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![]() One more vital point is added to the dispensation on the 23rd of each monthGautama Buddha I AM Gautama Buddha, having come to you again to give a new Message inspired by the force of Love that I, as well as the other Ascended Masters, feel toward you, people of Earth embodied at present. The time is very stressful, and the turn of the year is a time of special importance and complexity. It is at the turn of the solar cycle that we come and give you our training, since everything we plant on the growing sun will germinate in spring and summer when the next solar cycles come, which are the day of the vernal equinox and the day of summer solstice. The old is nearing its completion and the new is beginning to show, and this new is absolutely gorgeous! I can say that because I am directly relevant to the future that is to come very soon. We are happy that there are a sufficient number of human individuals who wish to serve us, the Ascended Masters, and we are able to materialize our plans together with you. I stand before you in great excitement because today at the session of the Karmic Board a vital event has occurred, and this event will not be long in influencing the life of every person on Earth. During the session, it was decided that each person who has achieved a certain level of consciousness will be able to spend a part of the energy that is released during prayer or while serving Life to enable the rest of humanity on Earth to achieve the level of consciousness that is necessary at the current stage of the evolutionary development as soon as possible. We timed this important decision to coincide with the dispensation of the 23rd of each month, and now, starting from the 23rd of January of next year, one more fundamental point is being added to the guidelines of this important dispensation, which is still in operation during the entire period of the next year. Each of you, who wish to, can direct your energy onto the transmutation of karma of those who have decelerated their development and are unable to understand many Divine Truths. This can relate to your loved ones, your relatives, and even strangers to whom you feel a special affinity. On the 23rd day of each month of next year, you can make a call and transmute the karma that prevents the person chosen by you from achieving the next level of consciousness. For the time being, each of you can practice this dispensation for one person only — for example: this can be your spouse, your child, one of your parents, or any person whom you want to help. We hope sincerely that this new Divine opportunity will let both us and you accelerate the pace of raising the level of consciousness of earthly mankind. Just picture that by the end of next year after the completion of the annual cycle and the session of the Karmic Board, the number of people who will have reached the level of consciousness that allows them to serve us consciously will double! In such a way, by the end of the year we will have a chance to double the number of our devotees — the people capable of taking upon themselves a responsibility for both the planet and the evolutionary development of all living creatures on earth. I am happy to have brought this joyful decision over to you! And now I am ready to give you a small piece of information that will allow you to orient yourselves in the current state of things in the world. What is meant here is the catastrophic increase in the level of negative vibrations at the end of the year. A lot of people are seized with heaviness, and many celebrate their Christmas and New Year holidays at a very low vibration level, drinking alcohol and being engaged in indecent and reproachful actions. All these things create an extra portion of the planetary karma, which can bring irreparable disasters on some continents. That is why I turn to you as always at the end of the year with a request to keep balance within yourselves and to devote as much effort as possible to balancing the planetary karma and the karma of your country. If you feel such an internal need, you can devote every day remaining until the end of the current year to your prayer practice and make double and triple efforts. Do not hesitate even to obtain leave in order to work for the good of planet Earth at home, in privacy, or with a group of like-minded people. You can read Rosaries, read other prayers, practice meditation, send out your Love and gratitude to Earth, and picture Mother Earth as an alive being allowing you to live and to evolve and taking care of you. Send out your Love to Earth and to those elementals that maintain the human evolution on Earth. At the end of every year we ask you for any extra energy that you are able to give us, and this in its turn enables us to balance the situation on the planet and to avoid many cataclysms. That is why I come and turn to you with a request as an entity that wields power and keeps the balance on planet Earth. I AM Buddha, and I am glad that many of you have decided and have darted to the path of serving humanity of Earth, having forgotten about your own problems and your own difficulties and misfortunes. In reality, only when you are immersed in serving Life will all your petty concerns leave you one after another, and one fine day you will realize that you are free from all these trifling and unnecessary things that burdened you before. That was another life, a life of a person egoistic and absorbed in his or her own problems. But now you represent a being of Light, anxious about happiness and harmony on the planet. May the world be well! May all the living creatures inhabiting our dearly loved planet Earth be happy. Om. I AM Gautama Buddha. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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