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![]() You have come to this world to learn a lesson of distinctionLord Shiva I AM Shiva, and I have come to you again through my Messenger. For the topic of our conversation today, I would like to use a well-known parable about a horse: You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. Our conversations sometimes resemble this parable. We lead you to the river of the Divine energy and give you a chance to obtain priceless knowledge, the wisdom of ages that is contained in our Messages. However, you and only you can make a decision and start drinking. Nobody can do it for you. And exactly the same way, our Messenger cannot force anyone to take the nectar of the Divine energy contained in our Messages. Wise people do not hurry to touch the information that comes from an unfamiliar source. And this is right. If you absorb everything indiscriminately, you may get indigestion in your brain. You should very efficiently select that information, which deserves your attention, in the reality surrounding you and separate it from the garbage that is located on the shelves of your stores and in the Internet in excess supply. Not a long time ago, each book that we gave through our Messengers represented a wonder and was perceived as something incomprehensible and confusing. But now the time has changed and a lot of such confusing information and literature has spread around. The problem is not in obtaining new information anymore; the problem is in protecting yourself against the flow of information that, with all its seeming novelty, presents poison in a beautiful package. But, unlike the poison that you buy to get rid of pests, which clearly states on the packaging that it is a poison, it is not written on the covers of your books that they represent any kind of threat to your consciousness. Therefore, we are changing our tactics. And from this moment our task is not to simply give you the information but to give you the knowledge on how to distinguish between the genuine information and the false one in the sea of information around you. You know that there are no distinct criteria. And always, when it comes to distinction we suggest that you enter your heart and entrust your Higher Self with making a choice and evaluation. Your Higher Self always knows the Truth. However, the thought of the necessity to appeal to your Higher Self doesn't always come to your mind. Not to mention the fact that the purity of your lower bodies can be insufficient in order to feel and distinguish the voice of your Higher Self. That is why it will be appropriate to present external criteria on the basis of which you will be able to make a distinction in the flow of information surrounding you. First, pay attention not to the quality of the binding or the cover of a book but primarily pay attention to the quality of the presentation of the material. And if the information is not given at the level understandable to you, then stop reading. The fact of the matter is that there are many levels of presentation of information. And what is accessible to the consciousness of one cannot be accessible to the consciousness of another. There is not always the truth behind a complex text. However, if you have achieved a high degree of initiations, then you will always find on the shelves of the shops those keys that will allow you to recognize the Truth in the most intricate text. We have intentionally resorted to making our Messages complex before. In that case we tried to scare away from us those who attempt to use our information for their selfish purposes. Now we are not inclined to complication. It is always possible to make the given information more complicated, but the essence of the given information is very simple, and as a rule, it is understandable even to a child. Therefore, no matter how long you would wander through the wilds of the so-called esoteric literature, we advise you to look up over the essence of what is given and answer a simple question on how the things that you read help you in your real life. Does that information that you receive help you free yourself from the unreal part of yourself and strive for the eternal, everlasting reality? What does the information that you read give for the development of your soul? How does this information help you in your life? You can obtain pieces of advice concerning many very skillful practices but these practices lead you either to the multiplication of the illusion surrounding you or lead you away from your predestination and create the illusion that you are a very significant being on the cosmic scale. In both cases you lose the point of support in your consciousness. You either go deeper into matter or soar in sky-high heights. As a result, the common thing is that you only generate illusion and create this illusion either on the physical plane or on the astral plane. Your task is to constantly maintain the real viewpoint on your position in this world. And your real position is to stand with your feet firmly on Earth and at the same time to remember your cosmic origin and aspire to God. The aspiration to God should not be confused with the desire to occupy a high position in the cosmic hierarchy. Yes, it is possible that within many of you there are Higher Cosmic Beings who have come to Earth and are using every opportunity to help the civilizations of Earth. However, you should never forget that your soul is going through Earth’s evolution. And that evolution is very gradual. Therefore, you cannot become a Great Cosmic Being at once during one lifetime. You can offer a Higher Cosmic Being to act through you, but it is more often that you give an opportunity to an astral plane being to act through you. What is the criterion? How can one understand and make a distinction? You know that in order for the Higher Cosmic Beings to act through you, you must say goodbye to the most part of your ego and undertake devoted service to the Cosmic Hierarchy. In order to give yourself away as a slave to a being of the astral plane, none of your achievements are required at all, except for the desire of your ego to exalt itself. Having read various kinds of superficial literature, many people consider themselves great beings who occupy a high position in the cosmic Hierarchy. These people have been playing their games for so long that they are already incapable of making a distinction. Moreover, they do not even worry about making any distinction because they are confident in their exclusiveness and greatness. However, after several minutes of a conversation, it already becomes clear to people around whom they are dealing with. Therefore, we are asking you to develop the gift of distinction within yourselves. That is why we are telling you first and foremost to get rid of your ego. For your ego obstructs your distinction, your vision, and your service. We feel sorry for those individuals who have gone along the path of self-exaltation. However, it is their choice. And they have made the choice they wanted to make. Your world of illusion is different due to the fact that everyone gets what they strive for. And if you want to become a Higher Cosmic Being, you will definitely become one. And you will receive all the signs from the subtle plane that you are in fact this Higher Cosmic Being. The whole problem is that your motive was wrong from the very beginning. You desired to become a powerful being. The true motive would be to become the most humble being, the servant to all living beings, living on Earth. The true motive would be to liberate yourself from the ego and help all living beings. Therefore, it is not even necessary for you to turn to other people for the confirmation of your, as you think, cosmic achievements. You simply need to answer the question what your motive was when you started studying esoteric literature. Did you desire to get something for yourself, or did you wish to give everything for serving life? The Divine science seems to be very simple at first sight but many go so deep into labyrinths of false concepts and knowledge that it becomes problematic for them to receive our very help. Therefore, here is my advice to you: Before going deep into any teaching or following any practice or an external teacher, always analyze attentively the motive that drives you. For you will be attracted according to your vibrations and inner desires that are driving you to that group of people and to that teacher who will simply supply you with that which is necessary for you in order to achieve your goals. And never blame anyone outside of you that you have gotten into a cult or under someone's influence. For you and only you yourselves are responsible for everything that happens to you. You have come to this world in order to get a lesson of distinction between the Good and the Evil, the illusion and the reality. Learn your lessons by yourselves. And remember that we can help you only when you ask us for help. I AM Shiva, and I have come to give some very important instructions. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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