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![]() A talk to revive a reverent attitude toward the Words of TruthJohn the Beloved I AM John the Beloved, having come to you. My Message today will be devoted to the Word of God. How reverently I recorded all of the events related to Jesus’s life when I was a chronicler. I was well aware of the fact that each word carries not just information but also a certain vibration. The state that I was in when I sat down to write determined the energy level of what was being written. I tried not to distort the purpose and the meaning of the events and to depict all events as detailed as possible. Of course, every person passes the Truth through himself, through his heart. If you gather 10 people and tell them the same truth, each of them will understand it in their own way; and that truth will be spread further, reflected through the prism of the consciousness of each of these individuals. It is a natural human quality, and that is why there have always been special people who are trusted to spread the Word of God. In the past, the Word and its reflection on paper or another medium was treated with great care. People understood the accountability for providing false information. It is not the same in your time. Yes, now everyone is literate and not only literate but also able to use different technological devices. Everyone can express their thoughts on paper or on the computer, for example. However, behind a seemingly good feature, when everyone has an opportunity to freely express everything they want, the main danger of your dual world is hiding — disrespect to the Word and the Truth that stands behind the words. It is said in the Scriptures: By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.[1] If you say something to one person or even to ten people, and your words do not correlate with the truth, then you create karma, and this karma is multiplied by the number of people who can hear you. Now humanity has access to the most powerful mass media: newspapers, radio, television, and the Internet. And the words that are spoken or written by one person can be heard or read by millions of people. On the one hand, you have great technological developments that allow you to bring the Word to many millions of people, but on the other hand, if your words are not the Words of Truth but are lies, then your karma is multiplied by the number of people that hear or read the lies that you have spoken or written. The time has come when karma is accelerated in everything. Humankind has been in the same stage of development, from which it was supposed to move up, for too long. Therefore, on the one hand, everything in the world, all achievements of the human mind as you consider them, allow those who are righteous and who follow the Divine Path to work off their karma very quickly. On the other hand, those who do not wish to follow the given path create negative karma very quickly, and once the amount of karma reaches the allowed limits, they cease to exist. Your world, therefore, is now like a gigantic thresher where the wheat is being separated from the chaff. And every year this process accelerates more and more. I have come today in order to instill a reverent attitude toward the Word in the souls of those who heed the Divine Truth. I wish to revive the Word, the true Word of God that is manifested in everything in your lives. The Word of God is not the ordinary words of people; it is a vibration that allows one to obtain distinction, understanding, and grace. When for a short period of time you find yourselves in the true Divine vibrations, whether being out in nature, or observing children playing, or perhaps listening to good music, you cannot confuse this moment of Truth with anything else. You feel inner contentment, peace, and goodness. At this very moment you connect with the Divine Truth and confess the Word of God, even when you are silent and do not say anything. Beloved, such is the time that you live in. Very little is left in your world of the authentic things that you really should heed. Everything else is vanity of vanities, temporary vanities. You should think about the Eternal Life. All that matters is your devotion to God, your personal relationship with God, who lives in your heart. I give you this Message hoping to warn those who are carried away by juggling with words, those who produce many false concepts. You should not be doing that, beloved. The tempting thought that many will read your words should not overpower your common sense and the understanding of the karma you can create by doing that. You will have to pay all your bills. You will bear responsibility for every word. I have chosen this Messenger to convey to you a simple Truth and to warn you. In order to carry the Word of God, one must be chosen by God. Otherwise, the confusion in your world will never be resolved, and things will not be put in order. Do not believe everyone who writes messages. Check what is written with your heart. Does it respond? Those who read the Messages should treat the Word with respect. Do not allow any external distractions while reading our Messages, because at that moment, you are having a conversation with God and the Masters and not just reading another entertaining news article. The state that you are in when you begin reading our Messages determines the effect that you will achieve. Do not be quick to criticize what you are reading, but rather remember the state that you were in when you began reading the Message. You will not be able to hear us and understand us unless you make sure that your vibrations are elevated and you are capable of opening your heart and attuning with the Master who is giving the Message. We put so much effort into bringing the Word of Truth to you. While you, lying on your couch and watching TV, are at the same time trying to read our Messages. If you wish to speak with God and the Masters, get yourselves in order first, attune with the Divine by means of a prayer or a meditation so that your being can hear the Words of Truth, and not just listen and read. I came to you in order to revive your reverent attitude toward the Word. I AM John the Beloved. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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