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![]() A Teaching on ServiceBeloved Djwal Kul I AM Djwal Kul. I AM come extremely rarely through this Messenger. But today I have come because it is necessary to give you a certain Teaching. So, I volunteered to offer this Teaching for your attention. In reality, there are very few people who have devoted their lives to true Service. And I have come to give you the understanding of the true Service — not the service that you consider to be right, but the Service that is truly right. Tell me, have you ever wondered about the notion of Service? What is Service? I think that you think more about the things of your world. Regretfully, Service is not a quality that is widespread in your world. And do you know why? It is because its very notion has been lost by your civilization. I have come to rekindle Service. As soon as you ponder deeply over this subject, you will be able to get an idea about Service from the Higher worlds. Your perception of the world continually makes you avoid thinking about more spiritual and eternal questions. However, the time has come when you should start thinking about the things that are not lying on the surface but are necessary for you if you want to continue your progress on the path of evolution. Thus, Service. I know that many people understand Service as the performance of some family duties that you carry out for your relatives and those who need your help. However, the concept of Service as it is meant by the Ascended Masters is much broader. In fact, the further evolutionary steps forward are impossible for humanity without Service. And next to the quality of Service there will also be a quality of unselfishness. It is because when you take upon yourself an obligation to perform some duties and wish to get something in return — any mortal thing of the physical world or a worthy place in the Divine world — this will not be true Service. In fact, Service is the state of your consciousness. It is following a certain order existing in this universe where every living creature serves other living creatures. And it is in this joint cooperation that development takes place. Service is impossible without cooperation, and a true partnership is impossible without Love. And now we have come to the alpha and omega of Service. True Service is possible only when it is based on the feeling of Love. Love— not in the same sense that you are used to thinking about it. You know about such manifestations of love like the love between a man and a woman, or love toward children or parents. However, there exists a greater Love as well — Love that is based neither on the attributes of kinship nor on gender. Love that is present within you as a state that no language can adequately describe no matter how much you try but which permeates the entire creation. And when you reach the state of Love in your consciousness, Divine Love, you become capable of the true Service that you are told about by the Ascended Hosts. Service to Life is like an inherent feeling of being on the alert. You are constantly ready to fulfill your duty. Service also includes such qualities as responsibility and consistency. All the true Divine qualities have their concentrated expression in Service. I must mention that the quality of humility in particular, is indispensable in Service. At times you serve people who are in very heavy states of consciousness, and you need all your humility and patience in order to render a person all the necessary help despite the outpouring of not the best qualities from this person. You should not be worried about the things you see in the physical plane. Caring for the soul, for the immortal part of an individual, should always be your primary concern. Sometimes you are faced with the need to help a person, but unfortunately, during his whole life this person used to bang against a glass wall like a butterfly and has lost his strength. Karma has blurred his eyes so greatly that he cannot see the window of the Divine opportunity that was near and wide open for him. The lives of the majority of suffering human individuals resemble the picture of this butterfly that cannot find a way out. And if you approach an individual at the period of his great effort, which he directs tirelessly but in the wrong direction, he will hardly hear you. But at the moment when his stamina is already leaving him, sometimes there happens to be a moment of enlightenment, and everything that you told him before can be heard even without words. It is because his soul has suffered enough and acquired special sensitivity during that suffering. At this moment you can render invaluable help to this afflicted soul, but unfortunately, the result of this assistance will only be seen in the next embodiment. That is why the true Service is sometimes manifested not in daily sermons and admonitions but in anticipation of the time when a soul opens like a rosebud and is ready to perceive the life-giving energy that you send from your heart to the heart of this individual. These are very delicate points, beloved, and sometimes only a few seconds of sincere prayer and support are enough when you send them from your heart to the heart of a person who needs help in order for his soul to be raised for the eternal life. Do you feel the difference between the service when people pursue you with their preaching about the Word of God and the Service when you give a helping hand exactly at the moment when this help can be accepted and when it is more precious than millions of words spoken at the wrong time? A Service like this sometimes waits a lifetime for the moment when the soul of a person who needs assistance is able to accept this help. Today I spoke to you about the Divine Service. And I will be glad if in the course of our talk you have gotten a piece of my Love, which I have carefully delivered to you through the worlds. I AM Djwal Kul. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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