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![]() You must follow the Supreme PathGautama Buddha I AM Gautama Buddha, having come to you on this day of the summer solstice. Each day which is associated with the significant position of the planets is important in itself. Someday, the humanity of Earth will be able to return to understanding that knowledge which was known to the most ancient civilizations that existed on Earth many tens and hundreds of thousands of years ago, but has now become inaccessible to the mankind of Earth. The secret of this is very simple. If you know what the stars tell you, and do not follow the instructions of the stars, then you lose the knowledge. Similarly, when we give you the knowledge which is contained in these Dictations, and you do not implement it in your life, and are not guided by this knowledge in your daily life, then this knowledge is taken away. You are given an opportunity, a Divine opportunity, deserved in many lives by the martyrdom and martyr deaths of the bearers of Light. You get the opportunity to have this pure source of Divine Truth and Divine inspiration. And if you do not use the knowledge, instructions, and teachings, which are contained in these Dictations, then, you will lose the opportunity of a breakthrough in your consciousness. You will lose the opportunity to rise to the next peak of your ascent to the Divine consciousness. Conversely, if the number of people capable of perceiving and applying the knowledge that you receive with these Dictations grows and reaches a certain critical mass, then the flow of the Divine knowledge will be multiplied and intensified. Not only though this Messenger, but also through dozens and hundreds of other Messengers who will be able to pass their initiations thanks to the joint efforts of each light-bearer, who will be guided in their life by the knowledge and instructions contained in these Dictations. Each subsequent person who passes the appropriate initiations and acquires an opportunity to speak on our behalf will require much less effort to acquire their abilities. And each of you should remember that by entering your consciousness into the collective flow, by participating in spreading knowledge and information, even simply being guided in your lives by the instructions received from us, you create the possibility of a greater interchange between our octaves, you contribute to the rapprochement of our worlds. The process of growth of human consciousness is a collective process. God has always sent his Messengers and prophets, and every time, humanity was given a chance. And this chance was rarely used during the life of our Messengers. However, the impulse that the consciousness of the devotee brought to the physical plane of planet Earth was able to awaken the consciousness of those individuals who were ready, and a breakthrough occurred in the consciousness of humanity. It is very important to bring the impulse to the physical plane of planet Earth, but it is equally important that there are those, who pick up this impulse and use it in their everyday affairs. Energy is given for creation. Energy is given for the expansion of your consciousness. And how you use this energy will literally determine the future course of history. The consciousness of a light-bearer is ready to flare up like a torch under the influence of the Divine Energy. However, the task of carrying the torch is much more important. Preserving and maintaining the fire during a long period of time. Do not think that your activity of maintaining the fire is only related to saying prayers and decrees. Every second of your stay on Earth, you must be guided by our instructions, and constantly, in any life situation follow the Supreme Path. You should never forget that you have come into your world to gain experience. And you make a choice every minute of your stay on Earth, how to direct the energy that you receive. To constantly keep in tune with the Divine, and at the same time to be in the thick of life is what is required of you now. You must constantly stay in your consciousness on the heavenly peaks, and at the same time constantly feel the earthly ground under your feet. And just as you are guided in your life by the laws of the country, in which you live, you must be constantly guided by the Divine Law in your life. There is always the possibility to follow the Supreme Path, and there is always the possibility to slide down. And at that moment, when you make a choice in a difficult situation in your life, always remember that you are much more than your physical body. Your nature is Divine, and you are immortal. Therefore, when you make your choice, always be guided by whether it will be useful for your soul. If you need to act against conscience in order to hold down your job, to adapt to and flatter your boss to keep your position, always take care of your soul. Your soul always knows how to do the right thing in any situation. And let your actions go against the opinion of the majority of people around you, and the opinion of people very close to you, always try to do what is right from the point of view of your Higher part. Always keep the image of Jesus before you. After all, he could have escaped the martyr death. He could have made efforts and even become tsar. Each of his disciples was ready to sacrifice their life, to fight, and defend their Teacher. However, Jesus was crucified. Each of you should be guided in life by that example which is given to you. And if you are faced with the question of giving up your beliefs, your conscience, and keeping your job or something of value to you, then never forget that there is more to your life, than just satisfying your physical needs. You must follow the Supreme Path and always choose the Supreme Path. I was a prince, and I had everything. I had a young wife, and I had a child. I had everything that a person can only dream of, when he lives on Earth. However, I knew that there was something more for which we come to Earth. And I gave up everything and left. Many years passed before I could find my Path. And this Path was not associated with wealth, home, or family. There is a Supreme Path that all of you will follow sooner or later. This does not mean that I encourage you all to leave your families and retire in a hermitage. Your life provides you with much greater opportunities to pass initiations. You ascend in your consciousness, and you make those decisions that contribute to the development of your consciousness. You make your choices, guided by the Supreme Law. And if you manage to go through your initiations and reach the level of consciousness of Christ and Buddha, without leaving your usual life, then this is just what is required of you at this stage of the development of mankind. Besides, you should never forget that as soon as you reach a breakthrough in your consciousness, your environment changes. Those people who are not ready to accept the new level of your consciousness, are leaving, and those people who have similar vibrations with you, are approaching. Do not forget also that if one makes a breakthrough in his consciousness, he has an impact on all the people, with whom he is karmically connected in this life. And many souls, having received the necessary impulse through this person, are able to open their consciousness and make a breakthrough. Always remember that you are all connected with each other on the subtle plane and the victory of one leads to the elevation of consciousness of many. Each of you is valuable in your place, and each of you is able to do the work, for which you came into embodiment, being in the very place where you were born and live. In your life, there is always a place for achievement, selfless devotion, and heroism. Because for many a change in consciousness literally means a change in their whole lives. You will no longer be able to spend countless hours at common feasts. You will not be able to stand the vibrations of rock music. You will have to give up everything in your environment that does not correspond to Divine vibrations. And for many of you, this will be similar to what I did when I left my father's palace. And then, when you choose defeat and do not fight your opponents, having lost everything and allowing your enemies to crucify you, then you will do what Jesus did 2000 years ago. Believe me, each of you has moments in life, when you can perform an act that is equal in spiritual achievement to those acts that saints performed at all times. And if you do not see what you should do and how to act, do not deceive yourself. Your soul always knows the Supreme Path. Your despondency, self-pity, and boredom say precisely that you are not doing and do not want to do what your soul has come into embodiment for. Those light-bearers, who fulfill their duty and their mission, burn and carry their Light to the world knowing neither sleep nor rest. You are awakened. Are you really going to sleep again, turning over on your other side? I AM Gautama Buddha. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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