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![]() A talk about the energy of money and many other thingsPadma Sambhava I AM Padma Sambhava. I have already come before. And you have had the opportunity to get to know me. When I was incarnated on Earth, I came with the mission to renew the Teaching given by Gautama Buddha. Unfortunately, it so happens in the human world that as soon as a Teacher, who has spiritual attainments and is sponsored by the Higher Powers, leaves this world, people immediately begin to distort the Teaching that has been given to them. And your time is not an exception. On the contrary, everything has become even worse. Everyone has started considering himself to be a great master and has started giving his own teaching. Never was that possible in the past centuries, because people were very well aware of the Law of Karma. In addition, only those who according to their origin were supposed to have access, had access to knowledge and literacy. That is why your time is very difficult. Those who have proclaimed themselves gurus and give their own teaching can be found at every corner. It is a great pity that they were not taught the Law of Karma in their childhood. Every word that does not correspond to the Divine Truth and comes out of the mouths of those who are self-proclaimed spiritual masters will require karmic return in the future. So many things in your world could be different if people were more aware of the Law of Karma and Retribution. This is the basic Law working in this Universe. It is very sad that this Law is not studied in any secular school or higher educational institution. So many things in your world could be different if people always remembered the Law of Karma and Retribution. And so many problems could have been avoided if people had not been so ignorant. When I was incarnated, the Law of Karma was one of the most important subjects that I taught. I also had to go through hardships because there were many people who thought that they had great spiritual attainments. Although, it appeared that all their spiritual attainments had been based on the desire to serve their egos and to make other people serve their egos. Everything is very subtle in your world. If you could direct at least a portion of your efforts to mastering the Law of Karma instead of getting pleasure in your life, then your life would change very quickly. For example, I know that many people consider it an achievement to take advantage of others. They happily rub their hands after they have fooled people around them and put a few extra bills into their pockets. It seems to you that you have demonstrated agility and creativity. However, it was mere dishonesty and greed. If you could trace the future consequences of your actions, you would immediately run at breakneck speed to look for the person you deceived and try to put all the money you have into his pockets. Money is a manifestation of Divine energy in the physical plane. Your attitude toward money shows how you feel about the Divine energy. It was a very common method among spiritual Teachers, the true spiritual Teachers but not self-proclaimed ones, to give money to a disciple and see his attitude toward it. The way a person uses money demonstrates the way he uses the Divine energy. If the disciple had taken the money or part of it for himself or had spent it irrationally, he would have been expelled from discipleship immediately. The Teacher carries the karmic burden of his disciples. That is why all disciples are carefully tested on various negative traits. One could never become a disciple if he had any karmic debts in the world. Let me translate karmic debts into your language. This could be monetary loans, bank loans, responsibilities connected with a spouse, the duty to bring up and educate children until they come of age and can live on their own, or any other commitments in society and commitments connected with the people around you. All your debts to society and your duties related to selected individuals must be fulfilled completely if you seriously intend to advance along the spiritual path. Wise people try not to create debts even while living an ordinary life. On the contrary, they try to have others owe them because they understand the Law of Karma very well, perhaps even at a subconscious level. Those who owe you something will have to pay back the karmic debts to you somehow. If not in this life, it will happen in one of the future incarnations. The Law of Karma works flawlessly. Perhaps sometimes you are amazed by the people who get money, even though they do not put much visible effort into that. The secret is simple: In past lives they had the right attitude toward the energy of money. While other people, no matter how hard they try, cannot make the money they want. The reason lies in the fact that in the past they either did not pay their debts or stole other people’s money. There is one more aspect in regard to the spending of monetary energy. This has been known in all ages. When you spend money for a good cause, you will receive back exactly 10 times more than what you have spent. It is a great pity that you do not have access to the Akashic Records so that you could see how this Law works, because the return of the money does not always occur within one incarnation. I should also mention such a factor as disinterestedness when donating money. Donations are very similar to prayers. The more selflessly you donate the energy, the more gifts you will receive in the future. Remember, it is not you who earns the money in exchange for labor; it is God who grants you the money. Therefore, it is pointless to be involved in the process of making money. Similarly, it is pointless to be chasing riches and various material objects in your world. By chasing material objects and pleasures, you are trying to fill the lack of God in your soul. When God comes to live in your heart, you do not need anything more. You feel completely satisfied, and God takes care of you. I understand that these simple things that I am discussing in my talk today are very difficult for you to understand because the world has turned upside down. And simple truths cease to be comprehensible by your consciousness. I AM Padma Sambhava. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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