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![]() Our mission is to awaken as many souls as possibleSerapis Bey I AM Serapis Bey. I have come today to hold another talk, to review the previous material, and to give you priceless grains of Truth embedded in the main text of the Message. You have probably noticed that we are very careful about giving you concepts that are new for your consciousness. We take into account the average level of the people who have the opportunity to read our Messages. Everything that is too unusual for your consciousness, you read, but at a certain level your consciousness meets all this with resistance and even rejection. That is why we try to transmit our Messages very carefully. Have you noticed that the Messages are transmitted from different levels and by different Masters? What is the purpose of such a combination of a number of separate but harmonized communications? All of you are unique individuals. Something that is very close for one person and touches the finest strings of his or her soul may be irritating for another. Therefore, we try to cover the entire range of interests and needs of those souls that come in contact with these Messages. Overall, we see that our information gets planted on fertile soil and germinates in the form of opened chakras for those who accept each Message with gratitude. And this makes is possible to strengthen the effect of our Messages, because each of you who carefully reads each of our Messages with Love becomes part of the process of Service. In a way, you are little torches that shine in the darkness of your dense world, and your light can attract the souls that match your vibrations. Since your lights are very weak and because they go on and off under the influence of life’s troubles, we send our Messages over a considerable period of time so that you can become strong in your aspirations and start acting independently. At the same time, you need external support. That is why we try to supervise you during your sleep when you consciously travel to our retreats that are located on the subtle plane. For many souls in embodiment, this is the only opportunity when they can receive instruction and knowledge at the highest level. You come to the retreats in accordance with your vibrations and are attracted to the Master with whom you resonate with the most at an inner level. These schools that currently exist in the subtle plane can also be realized in the physical plane. All we need is a reliable, qualified conductor on the physical plane who would serve as a catalyst. Then our school could be created on the physical plane. In that school we could provide training, first through our most advanced disciples who are incarnated, and then the Masters themselves would be able to come to your world. We really need people who are capable of executing our plans on the physical plane. We really need the focal points of the Great White Brotherhood to be anchored on the physical plane. Now, by means of transmitting these Messages into your world, we achieve the effect of flashing sparks of inconsistent, short-lasting light emanating from your hearts here and there. If we had a focus on the physical plane, we could serve as a powerful beacon of Light that would give faultless navigation to many souls in the ocean of life’s storms. All we need is a conductor on the physical plane who is able to flawlessly transmit our energies and who, at the same time, has the skills to work in the current conditions existing on Earth. We are not demanding too much, beloved. If you look around, you will see how much material resources and monetary energy is spent on building shopping complexes and entertainment centers. If a tiny part of this energy was spent on the creation of our schools, where we could provide correct examples and knowledge, we could make a breakthrough in people’s consciousness in mere decades. Beloved Saint-Germain spoke about the Divine opportunity that lies on a golden tray and that you can use. I am telling you that there has not been a single worthy individual who would be able to take that opportunity. Some are hampered by their internal blocks and stereotypes; others lack faith and devotion. We will still fulfill our plans. And we will still realize the plan of God for planet Earth. Would you like to take part in our plans? Do not look around. I address each of you who are reading today’s Message. Each of you who have found these Messages on the Internet or in book stores has the ability to join our troops and fulfill our plans. We continue to send our call to your world, and the angels’ trumpets are calling for those souls who had volunteered to serve as the hands and feet of the Brotherhood on the physical plane before they incarnated. I understand very well that the illusion is now at the peak of its power. This will make your accomplishments even greater if you manage to break through the nets of the illusion into the freedom, where there are no heavy energies of your world and where the spirit of brotherhood, collaboration, and Love prevails. The New Day should have come to the planet a long time ago. Therefore, we use this dispensation to transmit Messages to bring as much energy as possible into your world and so that you can no longer peacefully sleep in the illusion, but rather that you will lose that peaceful sleep and seek an opportunity to fulfill your Divine plan. Our mission is to awaken as many souls as possible for active work to transform the physical and more subtle planes of planet Earth. And we are using this dispensation for the transmission of the Messages, which has been specially given to us by the Great Central Sun to help the evolutions of planet Earth. I have come today to impart an impulse to my disciples who are incarnated and also to awaken those who resonate with my energies, the energies of my ray. I AM Serapis Bey. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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