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![]() Accept the gift of this Message in your heartsGautama Buddha I AM Gautama Buddha. Today I have come to reconfirm in your consciousness the truths that I hope will be useful for you, both in your development and in your everyday lives. We have been giving our Messages for such a long time. Yet, I am surprised to see that very little is changing on the physical plane or in your consciousness. Do you know why it is so? It is because the illusion is strong. It is so strong that any knowledge and Teachings that we provide are defeated by the illusion of your world when they come in contact with it; and the illusion wins in your consciousness. You cannot secure the focus of Truth within you. You cannot find a point of support to rely on that would make you capable of acting in the illusion in accordance with the highest principles of existence. I rely on my experience of the incarnation as prince Siddhartha. Yes, I had devoted many years to finding the Truth. I had achieved enlightenment thanks to the mercy of God and thanks to the Highest Power of this Universe. I received the gift of vision and the gift of differentiating reality from illusion. I received the knowledge that allows anyone to follow my path and also achieve enlightenment. That happened more than 2,500 years ago. How many enlightened Buddhas do you see around you? Yes, I know that God has always sent His saints and servants to Earth. However, there have been very few of them. No more than several people per century. It was not always this way. There have been better times on Earth. Now, when my level of consciousness is that of an Ascended Master, I clearly see the moment when humanity began to fall down, guided by the dark aspects of its nature. And now, although it seems that the progress in all spheres of human life is obvious, it has not touched upon one area: the relationship between man and the Higher world. This area is still flooded with various unreasonable manifestations of human imagination. Many corrupt people made it their profession or hobby to control and manipulate seekers of truth by enticing them into their nets and, essentially, ruining their souls. However, without the establishment of order in this area, it is impossible for the cosmic laws to be properly manifested in all other areas. This is the main sphere of human activity — the Highest sphere. All other areas of human activity depend on it and conform to it. This is the Law, and it has always been this way. Therefore, the degree of your Faith, devotion, and the purity of your inner motives govern all aspects of your life. All mass media will be inundated with low-quality models and deliberate vulgarity until the times when the highest sphere of human activity is brought to order: the sphere of the relationship between man and God, between man and the Higher worlds. It seems to you that I am urging you to go to temples and churches and seek your salvation there. In reality, Faith is your inner quality and does not depend on the number of temples you have visited. It was at that time, during my most famous incarnation, that I understood that it is very difficult for people to cope with the illusion that surrounds them. Only very few people manage to do it by themselves in several hundred years. That is exactly what prompted me to share my experience with other people. I became well-known very quickly thanks to the mercy of Heaven, to my royal descent, and also to the fact that I lived in India — a country where it is customary to respect spiritual achievements. I directed my influence to sharing my experience with as many people as possible. I realized that many of them were not able to comprehend the truths that I was teaching. However, I saw their devotion and determination, and I understood that perhaps they would not achieve enlightenment in the current incarnation, but the experience that they would gain could not disappear. The experience would stay in their causal bodies, and when the cosmic opportunity allows, this experience can be manifested. I tell you this in the hope that my disciples among you will read this Message of mine. I am appealing to you, my disciples, first. Receive the gift of this Message in your hearts. Let your hearts accept this Message from me. Perhaps you will be able to remember that period of discipleship when I had the opportunity to personally instruct you. I did not like big crowds. When a large number of people are present, it is very difficult to reach their hearts. This is because their auras are influenced by those who are sitting nearby, and the Teaching is refracted through many auras. The result of such instruction is difficult to predict. I liked to provide instruction in such an imperceptible way that the disciple did not even understand that he or she was in the process of learning. I taught based on the examples of everyday activities. I always told the disciple how to direct the energy properly, so that not only the result of any activity would be perfectly manifested in the physical plain but also the experience of what a person does would stay with him in his Higher body forever. This mode of instruction is much more effective. And I achieved results that exceeded all expectations. The only condition was that the disciples perceive my instructions as the instructions of a Master who wants to help them and not as complaints or reproaches. How each person reacted to the same remark determined the effectiveness of instruction. If someone accepted my corrections with love and a willingness to follow them in the best possible way, then he grew and blossomed almost instantly. At the same time, there were those who acted as if they accepted my criticism in public, but secretly they thought that I was wrong and that they should not pay much attention to my words and corrections. After some time, such people became anxious and unbalanced, and they left my community. I did not interfere with them because it is impossible to teach a person anything if he or she does not want to learn. Today I told you an example from my life on Earth. That was just one example. You have to agree that the majority of you are suffering because you cannot follow the teaching that life is giving you. Each of you has life as your teacher. Depending on how you treat all the problems and situations that arise in your life, you can either move forward on the path of evolution or fall far behind. Many problems within you could be solved if you followed the advice that you would receive from a true Master on the physical plane. I truly hope that the golden age will come when the incarnations of the Lords of Shambhala will be available. Then they will be able to come and give you their Teaching directly. In the meantime, we are using the institution of Messengers so that you can simply maintain orienting points in your lives. For many people, these Messages are like the arrow of a compass that can help them navigate through life. This too is very important work. Many souls are able to obtain life guidance this way. I was with you on this day. I AM Gautama Buddha. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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