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![]() A Teaching on happiness and the Divine PathBeloved Zarathustra I AM Zarathustra! I have come today to give a small Teaching. Our conversation will not tire you too much. I will be brief. Today you will be given a Teaching on how everything that surrounds you can be changed and needs to be changed. Imagine that you find yourself on a desert island. You have none of your usual things; however, you remember from the bottom of your memory the knowledge that you need in order to survive on this desert island. Your civilization has a great variety of things — entertainment and toys for adults — but in reality, in order for you to exist, you do not need so much. There is a basic minimum of things and that is enough. And if you think about it, after some brief contemplation you will understand that everything around you and everything that you have does not make you happier. So, what is happiness? For each of you the answer to this question will be different. When you need to acquire something in order to be happy — a car, an apartment, a house in the country, an opportunity to travel, or access to entertainment — then I have to tell you that you will never achieve happiness. This is because you will have to buy one thing after another, one toy after another, and you will strive to get more and more intricate pleasures of life. But every time you get the next thing or entertainment, you will immediately lose interest in it and will seek the next one. Thus, in this pursuit of the illusion, many more than one or two incarnations pass away. You are trying to find happiness outside of yourself. Yet happiness is the state of your consciousness. And when you are truly happy, you do not need anything; you are satisfied and ready to share your joy with the whole world. How many of you have this state of inner happiness within your hearts? Doesn’t it seem strange to you that the cheapest thing, even a free one, is unavailable for the majority of the people on Earth? Why does this happen? It is because your civilization sensitizes people right from childhood to the acquisition and consumption of the blessings of civilization. And there is no limit to the more and more new things and pleasures that your carnal mind wants to obtain. Stop and think. Something is wrong in all this. There is a way out of this wheel that you are running around from one embodiment to another, like a hamster in an exercise wheel. And the way out is in your consciousness. Stop and think. Your world obediently conforms to your consciousness. You get from the external world exactly that to which you aspire. Therefore, if you manage to change your consciousness, to alter the vector of your aspirations, then the matter, although slowly, will start changing and conforming to the new level of your consciousness. Start with the simplest thing: Analyze what there is from among your possessions that make you happy? What can you easily give up from everything you have? After having thought about it, many of you will say that you have nothing extra and that everything you have is necessary for your life. Remember the example of a desert island that I gave you at the beginning of our conversation. You should aspire to a more simple way of living. And when your consciousness starts changing, you will realize that you have a lot of free time that you did not have before. You will develop a taste for healthier food and for more harmonious music. You will stop spurring yourselves with different stimulants in your rat race. You will understand that sexual activity is not love. You will make a lot of discoveries in your life. But first it is necessary to make a decision and to try to direct your consciousness toward the Divine Path. You will say that you need to know the attributes of this Path and you need some signs of direction to where this Path is lying. The sober fact is that all the direction signs are within you. And if you heed your inner voice carefully, you will soon know where the Divine Path lies. Even those of you who do not have much faith in our Messages and who are wary of various teachings and beliefs, even you have, at least once in your life, heard a hint from within yourself as to how you should act in a difficult situation that cropped up before you. You always know full well what to do and how to act. But then your carnal mind intervenes and whispers loudly: Are you insane? It will be disadvantageous for you. What conscience? What dignity? You will lose your position (or something else from the mythical values of your world). And you keep listening to the human logic and miss a chance to act according to the Divine Law. At first glance, following the Divine Path does not provide any benefits in your world — neither money, nor fame. Quite the opposite, you forfeit much that is considered prestigious in your world. But you acquire other values. You acquire happiness, peace of mind, and you become capable of experiencing the true feeling of Love. You will not come across the direction signs of the Divine Path anywhere. But the compass and the map of the Divine Path are always present in your hearts from birth and until the transition. There is nobody outside of you who is to blame for your neglecting your inner knowledge and following the path that everybody follows. Do not strive to walk the broad road that leads nowhere. Walk along the narrow, barely noticeable path that leads you to eternal life.[1] I have said enough for those who are able to understand. I wish you to jump out of your wheel and to find happiness! I AM Zarathustra. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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