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![]() An admonition for those on the PathLord Maitreya I AM Maitreya, having come to you through my Messenger! I have come to forward a Message about some urgent matters with which you ought to be familiarized. You know that we come to you and that we have an opportunity to come due to a special dispensation. This dispensation allows us to communicate with you and give our Messages through specially prepared individuals who serve us and hold posts as our Messengers or bearers of news. And now we have a chance to speak through one of our Messengers. We are glad that the Teaching we give has received fairly wide publicity and that your hearts are opening to it. But unfortunately not all is as good as we expected it to be. And many of you, after having found our Teaching given through our Messenger, are set ablaze at the start, but after some time, retreat. The consciousness of such a person withers little by little and starts to be interested in the things — different trinkets of your world — that seduce him or her away from the right way. You should learn to make a distinction between the true Teaching and the surrogates overabounding in your world. We have already told you, and I will repeat this one more time: Ninety percent of the shelves in your bookshops groan with teachings that contain no more than ten percent of the Truth. And you make your choice in favor of these surrogates and turn away from the pleasures of our table kindly offered to you. Why is it so? It is because in those numerous teachings that exist in your world, one does not need to make a choice. One has neither to observe the discipline of a follower nor to have any obligations. Nothing is required of you except for your energy, your Divine energy, which you use without control, giving your attention to surrogates. And the whole illusory world of pseudo-teachings exists only because you power it with your energy. I will one more time repeat a guideline of the Teaching given to you earlier: You are responsible for every erg of the Divine energy you spend. It seems to you that you do nothing out of the ordinary. You simply attend seminars or go through training that seems useful for you. You spend your money, but — what is worst of all — you spend the Divine energy granted to you by God. You make your choice, and this choice makes you create karma. Yes, beloved, you create karma by supporting false teachings. The point is that you are at different stages of development. And some of you are so innocent that you take for precious gems those imitations kindly offered to you that glitter on the surface but have no internal value. But those of you who had an opportunity to taste the Truth, who read our Teachings and then suddenly felt a need to look for something else somewhere else, bear the karma of the wrong choice and of the misuse of the Divine energy. And as a rule, in this case you are guided by your ego. You feel dissatisfaction only because you do not want to part with that part of you which tells you, There are many paths. It is not worth locking into only one thing. All the paths lead to God. However, this is a common mistake of your days because there are paths that lead to God and there are paths that draw away from God. I will give you a reliable guideline as to how not to err from your Path. You should realize what it is that drives you when you wish to seek some new fashionable teaching. What is your motive? As a rule, your ego whispers to you that you should not focus on only one thing and that there is nothing new in the Dictations given by the Masters through their Messenger. And sure enough, there is really nothing new in our Messages. We have been giving this Teaching through many of our Messengers during many thousands of years. And if you had mastered at least ten percent of this Teaching, you would never barter this Teaching away for the baubles offered to you under the guise of our Teachings. Look for the reason why you are leaving the Path inside of you. Only you yourselves make decisions and make choices. Unfortunately, we cannot make you follow the Path shown by us. You have freedom of choice, and you have a right to be guided with your free will while making choices in the physical plane. However, your chances to make choices are given a timeframe. If you learn nothing and if from embodiment to embodiment you keep going under the thumb of your ego instead of parting with it, you receive a stern warning about your wrong choice. But if you stick to your guns and go on following your own path, taking the bit between your teeth and closing your eyes, you are left alone. Then only the actions of your intercessors in the Heavens, with whom you spend not just one embodiment together, can help you. But more often you are simply left alone, and you have to vegetate in the illusion during many embodiments until evolution gives up your life-stream as hopeless and you are recognized as needless ballast. God gets rid of the dead and ill cells. If a healthy body does not free itself from malignant cells that think only about themselves, the whole organism can fall ill. That is why we come to you and with indefatigable pertinacity warn you over and over to think out all the steps you make in life. Those people who have never heard of our Teaching and have never attended our classrooms bear one burden of a wrong choice of the path. But those who have once decided to consecrate their embodiments to the service of the Brotherhood and have not applied the undertakings, are considered to be traitors, and their karma is much greater than the karma of criminals and assassins. I have come with this Message today. Perhaps I have put some of you out of humor. But I had to give you this chance to think about everything, and after having conquered your ego, to make a considered decision posited on the standpoint of the Divine reason in you. I will be glad to give a helping hand to those of you who ask for my help and who appeal to me at the minute of heavy contemplations over your destiny. I AM Maitreya. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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