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![]() Leave your holiday fuss. Start doing the real work on balancing the planetBeloved Maha Chohan I AM Maha Chohan, coming to you through our Messenger. I AM the one who you know as the Master who was working with many Messengers. That is why I came to you again through this Messenger in order to perform my part of work and give you the Message that I have to give you today. I was trying to understand what I should start with. First, I should greet those representatives of mankind of Earth, who read our Messages not out of curiosity but to take our Messages as an unquestionable guide for action. Reading our Messages just out of human curiosity without implementing our requirements and requests given in the Messages, is the manifestation of human imprudence in the highest degree. It is so strange to watch and see that people perceive the Masters’ appeals at the same level that they get information from purely human sources as if there is no difference whether ordinary people talk to them or those who have taken control of the planet at this hard time. This unwise attitude toward our Messages is typical for undeveloped human consciousness. A child in kindergarten also cannot distinguish the information that comes to him from different sources. He perceives a tale and everything that he really sees around him as events of the same kind. The same happens to you. But you perceive events of life surrounding you as real and the things we tell you about as a tale. You will grow up when you are able in your consciousness to distinguish the Divine reality from the fairytale illusion of your world. And moreover, your world resembles a scary fairytale. I have come on the eve of the change of the year cycle, which is celebrated at this time of the year in most countries of the world, in order to remind you once again of the responsibility that lies with you at this hardest time. I have to admit that events on the planet are not developing in the best way. And if you have forgotten about that horrible cataclysm that happened a year ago in the South of Asia and didn’t touch any other countries of the world, I have come to remind you of the possibility of just the same cataclysm. I don't want to scare you, but if you got used to listening to scary fairy tales, then listen to another one. Not only in Heaven is it determined whether the next cataclysm happens or not. Heavens can always hold back any cataclysm. But the energy that is spent on holding back that cataclysm should be justified and compensated. That is why we come and appeal to you again and again, and we remind you of your responsibility and your duties that you should perform while keeping the balance within you and thus maintaining the balance on the whole planet Earth. The decision on whether to allow the next cataclysm or not hasn’t been made yet. We are waiting for your reaction to our warnings and those efforts that you are ready to make in order to prevent the cataclysm. Understand that you cannot be irresponsible anymore. You can’t keep on pretending that nothing is happening on the planet, and even if something is happening, then you have nothing to do with it. Sooner or later you will have to come out of childhood and assume full responsibility for your native planet. I am coming to you not with a request but with a requirement. Leave alone your holiday hassle. Start doing real work on balancing the planet. If I were incarnated with you, during the time remaining until the end of this year, I would be directing all of my energies to praying for the balance on the planet and bringing to their senses those careless children who do not want to come out of the state of irresponsibility and irrationality. We have the right to expect that, in anticipation of the next human races to come, people of Earth should finally become mature and let go of those manifestations of their egos that become unsafe for further existence of life on Earth. You know that there were a lot of such periods in the past when the situation on the planet was critical; and every time, Cosmic Beings or the Masters came to help the planet and sacrificed their causal bodies and saved the planet. Now the situation has changed, and saving the planet must be accomplished with your efforts. The time has come to examine the maturity of those souls that are incarnated on the planet now. That is why I come, and I address you not simply with a request but with a requirement. You may not follow my recommendations and advice. However, I still hope that a sufficient number of incarnated souls will be found on Earth who will realize their responsibility for the planet and will fulfill their duty. No matter what spiritual practice you engage in and what religion you belong to, I am asking you until the end of the year to spend as much time as you can on exercising your praying practices. Read decrees, prayers, and Rosaries. Do it for as long as it doesn’t burden your family and performance of your current duties at work and at home. We cannot make you pray, but we cannot stop asking and begging you to do it using every opportunity. It is your turn to act. Take the trouble to tell about the worry that we pass on you to all those people who are ready to perceive this information and spend their personal time on implementing the balancing of Earth. Try to do your best, and I hope that we'll be able to meet with you at the beginning of next year and sum up the results of your efforts. I AM Maha Chohan, and I have been with you today at Heaven’s request. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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