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![]() We come to support the momentum of your aspiration and verify the reference points that help you move aheadBeloved Lanello in the presence of the Great Divine Director I AM Lanello, who has come to you on this day. For your information, I have not come alone today. My friend and Teacher, the Great Divine Director, is here with me today. We have come together to strengthen what we are giving and to double the power of our presence. This does not mean that you should simply and casually accept what you are going to hear. This means that you should perceive the given Message as if you hear a revelation. We come to you so that you can synchronize your aspirations and your thoughts with our aspirations and our thoughts. It is not a secret that the end of the year is approaching, and this is the time to sum up and to make plans for the future. Who, if not the Great Divine Director, would advise you in which direction it is worthwhile going? Therefore, today you should concentrate all the efforts not only of your mental body but also on all of your bodies, to bring all your bodies in consonance. After you do that, we are ready to begin. So, as always, you have to understand that in order to perceive our Teaching and our instructions, you have to have a mechanism within you that will allow you to tune to our vibrations. This mechanism is built into you, and it has always been there with you. This mechanism is the tuning fork of your soul. However, over the period of time of your incarnation, for many of you this mechanism has either stopped sounding or has changed its tonality. Therefore, you have to cleanse your mechanism of tuning to perceive the finer worlds. It will be a secret for none of you if we tell you that to gain consonance with the Higher worlds, you need unconditional Faith and humility before the Higher Law that exists in this universe. Then, when you tune to our vibrations, you acquire a large conductivity of your bodies. And everything unnecessary that is settled in your four lower bodies gradually starts coming off like layers of dirt and dust. When you first start following the Path, a large separation of the layers of dirt that have been accumulated throughout the centuries takes place, and you lose the landmarks and the direction of your movement, and sometimes things that are so unusual to you start happening to you. However, very natural processes take place. You used to vibrate at certain frequencies and kept consonance with your physical world and with everything that surrounded you. Now you start to vibrate at higher frequencies, and everything within you that hinders the elevation of your vibrations starts separating from you. When you start moving very quickly, excessive luggage starts to bother you. The same thing happens when you start moving faster on the Path. Even such a harmless action like reading our Messages causes many of you to have such an energy storm that sometimes it is necessary for you to stop in order to regain your balance, to realize what is happening, and with new strength to commence moving further. Your stops on your Path will be shorter and shorter, and in the course of time you will gain full speed, and you will be able to involve other individuals in your movement who are not able to tune in with us on their own. In this way, the development of the whole humankind will start accelerating. We would not want our Messages to have undesirable effects on you. This is possible in the case when your vibrations differ substantially from the level of vibrations that are dominant for our Messenger. This does not mean that you should give up and stop searching for God and stop walking on your spiritual Path. This only means that you need a short break because you have been moving too fast and are now out of breath. If you are short of breath when walking fast, this does not mean that you should not walk at all. It only means that your load should be measured. Any doctor will tell you this. And we, along with the doctors, prescribe a slower pace for you. Note that the essence is not the pace that you move at, but in your constancy and following the same landmarks. Do agree that if you run very fast but every day you run in different directions, then you will hardly reach the aim of your movement. Conversely, if you move slowly but steadily in the same direction, then sooner or later you will reach your destination. Therefore, make haste slowly. Each of you will have your own pace and rhythm of movement. The worst is if you stop any movement or if you start moving backwards like a crawfish. No! We come to support the momentum of your aspiration and to verify the reference points that guide your movement. You should not neglect our advice. Now we proceed to the most important thing in our Message for which we have come. You are aware that this year is about to end. As always during this time, the Karmic Board is in session. That is why today and until the end of the year you have an opportunity to appeal to the Karmic Board[1] with your letters. This is a very important dispensation that can substantially help you. The members of the Karmic Board do not always have an opportunity to interfere in your destiny. However, if you yourselves appeal to the Karmic Board with your letters, your requests will, by all means, be considered, and all the necessary measures will be taken to either change or mitigate the circumstances. Everything depends on your aspirations and the energy that you are able to give within the next six months for your requests to be satisfied. As always, you have the opportunity to resolve the most vexing karmic problems with the help of the Divine Mercy. Now the time has come to part. Therefore, before I finish, I am asking you not to forget our instructions and to consider every Message of ours as a Divine revelation, not as your next entertainment of the day. I AM Lanello, and in the presence of the Great Divine Director I was with you on this day. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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