33-day Prayer Vigil
For World Peace
October 22 – November 23, 2015
Dear Friends,
In order to consolidate and multiply the prayer efforts that we have accumulated in our previous Vigils this year (February 22-23, March 15-23, April 22-23, May 23, June 21, July 23, August 23, and September 20-28), join us in a 33-day Prayer Vigil for World Peace that will be held on October 22 – November 23, 2015.
We are currently in the last quadrant of 2015. In accordance with the Teaching of the Masters of Wisdom, the descent of karma increases during this period of time. You can read more on this Teaching here.
We know from the Teaching that every event is first formed in the subtle plane (the astral and the mental planes) in the form of energy, and only then it comes down to the physical plane. That is why, with the help of our prayer efforts, we can prevent or alleviate many unfavorable events, such as wars, terrorist acts, social explosions, natural and man-made disasters.
October 23 and November 23, the days of the dispensation of the 23rd fall on this period. On these days, our prayer efforts will be multiplied not only by the number of people praying simultaneously, but also by the number of people who pray during the entire day of the 23rd for at least one hour in accordance with the dispensation.
By directing the power of prayer to creation during critical moments, by taking advantage of the situation, we are able to prevent great miseries with small efforts.
From October 22 through November 23, 2015 we will hold a 33-day Prayer Vigil for World Peace.
With the help of this Vigil, we hope to overcome the difficult situation on the planet and turn it in the positive direction. On the spiritual level, it is necessary to dissolve the cause and core of hatred, aggression, fear, forces of anti-love, in order to neutralize the forces that facilitate the growth of wars, conflicts and social tensions.
Any bloodshed, any violence, any injustice and any disaster can be stopped with the power of joint prayer. The only factor that matters is the motive and the purity of thoughts of those who pray. The higher the level of consciousness of people participating in the joint prayer, the greater Divine power comes down to our physical world. More subtle energies of Love, Peace, and Creation can change this world for the better.
It is the superweak, and not the strong stimuli that are the most important for the positive, evolutionary and structural changes. In that case, the number and location of application points of the stimuli and not the amount of energy of the stimuli are important. As the great Lao Tzu said, “the soft overcomes the hard; and the weak the strong.”
Lao Tzu used to say, “A man is born gentle and weak; at his death he is hard and stiff. Stiffness is thus a companion of death.”
In that way, Lao Tzu wanted to show the path for overcoming difficulties. Strength should not be overcome by strength – one needs to have even greater strength to do so. Anger should not be overcome by anger, as it will require even more anger. He showed us that there are wiser paths that require less effort than the straight paths.
The course of the evolution can be turned in a favorable direction by means of prayer, wise words, culture and spirituality.
Where there is God, there is always only Victory!
Every day we will read 1 short Rosary
at 1 p.m. US Central Daylight Time (6 p.m. UTC).
The list of the Rosaries is provided in the chart below.
The chart displays link to the internet streaming for each Rosary.
October 22 |
Thu |
Rosary of Lord Shiva
“Now your work for God is starting” |
October 23 |
Fri |
First Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“I need the energy of your prayers”
October 24 |
Sat |
Second Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“The hour of mercy”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/2_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
October 25 |
Sun |
Third Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“You should spend more time speaking heart to heart with me”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/3_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
October 26 |
Mon |
Fourth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“I invoke your consciousness heavenward”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/4_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
October 27 |
Tue |
Fifth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“The manifestation of faith and piety is necessary”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/5_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
October 28 |
Wed |
Sixth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“May the readings of my Rosaries become your immediate task in the near future”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/6_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
October 29 |
Thu |
Seventh Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“Don’t stop your prayers”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/7_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
October 30 |
Fri |
Eighth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“The whole mechanism of a happy life is integrated within you”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/8_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
October 31 |
Sat |
Ninth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“The end of darkness is coming, and only Light is in store for you!”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/9_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
November 1 |
Sun |
Tenth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“Let God into your life”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/10_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
November 2 |
Mon |
Eleventh Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“You should apply maximum effort to return God into your life”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/11_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
November 3 |
Tue |
Twelfth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“Always stay in Love, and everything will start changing around you”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/12_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
November 4 |
Wed |
Mother Mary’s Rosary for Russia
“Together we can work that miracle which awaits Russia”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/mother_mary%60s_rosary%20for%20russia.htm |
November 5 |
Thu |
Rosary of Elohim Peace
“Your primary mission is to elevate the consciousness of the people of planet Earth”
November 6 |
Fri |
Rosary of Elohim Peace – 2
“Peace on the Earth depends on the level of consciousness that the best sons and daughters of God are capable of manifesting on the Earth”
November 7 |
Sat |
Mother Mary’s Rosary for Russia
“Together we can work that miracle which awaits Russia”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/mother_mary%60s_rosary%20for%20russia.htm |
November 8 |
Sun |
Rosary of Elohim Peace
“Your primary mission is to elevate the consciousness of the people of planet Earth”
November 9 |
Mon |
Rosary of Elohim Peace – 2
“Peace on the Earth depends on the level of consciousness that the best sons and daughters of God are capable of manifesting on the Earth”
November 10 |
Tue |
First Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“I need the energy of your prayers”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/1_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
November 11 |
Wed |
Second Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“The hour of mercy”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/2_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
November 12 |
Thu |
Third Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“You should spend more time speaking heart to heart with me”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/3_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
November 13 |
Fri |
Fourth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“I invoke your consciousness heavenward”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/4_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
November 14 |
Sat |
Fifth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“The manifestation of faith and piety is necessary”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/5_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
November 15 |
Sun |
Sixth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“May the readings of my Rosaries become your immediate task in the near future”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/6_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
November 16 |
Mon |
Seventh Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“Don’t stop your prayers”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/7_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
November 17 |
Tue |
Eighth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“The whole mechanism of a happy life is integrated within you
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/8_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
November 18 |
Wed |
Ninth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“The end of darkness is coming, and only Light is in store for you!”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/9_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
November 19 |
Thu |
Tenth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“Let God into your life”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/10_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
November 20 |
Fri |
Eleventh Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“You should apply maximum effort to return God into your life
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/11_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
November 21 |
Sat |
Twelfth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary
“Always stay in Love, and everything will start changing around you”
http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/12_short_mother_mary%60s_rosary.htm |
November 22 |
Sun |
Rosary of Elohim Peace
“Your primary mission is to elevate the consciousness of the people of planet Earth”
November 23 |
Mon |
Rosary of Elohim Peace – 2
“Peace on the Earth depends on the level of consciousness that the best sons and daughters of God are capable of manifesting on the Earth”
Please read the following prayer call in order to concentrate the efforts before reading the Rosary:
In the name of I AM THAT I AM, in the name of God the Almighty, I am asking God and the Ascended Hosts to direct the energy of my prayer to neutralize all the negative energies concentrated in the astral and mental planes of planet Earth, in order to prevent their manifestation at the end of the year into the physical plane in the form of third world war, local wars and military conflicts, natural and man-made disasters, terroristic acts, social upheavals and revolutions.
I am asking that the energy of my prayer be directed by the Ascended Hosts at neutralizing the activity of those forces that promote incitement to war, animosity of a national, property or religious character, implement terrorist acts and create points of tension on Earth.
I am asking to extinguish the fires of all wars that are taking place on Earth now.
I am also asking that the energy of my prayer be directed by the Ascended Hosts at creating peace in the whole world and elevating the consciousness of mankind on planet Earth to the level at which all the people on planet Earth feel like brothers and sisters regardless of their faith, religion, skin color, nationality or ethnicity.
Personal prayer (Here you can say your personal requests and wishes)
I am asking that the power of my prayer be multiplied by the number of people participating in this Vigil for world peace!
Let God's Holy Will be done! Amen!
Tatyana Mickushina
Light and Love!
Please, download the Rosaries in advance at http://sirius-eng.net/articles/request.htm and read them on your own if, for any reason, you are unable to connect to the streaming on the website.
A Teaching on the descent of karma at the end of the year
Among the many important Teachings given by the Masters, the Teaching on the descent of karma at the end of the year plays a special role. You can find some excerpts from that Teaching in the quotes from the Masters’ Messages below.
Beloved Kuthumi, December 19, 2005
I AM Kuthumi, I have come to you
through our messenger.
I HAVE come to give you a Teaching on how you should regard the karma that descends upon you at the end of the year, what this karma is and how you should treat its descending.
You know that your four lower bodies contain energetic records about wrong, dishonest and non-divine acts that you committed during your present or one of your past lives. These can be records of lasting negative conditions, which you were experiencing in the past and have not been able to get rid of up to this day.
You are aware of the karma, which returns to you. You are aware of the karma, which is activated within your aura in accordance with the Law of Cosmic Cycles and arises in front of you in the form of some situation, feeling or poor state of your consciousness. This return of karma happens continuously and gradually during the year. But when the annual cycle is nearly over, you come up against a slightly different situation. It might happen that the karma that has been returning to you during the year in accordance with the Cosmic Law has not been worked off by you as much as required by the Law. Imagine that during this particular one-year cycle other people have also not able to work off their karma by making right choices, praying or committing good deeds.
In this case at the end of the year an accumulation of surplus karma takes place, which looms over humanity and is ready to descend in the form of various states inherent to mankind - diseases, depression, hunger or in the form of various cataclysms and natural disasters.
In any case, at the end of the year even with your inner sensation you can feel that you experience some increased heaviness. This is just that extra karmic burden, which lies on humanity in the form of non-transmuted negative energy.
That is why it is so important to maintain increased discipline of your consciousness at the end of the year. It is very helpful for you to consciously impose limitations upon yourselves, such as fasting, silence practice, prayer vigils or helping the poor and underprivileged, which you can bring as a sacrifice to the altar of service.
In this case you create additional good karma, which in the worst extremity can be used for the purpose of balancing the situation on the planet.
Depending on the level of consciousness reached by people, the Law of Karma operates in different ways. And what can be forgiven for some people is unforgivable for others. You should not care about the fact that somebody’s behaviour is improper, but still no karma descends upon them to teach them a lesson.
Do not think about others, think about
yourself. Think about how you personally can mitigate your karma, your family’s
karma and the karma of your country and planet.
You may not have a clear understanding of all the details of how this universal Law operates, but you should have a general idea about it and you should tell about it to those who are not yet familiar with the Law of Karma. The more people know about this Universal Law, the higher is the probability that they will avoid committing improper deeds in their lives.
When karma descends upon you, most commonly you are unable to observe the cause-effect relation between the actions you committed and their consequences, which descend upon you in the form of different misfortunes and illnesses. And you exclaim: “Why, Lord?!” instead of accepting with humility everything that God sends your way.
Believe me, God
is very merciful. And the karma that
descends upon you returns to you in the easiest possible way.
If you had an opportunity to understand which of your actions burden you with this or that type of karmic responsibility you would thank God for allowing you so mercifully to work off what you yourselves committed in the past.
There are several ways of working off your karma.
The first way is not to create karma at all.
The second way is to work off your karma by making right choices.
The third way is to work off your karma by accepting with humility any situation that you get into.
And, finally, you can mitigate your karmic burden by praying and true repentance.
This is what we suggest you should do intensely during the time remaining till the end of this year.
Now you have an opportunity to realize that everything that the Masters ask of you is justified and reasonable .
None of us has an intention to scare you and make you do something.
We speak to you as sensible people who are standing just slightly lower on the steps of the evolutionary ladder.
I AM Kuthumi. And I was happy to share a seed of my knowledge with you.
Gautama Buddha, 25. December 2006
...I am ready to give you a small piece of information that will allow you to orient yourselves in the current state of things in the world. What is meant here is the catastrophic increase of the level of negative vibrations at the end of the year. A lot of people are seized with heaviness, and very many celebrate their Christmas and New Year holidays at a very low vibration level, drinking alcohol and being engaged in indecent and reproachful actions. All these things create an extra portion of the planetary karma, which can bring irreparable disasters on some continents. That is why I turn to you as always at the end of the year with a request to keep balance first of all within yourselves and to devote as much effort as possible to the balancing of the planetary karma and the karma of your country. If you feel such an internal need, you can devote every day remaining till the end of the current year to your prayer practice and make double and triple efforts. Do not hesitate even to obtain leave in order to work for the good of planet Earth at home in privacy or with a group of like-minded people. Read Rosaries, read other prayers or practise meditation. Send out your Love and Gratitude to Earth. Picture Mother-Earth as an alive being allowing you to live and to evolve and taking care of you. Send out your Love to Earth and to those elementals which maintain the human evolution on Earth..
At the end of every year we ask you for extra energy you are able to give us, and this in its turn enables us to balance the situation on the planet and to avoid many cataclysms…
Kumara, December
20, 2006
…to remind you once again that the darkest and the most severe time of the year is approaching. This is the New Year's Eve, the new day's eve. It is exactly before the dawn that the night is as dark as never before. That is why the phantoms of the past, the phantoms of your previous blunders and errors in the form of unbalanced energies will appear around you and arise from your consciousness. These energies will be dragging you away from the Path. All efforts of your will are required of you not to take the bait of these energies of the past but to aspire to the new day!
It is very difficult for you to believe that the thing which I am telling you about is very vital and urgent for you. Believe me. The festive fuss and buzz must not occupy your attention, but rather the tranquil consideration, in the candlelight, of the things you are to do and of the ways to remove the barriers which prevent you from fulfilling your mission. Do not seek for these barriers outside yourselves. Analyze your previous course of life and try to understand what is there within you that hinders you and impedes your advancement along the Path.