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![]() A Teaching on the qualities of a discipleLord Lanto I AM Lanto, having come to you today. As always, I have come in order to talk to you. I hope that you will undoubtedly receive benefits from today’s talk. I have also come in order to assure you that your success and your advancement on the Path are directly connected to your aspiration and constancy. The next quality that is needed is faithfulness. So: aspiration, constancy, and faithfulness are the qualities that you need on the Path. There are a few more qualities that you cannot go without. The most important among them is Love because when you are able to feel Love, you become sensitive to our vibrations. When Love overwhelms your hearts, the Divine Wisdom enters your hearts along with Love, which is the quality that you can acquire if you diligently listen to our words and follow our recommendations day by day. I would like to say a few words about Faith. When your hearts are full of devotion and faith, your essence is filled with such mighty power that is not afraid of any storms or hurricanes of your world. So before you decide to follow us, the Ascended Masters, and to follow our Teaching and our recommendations, check whether your aspiration is strong and you have the other important qualities needed on the Path, which I just listed. If you have doubts and you constantly search around for something better and more perfect, then you won’t be able to adopt the Truth that is present in our Teaching, and the nectar of the Divine Grace that we give with every Message will be spilled on the ground near you but it will not bless your hearts. Therefore, before you make an unwavering decision to follow the Path that is taught by the Ascended Masters, test yourself to determine whether your aspiration is strong and it is not over before you finish reading this Message. If you cannot say for sure that you are ready to follow our Teaching, at least until the end of your current incarnation, then it is not necessary to waste time reading our Messages because you will be busy with a completely useless and senseless activity like trying to water your garden with a sieve. No crumbs of the Divine Truth can lighten your mind and give you the incentive to move further if you do not appreciate what is given and you consider the miracle of our Messages as entertainment. More and more, your world tends to make you constantly busy searching for more amusements and trinkets. You have been so deeply stuck in that process that you do not even notice the lifeline of the Divine opportunity that is right under your nose. I wouldn’t be so categorical and severe if many people who rushed along the Path did not slip down the abyss and disappear into non-existence in front of my eyes. You forget that you are in a dual, insubstantial world. That is why you always have to be alert. That is why it is right to compare you with warriors who are in the world. The qualities of a warrior are the qualities that you have to acquire. A warrior does not whimper and does not complain about his fate. He does his soldier's duty and understands that if he needs to give his life as a sacrifice for Common Good, then he will certainly do it. But much more is needed at your time. You are required to give not just a one-time act donating your life as a sacrifice for Common Good. You have to turn your whole life into an act of unselfish service and self-sacrifice. That task is in the power of very strong spirits. Great yogis of the past are incarnated among you. Many great individuals have incarnated at this difficult time. If you think that they hold high positions or they are very famous in your world, you are wrong. Most likely, none of you have even heard about those great incarnations because they can only fulfill their missions without attracting people’s looks and thoughts, which can interfere with the implementation of their missions of Light. That does not concern our Messenger because the post of the Messenger obliges her to be in the frontline of the battle. That is why not everyone takes on the burden of the Messenger of the Masters of Wisdom, and not everyone can bear the load of energy that lies on their shoulders. That is why we are waiting until the true attitude toward our Messengers, based on service and on rendering all possible help, will be established in your world. We judge the level of your spiritual achievement by the way you treat our Messengers. Every person who gets in touch with our Messenger also gets in touch with us automatically. For those individuals we prepare the gear-shaping tests that allow us to determine their degree of faithfulness and devotion. These tests instantly separate those who look for something for themselves and thus, are not ready for the level of service that is needed now. That is why, before you establish any relations with our Messenger, I advise that you weigh many times whether you are ready and can stand the tests that will inevitably come like a bolt from the blue as soon as you approach our Messenger even in your thoughts. Have I frightened you? I consider it expedient that you have been warned in advance about the things that can come like a bolt from the blue, rather than keeping you in ignorance and then having you blame our Messenger for everything that happens to you. There is nothing worse than that for you because the karma with our Messenger equals the karma with God. You know that this is the most difficult kind of karma that exists in your world now. I was happy to give you this small Teaching. And I expect that you will accept this Teaching with gratitude from your hearts. I AM Lanto. Om. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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