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![]() A Teaching on the elevation of vibrationsBeloved Zarathustra I AM Zarathustra, who has come to you again. I have come on this day to give you instruction and a renewed understanding of those concepts of our Teaching that you may have forgotten. So, I have come to give you the Teaching that is as ancient as this world. I gave that Teaching during my incarnation on Earth. Now I am using the opportunity to give you the knowledge for your enlightened audience. I realize that currently my Message may be read by many souls. Among them there are those who are able to understand each word of mine, and there are those for whom my Message will be just another entertainment in their lives. They will go past my words as if it were yesterday’s poster advertising another entertainment event. This will be the end of their learning of the ancient Teaching. Well, we are patiently waiting until your learning abilities unfold and you become capable of differentiating the Truth from the lie, the reality from the illusion. You are now at the lowest point of materiality. That is why you are not able to comprehend many of the Truths, because the density of the surrounding world is too high. Your world is vibrating at the lowest frequency allowed in this Universe. In order for you to join the processes that are taking place in the Universe, you should slightly raise the frequency of your vibrations. I have to mention to you that if the frequency of vibrations of the surrounding world rises even insignificantly, your physical conduits may not bear such pressure. That is why many, if not all, religions speak about the purification of your physical conduit and more subtle conduits, which include your etheric, astral, and mental bodies. That is why you are constantly reminded that you have to observe fasting and maintain pure thoughts and feelings. As soon as Earth elevates the level of its vibrations slightly, it is unlikely that among those who are reading my Message now, there will be even several hundred people capable of withstanding these new vibrations of the planet. That is why I come to you and give you this Teaching about how to preserve your conduits during the change of Earth’s vibrations. First of all, you should care about your physical body. That body will suffer the most because the frequency of its vibrations is the lowest. That is why now you already need a lighter diet. You should avoid eating any meat products, poultry, and even fish. I am not even mentioning giving up alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and many other harmful substances that you stubbornly continue to consume despite all our persuasions and warnings. You should pay attention to the quality of everything that surrounds you — the air, the water, the food. The food that the majority of you consume is not suitable as food in the future. Your food must consist primarily of grains, juices, mineral spring water, and some natural products (such as honey, fruits, and vegetables). Avoid any chemically-processed food products, including preservatives. Do not consume products that have been commercially processed. In addition to being enriched with harmful and carcinogenic substances, these products have been enriched with a lot of negative energy while being stored in warehouses, production facilities, and especially on store shelves. If you follow our advice, soon the amount of food that you eat will be minimized, and you will be able to grow the necessary produce for yourself and your family on your agricultural plots of land away from big cities. The excessive amount of food that you eat is related to the fact that your energy centers, your chakras, are clogged. That is why you are not able to receive comprehensive energy nutrition through your chakras. In reality, the main energy component of your food should come to you from the Divine world through the chakra system. In order to maintain your physical bodies, you simply need a certain amount of minerals, proteins, vitamins, fats, and carbohydrates that are contained in adequate amounts in plant-based food grown in pollutant-free regions without the use of poisonous chemicals. You do not need to consume the amount of food that you are used to eating. Your bodies must be lightened to the maximum in order to vibrate at higher frequencies. Otherwise, you will be sick and unwell. You will eventually have to follow my advice, but a lot of time will pass, so I suggest that you start preparing now. The Teaching on the purification of your subtle bodies has been given to you in abundance in our earlier Messages, and I do not want to waste time on repeating what has already been covered. I especially recommend that you consult the Dictations of beloved Kuthumi[1] in which he vividly demonstrates to you how to give up your low-quality thoughts and feelings. After you learn how to regulate metabolic processes in your bodies at a new energy range, your bodies will acquire special refinement. Soon after that, the stage will come when you will no longer need physical bodies for your further evolution. It is the same way that we continue our evolution without physical bodies. I have to tell you that proper nutrition and proper lifestyle certainly play a significant role in your development, but of primary importance is the expansion of your consciousness, the ability to take in capacious things and go beyond the traditional frames and dogmas. We, the Ascended Masters, have always considered it to be a necessary condition that the one who is aspiring must devote all of his or her life to serving the evolution of Earth by stepping on the levels of our earthly Hierarchy at a certain stage of his or her development. This Teaching about the Path of Initiations has also been given by us numerous times, and I will not speak about it in detail now. As you see, ahead of you there is a considerable scope of work to do on yourselves, on your own consciousness, and on helping your close ones. Therefore, do not complain to us that you have nothing to do and you do not know what to do. You can simply reread this Dictation of mine and other Dictations of the Masters that we give through our Messenger. Make an assessment of the specific recommendations that the Masters give you to use in your lives. Take a pen and a piece of paper and rewrite all recommendations and tokens of advice. After that, put plus signs next to the items that you have completed or have begun to complete. I am sure that after this simple activity you will arrive at proper conclusions for yourselves. I came today to give you instructions. I AM Zarathustra. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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