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![]() A Talk about the Path of InitiationsLord Maitreya I AM Maitreya. I have come to you in order to give an important Message for mankind of Earth. I have come today with a specific purpose that has to be carried out exactly at this time when the change of the year cycle takes place. You know that when I came last time, you had an opportunity to get an idea about the Path of Initiations and about my School, which I invite all volunteers to; however, not all volunteers are able to study at that school and even more so graduate from it. The secret is very simple. People aspire toward initiations as something mysterious and unreachable. Studying at the School of Initiations for them is like attending a prestigious educational institution, a famous university, or an educational center on Earth, and getting an education that opens a path to a career. There is a fundamental difference between The School of Initiations and any prestigious educational institution of Earth. This difference is related to exactly losing any career in a standard earthly meaning. Moreover, not only do you lose a career, but you also lose everything that may be dear to you and that you still have purely human attachments to. Therefore, even at the early stages on the Path of Initiations, very few people interested in continuing their education stay, no matter how prestigious the education at my School of Mysteries may appear in the eyes of the uninitiated and profane in the field of esoteric knowledge. According to an old law unknown to a wide audience, initiations at schools for the initiated were held behind closed doors, and access to our Schools of Initiations was thoroughly guarded. And even those of our disciples, who had already gotten up on the Path and had received initial initiations, were not allowed into the most secret sacraments and mysteries. Why? Because the level of consciousness of the majority of the disciples is not able to perceive many things that occur behind closed doors and that a small number of people have access to. If you, with your unprepared consciousness, accidentally entered the room where initiations of the highest level were given, then you would most probably leave the School of Initiations that very minute and would never peek beyond its doorstep again. Moreover, you would tell everyone that the School is just a limb of the devil and that no one should even think about crossing its doorstep. Well, it is in our favor that failed disciples spread such ignorant rumors about us. For, indeed, when a person is getting liberated from his unreal part, this process is so painful and sometimes goes so dramatically that a feeling may arise that you are in a torture room. Indeed, when you meet your unreal part face to face you get a sensation that you have come across the devil himself. But this devil, contrary to a common belief, does not reside somewhere in the underworld but within you. Yes, beloved, both God and the devil exist within you. This is the innermost secret that was revealed to the initiates while they were going through their tests. During the preparation they had an opportunity to face their unreal carnal part, and then they had a full feeling that they had an encounter with the devil; and they had an opportunity to meet their Divine part, and then they felt their Divine eternal nature. After they realized the duality of their nature, they had to make their final choice and completely surrender themselves to their Divine part, to God residing within them and to God within their Teacher. This choice is so difficult because this choice is the fundamental choice that every incarnated person makes. Each of you intuitively supposes that the most important question you have to solve for yourself is the question of your choice between God and devil, between your real and your unreal parts. You know about this choice and therefore, you are afraid to make a mistake. There are many people who abuse your desire to serve and your aspiration to follow the Path of Initiations. And it is very easy to come under their influence, but it is much more difficult to break away from. All of that truly resembles staying at the real School of Initiations; only the choice that you make makes you serve not God within a man but a human ego. So do not hurry to get under the influence of any person, no matter how pure and gracious they may seem to you. Our task is to show you the most subtle facets of distinction. While you are moving further and further along your Path, you have to make a distinction at a more and more subtle level. If at the beginning of your Path everything was clear to you — you only had to follow the Ten Commandments that were given in the time of Moses, and your salvation seemed guaranteed to you — then, as you advance along the Path, the observance of these commandments itself becomes your test. If I tell you now about the most subtle facets and shades that are possible to get lost in even following the Ten Commandments of the Bible, you would not be able to comprehend. Therefore, the Divine science is very complicated, and studying that science must occur under the guidance of an experienced tutor. The first choice that you make is the choice of the tutor, the authority whom you will follow. Many of you are at such a low level of consciousness and perception of reality that what I am trying to tell you today will just go past your consciousness without leaving a slightest trace. However, there are people who will perceive everything that I have said as very important information, without which their further journey along the Path will be merely inconceivable. I am speaking for these few. And those of you who don’t understand what I am talking about will remember my words when your turn comes, and you will encounter those circumstances within you and outside that you will not be able to deal with. And you will remember these tips that I have given you during our conversation today, and you will return to them and reread them. And you will understand that nothing was said in vain. Everything said contains very important information for those who are able to perceive it. I am coming with my instruction at the turn of the year cycle because the time is coming right now when you can evaluate the results of the year without any hurry and realize what you should aspire to next year. The change of the year is a very important phase, and the stereotype of how most people celebrate the change of the year is one of the main stereotypes that you should overcome in your consciousness. For the change of the year cycle requires actions from you that are directly opposite to staying in a loud and drunken company. You can acquire much more for the development of your soul if you stay alone or with your family for the celebration of the New Year; and instead of deafening yourself with music and alcohol, you should try to calmly contemplate on the past year and make plans for the future. All of the great achievements started in silence, during a quiet calm talk at a family hearth. No sensible idea was born among a crowd at a loud celebration. I have been speaking with you today from the point of great love that I feel for those of you who have become my disciples, who have made that decision after my Dictation in which I invited you to my School of Mysteries,[1] and who haven't even for a day forgotten about me and their intention to get through studying under my guidance. I have been closely observing whether your aspiration is firm enough. Many of you forgot about your request to enter my school the next day. But there were those who still remember their intention. And with them I will continue my work. Half a year is a sufficient period for you to be able to feel the seriousness of your intention. And now we will move forward. Those who fell behind will be able to analyze their intention again at a more serious level and ask to be accepted to my School again. I AM Maitreya, with Love to you. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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