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![]() A piece of news from the session of the Karmic BoardThe Great Divine Director I AM The Great Divine Director, having come to you today in order to give another Message associated with this day, the beginning of the annual cycle of time enumeration. There is one more thing that is important: The annual winter Karmic Board meeting is over, and I am ready to share some of the decisions with you. I am looking forward to the moment when you will be reading this Message of mine with bated breath, for this Message brings you a lot of unexpected surprises. I am like your festive Father Christmas who has come with a sack of gifts and is waiting on the doorstep. Let us look into my sack and see what I have brought to you. This time we have many more joyous pieces of news than sad ones. We would like to bring to your consciousness last year’s results. These results, as you all probably suspect, are much more encouraging than the results of the previous couple of years. The whole point is that many of you have awakened and started in your awakened consciousness to take actions leading to the awakening of other people. You know that everything is interconnected in your world. All of you are much more united in the subtle plane than in the physical plane. The things that have become accessible for one person’s spiritual achievements can be assimilated by many. That is the law. That is why we are nursing those of you who are on the threshold of opening the new consciousness. Literally, we resemble babysitters who are ready to take care of you and complete everything you have started doing but cannot complete due to your laziness and neglect. Every one of you who can reach a certain level of consciousness serves as a catalyst or a transmitter of information in the subtle plane for thousands of souls with whom you have karmic bonds or the same human genealogy. That is why we would like our Teaching to be translated into as many languages as possible and spread as widely as possible all over the world. We are ready to render all possible assistance to each of you who acts in this direction. Do not be shy about asking the Karmic Board for help. Write the letters to me personally. If you face any problems that impede your service in spreading our Messages and your karmic situation allows it, your requests will be considered and all measures will be taken in order to help you and remove the barrier within you and change the karmic circumstances. This is so, because each of you involved in spreading our Messages works for thousands of people. And the souls of those people are able to wake up in the subtle plane and to receive through you, in the subtle plane, all the necessary information. You cannot imagine how fast everything spreads in your time. This is not only due to the Internet and other rapid communications but also because the time itself gives you tremendous opportunities. And we, the Ascended Hosts, are ready to give you another opportunity. Therefore, it happens that during our meetings we seek out all available reserves to render assistance to you. Literally, we seek every free erg of energy in order to help you cope with the problem that obstructs your path of service. So, do not hesitate to appeal to us if you have requests and problems. As soon as we get an opportunity, we will fulfill your request and help you. The service of those who unselfishly send us the energy of their prayers is especially vital. In this case, we have an opportunity to create a reserve of energy that is used to help those of you whose work and service are directly related to changing people's consciousness. I am glad that this year, for the first time in many years, I have a chance to tell you: "Stay on this course!" Your efforts were not in vain, and the cooperation between you who are in embodiment, and us, the Ascended Hosts, becomes more and more successful! Each time before we start a new meeting at the end of the year I am thrilled — for the picture is not always obvious, and sometimes the trend toward a favorable course of events is hardly notable. This time before starting a new meeting, none of us doubted that it was the first time in many years that we had reached a tangible trend toward the favorable course of events on planet Earth. Of course, there are certain countries and entire regions where the state of affairs is very serious and where our and your unselfish help is needed. However, we are glad that on the largest continent, which is Eurasia, the state of things is beginning to improve. The Western hemisphere lags behind in its development of the level of consciousness. It saddens us. And we feel deeper sadness when we turn our eyes to the land of America. Unfortunately, the tremendous potential of that country is still not directed toward evolutionary development. We are applying our efforts to find an approach to reach the consciousness of those few representatives of that nation who are able to accept the new methods in our Teaching, the new approaches in the sphere of spiritual development. I sincerely hope that our efforts will yield the fruits in the new year. The difficulty is in the very character of that nation because the Americans cannot admit that their country has failed our hopes. Now it has to retune itself, find the strength and the desire within, in order to sit at the desk once again and begin to learn, to learn new thinking and new consciousness, regardless of the country from where this new thinking and new consciousness comes. To change stereotypes and to change your consciousness — this is what you all will have to learn in the near future, regardless of the country and the continent you are living in. The development of human consciousness has neither state frontiers nor religious boundaries. The development of human consciousness is unlimited and infinite. It is impossible to limit God. And it is impossible from your human level of consciousness to dictate to God what He is to do. We hope to consolidate the success in the year 2007, which has already come and begun its walk on the planet. What kind of year will it be? Unfortunately, even we, the Ascended Hosts and the members of the Karmic Board, can only speak about a probabilistic course of events. The future remains unpredictable. And it would not be interesting to live if the results were predictable and known beforehand. We are ready to overcome the difficulties! Are you also ready? I AM The Great Divine Director, with faith in our mutual success! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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