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![]() A Teaching on discernmentGautama Buddha I AM Gautama Buddha, having come to you this day. The purpose of my coming today is to give a small Teaching. As usual, you alone will decide how to use what you will have received from the spiritual world. The choice is always yours; however, the time for you to make that choice is limited. In other words, you can experiment in the matter and take steps in any direction but only until the cosmic opportunity is over. Now I will go on to what I have come for. So, all of you sooner or later will begin to ask yourselves a question about the meaning of your existence. And when your experiments in the material world are not interesting for you anymore, you will aspire to be out of the scope of things already familiar to you and begin your experiments in the world of the unknown. There are a lot of opportunities for experimentation in your physical world, but many of you begin your experiments with the fine world. And this world reveals itself before you to one degree or another when you get interested in it. However, it is here that many dangers wait for you on your path. The fact is that everything is subjected to compliance with the Law in the fine world, just as in the physical one. So when you aspire to have contact with the fine world but do not have a pure motive, you will most likely come into contact with those representatives of the fine world, and specifically of the astral plane, that do not want to obey certain Laws existing in this universe. The astral plane does not particularly differ from your physical plane in vibrations, and the dense layers of it are inhabited by the beings that do not want to conform to the Divine Law and do not wish to follow the way of evolutionary development. Therefore, you do not advance too much in your spiritual progress by getting in contact with these kinds of beings, but on the contrary, you may come under the influence of the life forms that would exploit your lifestream. The majority of mentally sick people are possessed by such beings. It seems for some of them that they come into contact with the Ascended Masters, and they can even receive messages and see Ascended Masters in their visions. However, these will only be contacts with the dwellers and beings of the astral plane. To avoid such failures you should seriously reflect on the reason why you need contact with the fine world. If there is a desire in you to receive messages and communicate with somebody in the fine world, you are doomed to make a contact with the creatures that wish to have contact with somebody incarnated on Earth. For that reason we have been repeatedly giving a Teaching about being cautious when you make contact with the fine world. Your thoughts and intentions have to be completely pure, and you have to reach a certain purity of your four lower bodies. You have to greatly desire only one thing: to Serve humankind, all living beings. When your motive is pure and your desires are cleansed, you will sooner or later get in contact with the Ascended Hosts. But let it happen as late as possible because you need contact with your inner Teacher, with your Higher Self, before you turn to somebody who is outside of you. So before, during the time of my incarnation on Earth, nobody risked making contact with the fine world without an incarnated Teacher nearby. Many aspiring people were wandering around the world in search of a Teacher who would take on their training. And the aspiring ones were ready to do the most difficult work and to serve the Teacher for years in the hope that the moment would come, and the Teacher would pay attention to them and give them the precious Teaching. Now it is much more difficult for you because the whole informational field is full of different teachings, sects, and groups that teach something and lead their followers somewhere. Therefore, double and triple caution is required from you in your time. You should weigh everything very thoroughly before you set your vessel, your consciousness, upon the stream to receive knowledge and energies that are given in your world by people who are not very clean. Only after this consideration should you carefully make a decision and try to understand the meaning of the words that are presented to you. Under the plausible pretext that time has changed, you are told on every corner that the Teaching, which was being given by the Ascended Masters, has become outdated and that Guru-chela relationships and the Path of Initiations are irrelevant now. And you are offered questionable teachings in good-looking, modern packaging as a substitute or a counterfeit of the Teaching that we have been giving to humankind for tens and hundreds of thousands of years. Well, you have an opportunity to choose and every one of you in the end gets what he or she aspires to. Our part is to continue giving the Teaching for those who wish to follow the evolutionary path of development that was initially planned for humankind of planet Earth. We adjust our course to the Great Central Sun. We cannot make any serious decision without the approval of the Great Central Sun, under which our Hierarchy serves. Who does the being that gives messages through you or your acquaintances serve? Think about this before hurrying to fill your consciousness by reading a mass of needless messages from the fine world. Guide yourselves by the Teaching about discernment that we give in our Messages. Look many times before you leap and cut off your connections with the Masters of the White Brotherhood and strive to receive messages from the beings who take our names or other completely unfamiliar names. I have visited you today to give you an important Teaching on discernment. I hope that for many people who read our Messages, this instruction of mine will be very timely and useful. As usual, it is pity for me to say goodbye. I AM Gautama Buddha. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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