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![]() You should learn to evaluate your deeds and thoughts on your own and get rid of all those vain and human things that impede your advancement on the PathBeloved Zarathustra I AM Zarathustra. I have come to you through this Messenger. The length of time that separates us from our previous meeting is not that significant.[1] However, the distance that you have overcome in your consciousness, those of you who regularly read the Dictations given by us through this Messenger, is so significant that it can only be compared to a flash of a supernova, the star of reason and Divine consciousness, which has illuminated your minds and hearts since our last meeting. I am observing your state of consciousness. I have such an opportunity. And I see you, those who have risen to the new level of consciousness with the help of reading these Dictations, exactly as flashes of new stars in the darkness that continues to cloak Earth. Each of you illuminates a small space around you, shining for those people who you meet in your everyday life. However, the larger the number of the big and small stars that flash on Earth, the more luminous and joyful the overall atmosphere reigning on the planet will be. In the everyday hassle, you don't notice the changes that occur in your consciousness. Therefore, trust me. If we manage to maintain the same growth rates of your consciousness in the nearest future, you will feel the favorable shifts on the planet even in the lifetime of the current generation. Not the shifts driven toward technological progress, which the planet has been following all that time, but the shifts driven toward spiritual progress, the development of the soul. As you acquire more and more consonance with the Higher Worlds, the penetration of those worlds into your world will be more and more tangible. That is what we are trying to achieve, and that is why we call upon you. When you are constantly submerged into the atmosphere of faithlessness, where negative energies and qualities predominate, it is hard for you to feel our vibrations, and it is difficult for you to feel the connection with the Divine world. However, more and more of you, even being in big cities, are capable of raising your consciousness so much that they get an opportunity to touch the subtle worlds, even if for a short period of time. And the larger the number of you who are able to raise your consciousness and travel to the subtle worlds, the quicker the rate of changes on the planet toward the Divine Path of development. You are at the lowest point of materiality at this time. And that is why the impact of the dark energies on you is so great that you are literally wrapped in those energies. They have swaddled you, and you cannot get obtain enough freedom to move in space and time. And it is difficult for you to imagine in your human consciousness those opportunities and prospects that can open at any moment if only you demonstrate qualities of aspiration and faith. Therefore, no matter what state your souls are in and how burdened you are with your current affairs and human problems you should always remember that it is all temporary. As soon as you manage to take the first, though uncertain, step toward comprehension of the Divine reality and make a call for help, all of the Ascended Hosts and angels will rush in to help you. Do not be bewildered by the fact that help won’t be given immediately. We need time to create external circumstances and clear the karmic blockage. But as a rule, what you ask us for in your prayers and letters manifests to some extent. You only have to make small daily efforts. Your prayers are sometimes not important on their own because you do not yet have that momentum of reading prayers, which is necessary in order to bring the real impact. But your daily efforts will certainly be rewarded, because we appreciate and understand how hard sometimes it is for you to spare at least a few minutes to pray. For it seems that everything around opposes you as soon as you seriously start fulfilling the obligations that you have assumed in your letters to the Karmic Board, or you have just demonstrated the aspiration of your heart and decided to selflessly dedicate some time to the sacred work. Do not be afraid of any obstacles that get in your way in your world because obstacles indicate only that it is necessary to overcome them. If you overcome obstacles every day, and every day fulfill the assumed obligations, then the momentum of aspiration that you accrue during all that time will help you in your prayers later on. For your prayers will gain more and more power with time. You pray not even with words; you pray with your hearts, with the impulse of your hearts. And we always see you when you perform your prayer sincerely. At that moment you sparkle like a huge flash of light; and that flash serves as a sign for us and for angels; and we rush in to help you. You know that the prayers that you say sincerely and selflessly in your heart work best. Therefore, when Jesus said that you have to find a place to get alone and close the door in the room where you perform your prayers, that is completely correct advice.[2] That is because any public prayer bears a seal of hypocrisy. And many of those who visit churches or houses of prayer every day do that more because of their sanctimony and hypocrisy than from the point of true faith and devotion. You should be able to recognize that state within you. Do not be insincere and hypocritical with yourself. There is no other judge in your world besides yourself. And you have to learn to evaluate your deeds and thoughts on your own, and get rid of all those vain and human things that impede your advancement on the Path. On a large scale, you do not need any outer leader because your main judge always resides within you. That is your Higher Self, your conscience, your Christ Self. It will be useful for you to analyze all the deeds you have performed during the day. Make it a rule to spare just a few minutes before your sleep to analyze the day that has passed and the deeds you have performed during that day. Do not judge yourself strictly for the mistakes you have made. And do not allow your carnal mind to involve you again and again in those improper situations that you have gotten into during the day. Just give your evaluation to the situation and make a firm decision in your heart never to get involved in that negative state or improper action anymore. Ask your Higher Self for help so that it gives you a hint about that moment when you are at the threshold of a similar situation next time and helps you make the right choice. Never allow yourself to be focused on any negative events of the day longer than a minute. It is enough for you just to give evaluation to an event. When you think and analyze a negative situation for too long, you are feeding it with your energy. And in the end you create a cluster of negative energy, which will wander in space and be attracted to those people whose vibrations coincide with the vibrations of that cluster of negative energy. Thus, you will be literally creating causes for your future problems and situations. Your consciousness should maintain the purity that is inherent to small children. Detach yourself from any poor negative states. Imagine that you take a knife and cut off of you these thoughts and obsessive states you cannot get rid of. Try to replace those negative states with positive images and feelings. Contemplate with your inner view beautiful flowers, sights of nature; listen to calm quiet music. It will be very useful to submerge into contemplation of stars and galaxy pictures before going to sleep. Listen and try to hear the voice of silence that comes to you from the depths of Cosmos and space. I have given you food for reflection. And I am leaving you today in hope that you will follow my advice and remember it when it becomes necessary. I AM Zarathustra, and I am standing in the flame of Divine harmony. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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