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![]() A Teaching on Karma descending at the end of the yearBeloved Kuthumi I AM Kuthumi. I have come to you through our Messenger. I have come to give you a Teaching on how you should regard the karma that descends upon you at the end of the year, what this karma is, and how you should treat its descending. You know that your four lower bodies contain energetic records about wrong, dishonest, and non-divine acts that you committed during your present or one of your past lives. These can be records of lasting negative conditions that you were experiencing in the past and have not been able to get rid of up to this day. You are aware of the karma that returns to you. You are aware of the karma that is activated within your aura in accordance with the Law of Cosmic Cycles and arises in front of you in the form of some situation, feeling, or poor state of your consciousness. This return of karma happens continuously and gradually during the year. But when the annual cycle is nearly over, you come up against a slightly different situation. It might happen that the karma, which has been returning to you during the year in accordance with the Cosmic Law, has not been worked off by you as much as required by the Law. Imagine that during this particular one-year cycle other people have also not been able to work off their karma by making right choices, praying, or committing good deeds. In this case, at the end of the year an accumulation of surplus karma takes place that looms over humanity and is ready to descend in the form of various states inherent to humankind: diseases, depression, hunger, or in the form of various cataclysms and natural disasters. In any case, at the end of the year, even with your inner sensation you can feel that you experience some increased heaviness. This is just the extra karmic burden that lies on humanity in the form of non-transmuted negative energy. That is why it is so important to maintain increased discipline of your consciousness at the end of the year. It is very helpful for you to consciously impose limitations upon yourselves (such as fasting, practicing silence, prayer vigils, or helping the poor and underprivileged) that you can bring as a sacrifice to the altar of Service. In this case, you create additional good karma that in the most extreme circumstances can be used for the purpose of balancing the situation on the planet. That is why we come to you during this new cycle of Dictations and remind you again and again about a probable cataclysm or a natural disaster. Not because we want to scare you and make you pray. No, we come to explain to you the current heavy situation on Earth and offer those of you who are ready to act as co-creators to God and to the Hierarchy of Light existing in the Universe. If your consciousness is not ready for such service, it is rather possible that you will perceive our requests as an unreasonable intimidation. However, let's reason upon this together. What is the alternative? How else to liquidate the excessive masses of negative energy accumulated on the planet? Do you think a miracle will happen and all the energy that you have not been able to work off in the given one-year period will just miraculously vanish? All such miracles, even if they did happen in the past, always required a great amount of additional energy. This energy was granted to your planet either from the cosmic reserves or from the causal bodies of the Ascended Masters. Now picture a company that shows a net loss from year to year. The owner of the company borrows funds from other companies — profitable ones — and covers the loss, and that can last for some period of time. But there comes a time when the owner realizes that the loss is not a random occurrence but is connected with the negligence of the employees of this company. So, a good owner can either make his employees work better or close the company. The measures being taken by the Ascended Hosts now are aimed at encouraging the best representatives of mankind to work better. You do not want to lose your workplace — your planet if using the above analogy — do you? Therefore, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the alternative the planet is facing at the present moment. You will either be able to take responsibility for the situation on the planet, or you will be deprived of the opportunity to continue the evolution on this planet because it will be recognized as a dead-end. Of course, all this won't happen right away. You will be given a chance to gradually realize your responsibility. In order to make our persuasions more convincing, you were warned earlier[1] that we would no longer restrain the karma that is being created by people living at particular locations. And this karma will almost immediately return in the form of one or another technogenic or natural disaster. The probability of such cataclysms increases by the end of the year. That is why you are strongly recommended to approach your spiritual practices, prayers, and meditations more consciously right at the end of the year. There are people whose consciousness is at such a low level that it is useless to speak to them about such things. But luckily for them, their extent of karmic responsibility is low in comparison with those individuals who realize all the complexity of the situation, but due to their inherent imperfections, laziness, and shortsightedness they do not take those actions that we ask them for. Depending on the level of consciousness reached by people, the Law of Karma operates in different ways. And what can be forgiven for some people is unforgivable for others. You should not care about the fact that somebody’s behavior is improper but still no karma descends upon them to teach them a lesson. Purely and simply, this person has either enough time for his evolution or a sufficient supply of good karma. Do not worry. The Karmic Law operates impeccably. And everyone will receive an opportunity to encounter the karma that they created in the past. Do not think about others, think about yourself. Think about how you personally can mitigate your karma, your family’s karma, and the karma of your country and planet. You may not have a clear understanding about all the details of how this universal Law operates, but you should have a general idea about it, and you should tell about it to those who are not yet familiar with the Law of Karma. The more people who know about this Universal Law, the greater is the probability that they will avoid committing improper deeds in their lives. When karma descends upon you, most commonly you are unable to observe the cause and effect relationship between the actions you committed and their consequences that descend upon you in the form of different misfortunes and illnesses. And you exclaim: Why, Lord?! instead of accepting with humility everything that God sends your way. Believe me, God is very merciful. The karma that descends upon you returns to you in the easiest possible way. If you had an opportunity to understand which of your actions burden you with this or that type of karmic responsibility, then you would thank God for allowing you to so mercifully work off what you deserve from what you yourselves committed in the past. There are several ways of working off your karma. The first way is not to create karma at all. The second way is to work off your karma by making right choices. The third way is to work off your karma by accepting with humility any situation that you get into. And, finally, you can mitigate your karmic burden by praying and true repentance. This is what we suggest you should do intensely during the time remaining until the end of this year. Now you have an opportunity to realize that everything that the Masters ask of you is justified and reasonable. None of us has an intention to scare you and make you do something. We speak to you as sensible people who are standing just slightly lower on the steps of the evolutionary ladder. I AM Kuthumi, and I was happy to share a seed of my knowledge with you. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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