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![]() I have come to inform you about the end of another stage of our work and about the beginning of the next oneBeloved El Morya I AM El Morya, having come to you this day. I have come to announce to you one more victory of the Light! I have come to inform you that the winter cycle of Dictations that we have been giving through our Messenger has come to an end. We have managed to release an incredibly large amount of Light during this cycle. The whole land of our Messenger’s Ashram is literary pierced with Light. The influence of the place where we have established our focus of Light spreads for hundreds of kilometers around and even reaches the borders of the neighboring regions and Kazakhstan. It has come to pass! I am glad! I have come to orient you toward the fulfillment of the current tasks of the Brotherhood so that you do not relax and do not to stop with what you have achieved. We have accomplished much; however, it is only the very beginning of our path. We intend to consolidate our presence in the land of Russia and to continue our work on the physical plane through our Messenger. We are going to make no stops and take no rest on our way, even if not everything works out well for now. Everyone who wishes to provide his or her aid and assistance to us is welcome! I am ready to personally consider all your concrete suggestions and to discuss the plan of actions with you. We will inform you in the immediate future of what is being planned. Now, I would like to orient you toward the fact that in the nearest time you will have to work seriously for the Brotherhood. I surely realize that not all of you are ready. However, I know the level of your development, and I know that there are those among you who are completely ready to take on additional commitments. I do not demand from you that you leave everything and rush headlong to serve me. A balanced and systematic approach is necessary. There is no need to show heroism where it is possible to work deliberately and achieve much greater results. Then when the time limit approaches, it will be required of you to exert all your strength and apply all your abilities. Therefore, you always have to be in a state of readiness for the fulfillment of the tasks we set. Laziness, particularly with so many of you, must be defeated. I know that it is one of the qualities of Russians. Thus, I especially point out that those who are with me need to abandon this quality, overcome it, and vanquish it to the end. Such qualities of yours as indecision, hesitation, and inconsistency are also subject to extermination. All of this must be set aside. Great things are coming! Be on the lookout to prevent the moment from passing so that later, after your incarnation, you are not ashamed of your inaction, laziness, and unresponsiveness to our call. We call upon you for the Great Service! The most difficult thing that we encounter is the lack of people who are able to take on the responsibility for executing our plans in the physical octave. Many reasons and excuses are found for doing nothing and changing nothing in your lives. You will not be able to continue with your previous way of living. The winds of change will sweep away all the tricks of your carnal mind and all the habitual activities of your conventional behavior. When the mountain summit is ahead of you, there is no time to lie down and slow to a halt. It is time to stand up and to set out on the Path! I call you to the fulfillment of the great plans of the Brotherhood for your world! To those of you who have regained your spirit now by reading these words of mine, I very much hope that this impulse of your soul will be with you to the end of your current incarnation. I hope that you will not go out as a candle in the wind but will burn as a torch and illuminate the way for many, because many light-bearers have gotten lost in the illusion and they are looking for their fellow light-bearers and seeking a way out of the labyrinth of illusion. I have come to inform you about the end of another stage of our work and about the beginning of the next one: the stage of concrete actions on the physical plane that we cannot perform without your direct participation and without your considerable help. I very much trust in you and I am always with you on the Path. I AM El Morya. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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