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![]() The achievements of your Spirit – this is what will remain with youI AM THAT I AM I AM THAT I AM. I AM in you, and I AM everywhere. Everywhere I AM. I AM, present in every living being. I AM THAT of which the entire Universe is created. I AM all this. When your consciousness is able to break away from earthly measures, you will be able to accommodate the knowledge that embraces all manifestation. Therefore, now, as long as your consciousness is limited, I AM giving you only that which can contribute to the growth of your consciousness and overcoming limitations. The creation of this Universe was never subject to a limited mind, but only a limited mind could create that part of the Universe that has the limitation of space and time. If you try to hang a rose in the air, it will fall. If you put the rose on the ground, it will lie. Therefore, each element corresponds to its purpose. And each thing is used according to its purpose. The dense world has its own laws. It is impossible to apply the laws of the Higher World to the dense world. This would be like a rose that you want to hang in the air. However, the lower worlds obey the laws of the Higher Worlds. And if the rose has blossomed, then it will wither. Your world is like this rose. You create your world, and you will destroy your world. First you create that which corresponds to your undeveloped consciousness, then you contract the illusion through your consciousness. And as you achieve newer and newer stages in knowing the world, you approach closer and closer to knowing the Truth, and your world gradually approaches by its vibrations to the Divine world. Each time a stage comes, sparks are created. Each of these sparks, or monads, serves as the germ of a future being. Each being goes through many stages in its evolution, gradually becoming denser and perfecting itself. First you were an unmanifested mineral, then you became a stone. You became a plant, and you were a lower animal. You changed your lower bodies, but your immortal particle remained. Eons[1] of time passed before you received your human bodies that bore little resemblance to your present bodies. Then you obtained a physical body, a mind. And now you are at that stage of your evolution, when you must give up the physical body due to the elevation of your consciousness. You have been everything; you have passed through all the stages of evolution before you reached the human stage of evolution. And at every stage of evolution you had a particle of me inside of you. I AM always with you throughout the entire period of your path. I am like a crystal that descends into a solution and gradually takes from the solution all that is necessary for growth. At first, you were just a Divine spark, and you had no form. It took billions and billions of years before you reached the human stage of evolution. And it will take billions and billions of years more before you reach the stage of evolution of the highest beings of this Universe. How often do you think over these things in your life? Your life is so full of events, that you have no time to stop and think. And until you are able to contemplate over the questions of the universe, you will not be able to obtain knowledge about the structure of the universe. You should aspire in order to receive. If you do not have aspiration within you, then you cannot magnetize the necessary knowledge from space. The process of the evolution of consciousness is very gradual. You are like children and you require care, and you receive this care from the invisible Beings of Light, whom you call Angels, or the Ascended Masters, or Gods. You always know in your consciousness that there is someone who cares about you and watches over your evolution. But, like all children, you tend to get carried away with your games. You play, and you do not even hear your parents calling you home because the time has come. The call of the Divine world is not heard by the physical ear. The sun, when it sends its rays to the Earth in spring, does not cry out to the grass so that it begins to make its way from under the ground. But the time comes and the shoots make their way from under the ground. The time comes, and leaves appear, and flowers bloom. Like the rays of the sun, you receive invisible rays that awaken your consciousness and make your consciousness blossom like flowers in spring. This is the call of that world, into which you must grow; grow into with your consciousness. And now you are like the germs of a future being. And just like a butterfly does not look like a chrysalis, so you in your new capacity will not look like yourselves, as you look today. Your consciousness has the ability to expand and to gain the capacity to accommodate new knowledge and new ideas. But if you do not strive for new knowledge and close yourselves from the subtle energies that permeate the Earth, then you will not be able to grow. Many seeds perish without breaking through the surface of the ground. But life goes on, and the energy of these seeds continues to participate in the construction of the world. Your eternal part cannot be destroyed, but it can lose individuality, your experience that you have gained over millions and billions of years, when you were a stone and became a plant, a lower animal, a higher animal, and a human being. Your consciousness and your individual experience are the most important for you. This is what will remain with you after your human evolution ends, and this is what will move with you into the Higher Worlds and help you exist in these worlds. When your consciousness outgrows that world and that form, in which you temporarily reside, caring hands will transplant you into other bodies that will inhabit other worlds. It is like a careful owner who transplants a flower that has overgrown its former pot into a more spacious pot so that it continues its growth. With your consciousness, you make your way into newer and newer worlds. And each time, you have the opportunity to get exactly the world that corresponds to the level of your consciousness. Now you are in your world. And you remain in your world for a long time until you outgrow your world and aspire in your consciousness to the Higher Worlds. However, it will not be right to experience oppression from the endless string of worlds that you have to visit. You must learn to experience the joy of being in each world. And this joy is not like the joy from the satisfaction of your desires and passions. There is another joy. Divine Joy, Joy without cause. Joy from the fact that the sun shines, Joy from the fact that you live, breathe. Joy from the murmur of a stream, from the rustle of the grass, from the sight of clouds. You are much more than the forms that you now wear. And the time will come when you change these forms. But your Joy and other feelings that are eternal will pass with you into new worlds and will live inside of you forever. And one of the most important feelings is the feeling of Love, which acquires more and more refined features and manifestations as your consciousness rises. There are qualities and features that are inherent in all worlds. And one of these qualities is the quality of Love, the feeling of Love. That which is hidden from you behind the objects that surround you, that which is not visible from the point in time and space, which you are in now, will be revealed with new strength as you are able to elevate your consciousness and break beyond the limits of your world. Peace. Harmony. Beauty. There are many qualities that do not seem valuable to you now, but that are of the same value in the Higher Worlds as gold and diamonds are in your world. The qualities of Spirit, the achievements of your Spirit – this is what will remain with you. You will forget your profession. You will not need it in another world. You will forget about your habits, they will seem unnecessary to you. But you will retain those qualities that are of lasting value in all worlds. Therefore, take the time and think about which of your qualities can be useful to you in the Higher Worlds. Develop these qualities in yourself and do not let the fuss around you drown out these qualities in you. I AM THAT I AM. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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