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![]() I wish to instill confidence in you and liberate you from fearMaster El Morya I AM El Morya. And I foresee the cheerful shouts of my chelas At last! Yes, beloved, I have come! And I must secretly tell you that I have been observing how these Messages have been transmitted and received, and to tell you even more, it was I who attained the Mercy for the transmission of this cycle of the Messages on the Great Central Sun. So, beloved, are you satisfied? Have you received the impulse that will finally allow you to overcome those karmic problems, whether real or imagined by you, in order to leave behind your regular lifestyle and devote yourselves completely to the work of the Masters? Were you not expecting this question? It is much more pleasant for you to be living your usual lives and thinking about what great work you are doing while reading the Messages of the Masters. Do not be lulled into complacency. You finally have to take full responsibility for everything that takes place on the planet. You have to stop acting like children and grow up. During all my incarnations, the top priority and importance for me was to fulfill the Will of God. I carried out the principles of brotherly relationships during my incarnation as King Arthur. It was unusual for those times. Yet, we tried to resolve all evolving arguments and internecine conflicts at the Round Table. I acted in accordance with the Divine principles and taught these principles to others. During my incarnation as Akbar the Great, my politics were based on respect for the beliefs of other people and nations. Still, during those times there were enough people who wanted to divide and take the power in their hands. Yet, I used my position as emperor to carry out the Divine ruling principles into life. During my incarnation as the Rajput prince Morya, I also used all my powers to elevate the consciousness of people to a Higher Truth, to demonstrate the limitations of human consciousness, and to raise the consciousness of those individuals who were ready for it. And now I am fulfilling the same mission: carrying out the Will of God, the Divine principles into your world. It is not always successful. Times change and so do the means of working with people’s consciousness. And yet, I do not lose hope that sooner or later, the Divine principles will win in all aspects of human life! Our new Messages have been spread the most in Russia. People’s reactions to them are different. And yet, one can see more and more clearly the main trend of how the given Teachings are applied to life. Even when nothing real gets done and when people just read our Messages with a good positive mindset, even then they influence the life of society, including its economy and politics. Yes, beloved, the influence of our energies contained in the Messages takes place beyond your consciousness, beyond your carnal mind. We pour the nectar of the Divine energy into your hearts, into the hearts of those who are ready. While passing through your lower bodies, the Divine energy is capable of having influence on everything that surrounds you. Divine energy changes your consciousness. This is what we are not tired of talking about and what we are trying hard to achieve because when people are at a higher level of consciousness, they cannot accept many of the things that they could in the past. One person who is capable of keeping his consciousness at a relatively high level maintains balance within the radius of several kilometers from the place where he lives. We will attain our goals no matter what. In the past we expected that those individuals who incarnated with a certain mission would finally lift up their heads and begin to do what they were meant to do in this incarnation. Now we act at a much larger scale. We raise the vibrations of the entire physical plane so people have to act in accordance with the Divine examples because old behavioral stereotypes do not bring the same results any more. To keep up with the times, you will have to get rid of the old load that lies on your shoulders as a burden that does not let you take a single step forward. Be brave and throw aside all your attachments, your habits, and all that lowers your vibrations. You will understand where to go and what to do as you go. When one is light on his feet and flexible in his thoughts, it is easier for us to guide him in his actions and supervise him, especially when he himself asks for the Divine guidance for his life. Do not be afraid to lose your belongings and attachments. Your potential to continue to exist as an individual in the future lies on one side of the scale, while all your lovely attachments are on the other side of the scale. These are incompatible things. And your belongings do not have any value if you look at them unbiased from the highest point of view. All of them are valuable only for your carnal mind. And your fears of the upcoming changes do not have any grounds because if you go in line with God and the Masters, then you are not afraid of any changes that are to come. We counted on an easier path. You chose the most difficult one. Well, it is your choice, but even if it is this lowest path, you need to move along it. There is a Russian proverb: No water runs under a lying rock. (No pain, no gain.) So go ahead and begin taking steps; you will orient yourselves and adjust the course as you go. As long as God lives in your heart, as long as you are cheerful and friendly, and as long as you believe and love, you will not be afraid of anything! I wish to instill confidence in you and liberate you from fear with the help of today’s Message. Leave the past behind you. The New Day and the new Divine opportunity await you! I AM El Morya! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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