24-Hour Prayer Vigil
for World Peace
From April 22, 2016 4:00 pm
to April 23, 2016 4:00 pm
(Central Daylight Time)
Dear Friends,
Due to the difficult situation on planet Earth and the complex processes of transformation that are taking place on the planet, we invite you to join us in the 24-hour Prayer Vigil for World Peace in order to improve the situation in the world and create a critical overbalance of the Forces of Light.
The purpose of the Vigil is:
– To prevent any wars, bloodshed, or terrorism;
– To elevate the consciousness of mankind.
The Vigil will be held from 4:00 pm on April 22, 2016 to 4:00 pm on April 23, 2016 (Central Daylight Time).
During that time, all the participants are invited to read three Rosaries:
Rosary of Faith, Rosary of Love, and Rosary of Peace.
The Rosaries will be read in the following rotating order (times shown according to the Central Daylight Time zone):
Rosary of Faith:
April 22, 2016: 4:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 10:00 pm
April 23, 2016: 1:00 am, 4:00 am, 7:00 am, 10:00 am, 1:00 pm
Rosary of Love:
April 22, 2016: 5:00 pm, 8:00 pm, 11:00 pm
April 23, 2016: 2:00 am, 5:00 am, 8:00 am, 11:00 am, 2:00 pm
Rosary of Peace:
April 22, 2016: 6:00 pm, 9:00 pm,
April 23, 2016: 12:00 am, 3:00 am, 6:00 am, 9:00 am, 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm
You may read the Rosaries by yourself or join the streaming on our website at the following links:
Rosary of Faith – http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/rosary_of_faith_bdenie.htm
Das Rosary of Love – http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/rosary_of_love_bdenie.htm
Rosary of Peace – http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/rosary_of_peace_bdenie.htm
You should join the streaming only at the beginning of each hour. The last streaming will be available at 3:00 pm (CDT) on April 23, 2016.
Please download all necessary Rosary texts from the Sirius website ahead of time in case the streaming is unavailable at the time of prayer. In that case, you can read the Rosaries yourself at the time for which you have registered.
In order to provide a continuous stream of prayer throughout the 24 hours of the Vigil time, we ask that you register for the Vigil. You may register for the Vigil in one of the following ways:
1) Fill out the e-form on the website following the link:
2) Write an e-mail to bdenie24@gmail.com or call one of the Vigil coordinators listed below:
Maria (USA, Canada) +1(224) 715 6537
Kristina (Germany) +49 176 234 90 533
Irina (Moscow) +7 905 791 98 34
Dina (Moscow) +7 916 877 03 65
Inga, Zita (Lithuania) +370 60 507 170; +370 65 521 951
Liga (Latvia) +371 26 342 618
The following information will be required for registration:
1) Your first and last name;
2) You city, state, and country of residence;
3) Times at which you will be reading the Rosaries (CDT or Moscow time);
4) Your contact information: e-mail or telephone number.
You can choose a Rosary and read it at the designated time (i.e., at 7:00 am CDT), or you can read several Rosaries throughout the day (i.e., at 7:00 am and 1:00 pm CDT).
If you decide to participate in the Vigil, please tell the coordinator the time (the hour or the hours) that you have chosen for your Service, or you can register on the website yourself. It is very important that the Vigil is continuous and that the created momentum of Light is maintained and multiplied by a number of people every hour. The more people reading the Rosary every hour, the better our results will be. It is very important to maintain all possible praying efforts throughout these 24 hours.
Attention! After you have registered, if you would like to make any changes (e.g., add or remove prayer times), please call the Vigil coordinators at the numbers above or send an email to bdenie24@gmail.com. Please do not attempt to change the information through the electronic form on the website yourselves, as that could distort the data.
Please read the following Prayer Call in order to focus your efforts before reading the Rosary:
"In the name of I AM THAT I AM, in the name of God the Almighty, I am appealing to all the Ascended Hosts and the Hierarchy of Light that is supervising the evolution of mankind and directing the development of mankind of Earth along the Divine Path.
I ask that the energy of my prayer be directed by the Ascended Hosts to neutralize the activity of those forces that promote the rekindling of wars, animosity of national, property, or religious character, implement terrorist acts, and create the points of tension on Earth.
I also ask that the energy of my prayer be directed by the Ascended Hosts to create Peace in the entire world and to elevate the consciousness of the people of planet Earth to the level at which all people on planet Earth feel like brothers and sisters regardless of their faith, religion, color of skin, nation, or origin.
I ask that the energy of my prayer create the critical overbalance of the Forces of Light on Earth and open up the Path of Light to the New World for the entire mankind.
In accordance with the dispensation of the 23rd, I ask to transmute the karma of the following month that can lead to local or global wars!
Personal prayer. (Here you can say your personal wishes and requests.)
Faith in God will save the world.
The Love of my Heart dissolves all the hatred of the world.
God’s Consciousness in me renders resistance to all the illusory forces of the world.
I ask that the power of my prayer be multiplied by the number of people who participate in this 24-hour Vigil for World Peace and by the dispensation of the 23rd.
Let God's Will be done. Amen!"
Tatyana Mickushina
Light and Love!
Participation in the Prayer Vigil:
You can view the number of people participating in the Vigil on the electronic map and chart here:
The location on the map can be moved around or enlarged by using the scroll on your mouse. As people register for the Vigil, they will be added to the map in real time.