
The worship of the Mother's Flame

The meditation is composed on the basis of the dictation by Beloved Kuan Yin given on 27 March 2005



The feminine aspect is coming to the fore nowadays.

The worship of the Feminine Flame and the feminine aspect of God

must be recognised by people now. This is not because this aspect is the main one,

but because the importance of this aspect has been belittled for a long time.


Our God is Father-Mother.

Both masculine and feminine principles are equally important.

If one of the principles is belittled, the Divine Harmony is disturbed.

This is reflected in your world in the shape of different disharmonic

manifestations, from disharmony in your family

to different kinds of cataclysms and natural calamities.

Both these principles of manifestation of the Deity must be balanced in your life:

the Father's principle - the worship to the Father’s Will, the Will of God and the Mother’s principle which lets this Will be manifested in matter in a balanced way.


It is the belittling of the feminine principle for many thousands of years that has caused the distortion of the manifestation of the Divine plan for Earth. Therefore, the world surrounding you nowadays is just a miserable parody of the plan of God, which existed primordially for your planet.

I am the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion.

I am carrying out my mission to help all living beings

on this planet. I carry out my mission in the East

in the same way as Mother Mary carries out her mission in the West.

But there is no difference between our missions. We came to help the people of Earth

and we will be carrying out our mission regardless of anything.

I would like to appeal to the people of Russia and of all countries

where people understand the Russian language. I appeal also to people of those countries into whose languages these dictations will be translated in the course of time.


I appeal to you with a request to hold the balance of the masculine-feminine polarity in your consciousness. And due to the fact that the masculine principle prevails in your world I would like you to pay special attention to the feminine principle. This relates especially to the people of Russia.

The predominance of masculine vibrations leads this country to a path

which lacks wealth for most people. This country is the richest

in natural resources per citizen. But today it is a poor country, if you estimate its level of development according to the income per head of the population and do not take into account the average index which includes both the rich and the poor.

If the respect for the Mother and the Maternal principle of God was developed in Russia,

could the people of this country let elderly women,

who have devoted all their strength, labour, abilities for the welfare of this country,

brought up children and grandchildren, drag out a miserable existence

and even go begging and looking for food at garbage dumps?

Every time you see an aged woman

in rags, sitting and begging for alms, do know that this is me,

Goddess of Mercy. I come to you in the appearance of this woman

to awaken Mercy and Compassion in your hearts.

You must worship Woman-Mother who gave you life

and brought your soul into incarnation.

And it does not matter if your mother treated you unfairly and severely in your childhood.

You do not know what karmic relations connect you with your mother.

And I tell you that the Law of Karmic Retribution governs in your universe

and you yourself deserved this mistreatment by your mother which seems unjust to you.

You do not know how many times in your previous lives

you tormented and even killed this individual, who is now

incarnated as your mother. And believe me, God gave you the easiest way

to work out your karmic mutual relations with that individual

who is now your mother.

It seems to you that your government treats you unjustly,

that you deserve a better lot. Yes, of course, you do deserve a better lot

and a great future awaits Russia.

The entire situation in Russia is connected exactly with the lack

of respect for the feminine principle of God.


The balance in relations in the family,

balance in mutual relations between father and mother,

right family principles are the basis of a healthy society.

This basis and upbringing which future generations receive in the family

cannot be compared with any kind of knowledge received through the Internet,

through the TV or in school.

The regime which had been governing in Russia for 70 years

and was called communism in the West and socialism in Russia,

directed all its effort at the ruin of the family.


All the efforts of this regime were aimed at the destruction of the family

as a cell of society. Having been deprived of its basis, Russia became vulnerable

to those propaganda viruses of the "free style of life"

that have now penetrated this country from the West.

A healthy organism has immunity to all kinds of destructive viruses.

Such viruses for human society are the propaganda

of sex, drugs and violence. As the organism of Russia was weakened during

these 70 years, it cannot resist these outward infections and viruses

that literally flooded the informational field of the country.

We have here a complete analogy with a human organism. An organism has to free itself

from the viruses and toxins produced by these viruses.

Such liberation can be achieved through cleansing procedures.

There is no point in fighting against viruses.

Efforts to strengthen the immunity should be made.

Evil does exist in this world. And there is a lot of it. You need to become immune

to evil. If you have immunity, no virus will be dangerous for you.


And the first step to be taken is for each member

and each cell of society to become eager to be healthy

and free themselves from the lies and propaganda tangling your society.

Be able to discriminate in your life the right

Divine patterns from the false ones

inculcating in you the culture of death and hell.


Banish from your life everything that is not from God,

all the lies flowing into your consciousness through the TV screens and computers.

Seek and find the right patterns around you. Cultivate them.

It depends on you alone where you will invest

your money earned so painfully. Either you will spend it on getting

pointless pleasures from life or on

providing for your children an access to cultural values of the past and the present.

The music of Russian composers and the pictures of Russian painters of the 18th and 19th centuries

are rich in those vibrations which can neutralise the vibrations of death implanted

into your consciousness while watching TV programmes and listening to the music which has spread throughout the territory of Russia recently.

Protect your children from watching TV programmes

and listening to rock music. Believe me, the benefits

from using your modern mass media cannot be compared

with the harm unconsciously being done to their souls.

Use every opportunity to be in nature.

Spend some time in nature,

but without having a barbecue and listening to music and commercials on the radio.

Listen to the sounds of nature.

Look at the birds, at the trees.

Look at the clouds. Listen to the silence.

We cannot make all people pray and read our Rosaries,

but we can attract their attention to the obstacles to their spiritual growth

which surround them in their lives, the things which should be gradually left

and replaced by perfect patterns.

If it is difficult for you to understand the nature of what surrounds you,

look for people among you who have managed to keep

their harmony with God, and for whom there is no greater happiness

than to give you their perception of Divine reality,

to endow you with a part of their vibrations of purity.

I have given you enough information for reflection.

I have no time to beat about the bush. And I have given you exactly what your souls need now

to take heart and to awake to the Supreme Reality.

I am doing it for the sake of love and compassion to you.

I AM Kuan Yin

The meditation is composed on the basis of the dictation given by Beloved Kuan Yin on 27 March 2005

Designed by Zoe Galitskaya, Vladivostok; Tatyana Mickushina, Tatyana Martynenko, Omsk