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![]() A BlessingThe Presence of the One I AM The Presence of the One. I AM giving My blessing to you today. I use this opportunity to send My ray of Love with an intensity that can be perceived by this Messenger. Oh, a human body is able to perceive only a millionth part of My true Presence. I cannot manifest Myself completely. Your world cannot bear My vibrations. Therefore, I am imparting just a small fraction of My Presence, deflecting My ray of Love through the chakras of the Messenger. And you, who heed this Message, will also be able to perceive a part of My blessing to the world. I AM very happy that there is an opportunity for a contact between your world and My world. Oh, you cannot even imagine what a significant event this is! I AM can be present in your world. This means that your world receives a great opportunity for further development. If the circumstances had not formed and if I were unable to be present in the chakras of the Messenger, everything would have started developing in a different way. In your world you are used to being guided by your understanding about everything. What is happening in your world is significant for you, and when you cannot feel or touch something, it is only your faith that can make you perceive something. It is not so in our world. For Me, the fact of My Message today is very significant and opens a truly new opportunity for the humankind of Earth, because I determine your future and everything depends on Me. Therefore, for those who are unable to accommodate the fact of My Presence in your world today, let everything remain as before. You have nothing to worry about; everything is going to happen by itself in My Presence. Many people dream about having no worries and that everything happens by itself, and they are asleep. However, there is a difference between My understanding and your understanding of what should happen. Ultimately, everything will develop in the way that I have outlined, but it is unlikely to please the majority of human individuals. Therefore, do not waste your time. Rebuild your consciousness. Put Divine principles and Divine models, first in your own mind, and then spread these models in your world. Thus, every person who will be able to touch the Divine models through the mastery of your creation will be released from the magic of the illusion. And one after another, you will start waking up to Eternal Life. I have said so. You can read about this in the books of ancient wise men who were able to tune into My ray and to talk to Me when I was in the form of a burning, yet unburnt, bush. A millionth part of My Presence in your world is enough for everything to start changing. Now that I have given the main Message, I want to summarize what I have shared with you today. Do not be afraid of what is going to happen, because the pure hearts and the purified consciousness can be afraid of nothing. You have already earned your right to enter into Eternal Life. Those who have chosen the illusory world with their own free will stay in this world for a certain time until this world ceases to exist. The whole mechanism for determining the way forward is present within you, in your hearts. It is impossible to be attached to the physical world and enter the Divine Kingdom with any attachment — and I mean any attachment — even the slightest one. I invite everyone to the feast. Everyone can enter. But will all succeed? The doors of the Divine opportunity are wide open, wider than ever before. Drop your nets; come with Me. I will make you fishers of human souls. And we can succeed in catching many souls from the sea of illusion before the time that is coming. I have said enough for those who understand. For those who simply read or listen but do not understand, I have said everything that is necessary. I AM the Presence of the One. OM. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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