it again. Now the time has come when you should start to recall the place where your souls came from. It is simply necessary for you in order to start your Journey Home, to that original state of peace and bliss. I have come to remind you again of that place where you came from and where you should return. It is hard for you to hear me because of your day-to-day vanity and problems. However, I come and deflect you from your cares and your vanity. You have the right to wave me away like an annoying fly. You can do so, and this is your right. However, I am sure that many of you will take time to listen to my words and to what is behind them. I have come by crossing an enormous distance. But this distance is not even in the physical Universe. This path lies within you and separates you from the Higher Reality. While in your incarnated state, it is so hard for you to understand which Reality I am talking about. And it is just as hard for me to descend to the level at which you can hear me, even with the help of a specially prepared Messenger who is incarnated with you. We come to her temple and have the opportunity to give our Messages. This is the miracle that is happening in front of your very eyes because you have the opportunity to read our Messages on the very same day when we give them. Every Divine miracle happens so naturally that you do not even realize that it is a miracle. This is a distinctive feature of those miracles that come from God. Any miracle that is born by human consciousness cannot happen so naturally, and it requires considerable efforts in order to prepare it. You know many teachings that train you to perform miracles. Many of you strive to perform such miracles that may be called "magic" or something else in your language. But if you come across the Divine Miracle, then the first thing that catches your eyes is the fact that it happens very naturally, and in a while you begin to realize that you came across something truly fascinating and noteworthy. But the Miracle has already happened. And this Divine wonder happened without any collaboration with your consciousness. Therefore, when you are looking for a miracle in your life, there is nothing reprehensible about it. And when you are looking around for miracles, you find them. However, miracles, as everything else that surrounds you in your world, have a dual nature. There are miracles manifested by the Holy Spirit, and those are indeed Divine wonders. But there are also wonders that are manifested by human consciousness and with the help of human consciousness. Those miracles are human and not from God. Therefore, learn to distinguish between them, and be discerning. There is nothing bad in your aspiration for miracles. But when you dedicate too much time to this aspiration of yours, you receive something like miracles from the illusion around you, but God and the Heavenly Hosts have nothing to do with those miracles. Therefore, you should aspire to God and God's Truth only and not just think about miracles. Only when you approach God's Truth in your consciousness, do you begin to recognize the miracles in your life. Believe me; God gives you His miracles at just the right time without any request on your part because the advancement toward God's Truth inevitably leads you to facing wonders as soon as you carefully look around. Divine signs of Truth manifested in the form of wonders are unavoidable for those who stand on the path toward God and for those who do not look for cheap miracles that come from humans. Now I am leaving you face-to-face with your thoughts about miracles and the Divine World. The Miracle of God is always ready to become apparent, but only those who have the eyes of a child will be able to see this miracle. Leave your adult games and cares, and let yourself return to your childhood — at least for a few minutes every day — when you expected wonders and God performed those wonders for you in the form of sunrises and sunsets, snow, rain, and rainbows. All those wonders you saw through your child consciousness, and you accepted them as God's miracles. Why do you not see them now? What prevents you from seeing the miracles around you? I agree that you have lots of problems in your life and many duties that you should carry. However, if you look unbiased at your lives, you will understand that there is nothing more important for you than watching God's miracles in your lives. And if you regularly start seeing God's wonders in the surrounding world, your life will change significantly. And you will be surprised how much time you will have to observe the miracles of God. I have covered an enormous distance to remind you that you should wait for miracles, and they will start to happen around you. Just to remind you that it is worth covering this Path to you and to your hearts. I AM Surya, staying within your hearts. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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