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![]() I have come to destroy all dogmas in your consciousnessLord Shiva I AM Shiva! I have come! It has been a long time since we had an opportunity to speak through our Messenger. I am always at your service, but unfortunately, I am not honored much in your world. There are a few faithful acolytes and they live in my beloved India. Among Western humanity, it is rare indeed to find people who are devoted to me and are able to perceive my energy and my vibrations. My energies and vibrations are very hard for you to bear because I am continuous motion. I am fire, water, and air. I am in constant motion, in continuous dance. I have been distracted, but perhaps we should start today’s talk. I have given my state to you, and now you will be able to better perceive the information that I am going to give you. We are happy that we can continue the work through our Messenger in Russia. I have always said that this country has an enormous and still undisclosed spiritual potential. Russia represents a bride given in marriage. Different spiritual teachings try to settle there, but the Teaching that has to come to Russia and should stay there has only now started taking root. The seed is still in the soil, and there are no sprouts. However, the main process has started. The seed has been sown; the soil is fertilized and watered. Now we can only wait for the sprouts of new consciousness in the Russian people. We have carried out the enormous preparation work. We have destroyed the dogmas of old religions and saved Russia from the domination of different, doubtful, spiritual bridegrooms. Russia, with all of its unpredictability, possesses innate scrupulousness and cleanliness. That is why we look forward to and carefully track all the processes that are going on in this country. The new consciousness, the new spiritual Teaching, comes quietly and sensibly. It has already started revealing itself. There won’t be a famous person or an organization. The new spiritual Teaching will come through the hearts of people who live in this great country. Beware of thinking that it is not the right time or that nothing is happening. All the main preparatory work processes are over on both the Higher and on the physical planes. Hundreds and thousands of people have been prepared by us to adopt the new consciousness, the new thinking, the new Teaching in their hearts. Cups are ready. We are seeking to fill every cup that is ready with as much energy as it can hold. As soon as we fill the cups of these few, many other people will be able to touch our Teaching and have our Light, directly seeing us and communicating with us, the Ascended Masters. We will be able to come closely to those places in Russia that are still free, clean, and are not inhabited. Russia is a rich country. We can make this country ten times and one hundred times richer as soon as our Teaching penetrates the consciousness of the critical proportion of the population of the country. The whole country will turn and stand motionless in the expectation of the miracle, and the miracle will happen because all people will know about it and will look for it. This miracle of spiritual renewal and spiritual growth will appear as quickly as bamboo shoots out of the ground. You know that bamboo lies dormant underground for a long time growing its roots. But as soon as the time comes, the plant leaps up significantly, growing several meters in a few days. That will happen to Russia. It’s still dormant, keeping its virgin consciousness until the seed has sprouted up, the seed we sowed with the help of this Messenger and many others. The only faith and the only Teaching that has ever existed on Earth is the Teaching that we, the Ascended Masters, have been giving to you. It had different names and trends, and the sense of our Teaching was distorted but we always gave the same Teaching. The time has come, and all of you have to rise above religious dogmas and limits that you have believed in for ages. You have to raise your consciousness so high that all the limits and barriers disappear from your consciousness. You have to ascend to the stage from which you can see the oneness of all the people of the planet and all the religions existing in the world. The limitation of your consciousness constrains you. I have come to destroy all dogmas in your consciousness and everything that prevents you from seeing the Face of God, not the face painted on the walls of the temples, but in the starry sky and clouds. I have come and destroyed everything I can destroy in your consciousness without breaking the rhythm of your lives. There is much energy, and you cannot bear any more. I have been with you today! I AM Shiva! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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