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![]() You cannot bargain with GodBeloved Jesus I AM Jesus, having come to you again. Today I would like to focus on another topic that may be useful to you, and at the same time, you may not attach much importance to it because of your fascination with the illusory world. As always, your attention follows those things that surround you in the illusion. And it is very difficult for you to raise your consciousness and break free onto that level of perception of the Divine reality, when everything around you fades and pales in comparison with the beauty, the feelings, and the aspirations that you can obtain in our world. However, your position in the dual world contributes in the best way possible to your development and your progress. There is a point on your Path, passing through which you will no longer be able to find satisfaction in anything that surrounds you in the illusory world. And our main task and your task is to reach this point on your Path. If you compare this with climbing a mountain, then imagine that you are climbing bare rocks, passing through narrow gorges, and suddenly emerging onto a platform, from which you unexpectedly see such a breathtaking view before you that tears appear in your eyes, and you realize that in order to enjoy this view, it was worth climbing, it was worth risking your life, and it was worth overcoming yourself. And you realize that your attachment to that world that you left is gradually dissolving, and you are merging with the beauty of the world surrounding you, and there is nothing more that could seduce you in that world that you have now left forever, because, despite the fact that you continue to walk the physical world, you no longer belong to it. There is nothing in you that is of this world. There is no energy in you that draws you to the world of illusion. However, you continue to stay in your world, because you are fully aware that there are many of those, who need your help and your experience. You see the cause of people’s suffering, you see why they suffer, and you understand how they can get rid of their suffering. And despite the fact that you say very simple things to these people, in very simple language, very few of them are able to understand you. I was on Earth, I spoke with people. I spent thousands of hours communicating with people. I tried to bring to their consciousness those things, the realization of which became possible for me, because I wanted to part with the unreal part of myself, and parted with it. However, no matter how simply I tried to speak with people, only twelve disciples were able to come to a partial understanding of the Truth I was giving. And so it is in your time. No matter how good and accessible the knowledge given through this Messenger or any other, there are very few people who are able to understand the essence of the Teaching in their hearts, and even fewer who wish to follow this Path. We impart the Truth openly. Come up to our table. You can take whatever your soul desires. And the only payment that you must inevitably make is your unreal self, which you must voluntarily sacrifice on the altar of serving God, serving Life, serving the Hierarchy of the Forces of Light. I see how the hearts of many who read these Dictations light up. I see how the fire of their aspiration flares up. And how sad it is to watch when a person again returns to the beaten track that is safe, but which leads to nowhere but death. You are immortal spirits. And it is painful to watch how you surround yourselves with unnecessary trinkets, and try to play at your service, instead of serving sincerely. How do you manage to combine beautiful words about God and Service with a life full of petty aspirations for a career, well-being, and carefree doing nothing? You will not be able to combine these opposite things indefinitely. Sooner or later, the moment will come when you will have to make a choice, whom do you serve? Will you continue to serve the Golden Calf of your world, or will you choose true service to God and Life. I said that you cannot serve two masters. You cannot combine service to God and mammon. Two thousand years ago, I uttered these words. And still, each of you in your life faces the same choice. God demands all of you. You cannot bargain with God. You cannot say, “Here, Lord, I do this for you, and now you, Lord, do what I ask.” What immense pride does it take to allow your bargaining with God? You come to the temple of God when you are faced with troubles and misfortunes, with diseases and sorrows. And all that you come to the temple for is to make a deal with God, to light a candle and ask for a happy solution for your problems. Do you seriously hope that God will respond to your request? Do you think you can buy Divine mercy with your sacrifices? God does not need any of your sacrifices. Neither stabbed calves, nor money. God wants you to give only one thing - the unreal part of yourself - that in you, which is not from God. And it is so simple. But for some reason you cannot understand it. Each prophet or Teacher, when he came into the world, taught only this Great Truth. And now you are receiving the same Truth that I preached 2000 years ago. You have created perfect flying machines, you fly into Space, you sink to the bottom of the ocean; you have created perfect computers and systems of communication. You have directed your mind towards perfecting the illusion. Why, with all the development of your mind, can you not understand the simple Divine Truth? It is because your mind is a carnal mind, a mind that belongs to your world and serves your world. And your foremost task is to refuse your carnal mind, refuse everything that binds you to your illusory world. This does not mean that you should leave your home and go begging. Although for some, this will be useful. You must remove from your consciousness any attachments to your world. You can continue to live in your world, but only in order to show others the Path that you have followed by your own example. Each of you goes along your own Path, but by and large, only one Path can be considered true - the Path of complete refusal from your ego and any attachment to your world. And the greatest sin will be your desire to make God serve you. This is exactly what many souls have slipped on. You use the Divine energy to fulfill the whims and desires of your ego. Instead of completely kneeling before God and asking in humility, “Lord, here I am. Take me, use me. I am Your slave. I am nothing, Lord, you are everything.” Think over my words today. Perhaps, it may seem to you that these words are too stern, or that these words have nothing to do with you. However, do not rush to conclusions and carefully analyze your actions, your deeds. Because these words are relevant to 99.99 percent of the people who are now in embodiment. I have had to give this strict instruction. Because too many people need exactly the harsh words in order for the gilding of the illusory world to fall off, the veil to fall down from their eyes, and they are able to finally see the Divine Truth and aspire to it with their whole being, with their whole heart. I know that each of you will achieve Victory, and each of you will withstand and will win in your battle with the illusion that has been lasting for millions of years, but which is coming to an end. Because the illusory world, in contrast to the Divine world, has its beginning and its end. Hurry up on your Path to the real world, so that the gates of opportunity do not close right before your face. I AM Jesus. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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