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![]() A Teaching on Buddha and the multiplying of the Buddha consciousnessBeloved Kuthumi I AM Kuthumi, having come again. According to the established tradition, I will give a Teaching. However, the comprehension of this Teaching can be difficult for your external consciousness. This is a Teaching on Buddha — on the stage of your Path, which you must inevitably reach and which you will reach sooner or later. Each of you has a potential to become a Buddha. In exactly the same way as every seed has a potential to become a plant and, in turn, to bring forth seeds. The only thing differentiating you from a Buddha is the level of consciousness. Some seeds fall on good soil and sprout very quickly. Others require considerable effort for germination. However, you should never forget that all of you are in a garden where the gardener is God. He is a very careful gardener. That is why, even if to become a Buddha requires great efforts from you, you will become a Buddha despite everything. It is impossible for you not to become a Buddha, because this is a natural and obligatory stage of your development. Today I do not want to dwell upon those souls who have no wish to develop and follow the Path that is planned for them. You are aware of the fact that not all the seeds sprout. There are a certain percentage of the seeds that never become mature plants. There are a certain percentage of plants that perish without reaching the stage of the fruiting season. Yet, you must know what to aim for. And your aim is to become a Buddha. In fact, the level of the Buddha Consciousness, when you reach it, is akin to a plant entering the fruiting season. When a human reaches the level of the Buddha Consciousness, he obtains an ability to endow with his consciousness millions of beings who are at the lower stages of evolutionary development. This resembles an adult plant scattering seeds. A Buddha sows the seeds of the Buddha Consciousness within human beings. These seeds lie dormant within a human for some time. Nevertheless, the time preset by the cosmic terms comes and the seeds of Buddha start to germinate in the human. Buddha sows the sparks of his Mind within the human beings. The time comes and these sparks of Mind germinate and become obvious. Within each of you there is a hidden seed of Buddha, a spark of Mind that was sown in your being millions of years ago according to earthly measures. Now the time is coming when this spark of the Buddha Consciousness begins to be manifested. This is not the intellect. These are not your abilities enabling you to exist in the physical world. This is the Mind that dwells within you and is identical to the Divine Mind. This is something inside of you that gives you a chance to reach the Divine stage of evolution and become a God-man. Just as a seed sacrifices itself in order to enable a plant to appear, in exactly the same way Buddha sacrifices himself to give the seeds of Mind an opportunity to germinate within millions of living beings. This is the sublime self-sacrifice that you become capable of when you reach the level of the Buddha Consciousness. It was the self-sacrifice of the greatest Beings of Light, millions of years ago, that gave humanity a chance to obtain Mind and, thanks to this Mind, to become different from the animals. You obtained your Mind due to an act of infinite self-sacrifice that was performed by the greatest Beings of Light who blended into the humanity of Earth in the hope that the seeds they planted would germinate and the Buddha Consciousness would multiply someday. And instead of the seven greatest Beings of Light, the Universe would obtain millions of Buddhas. Thus, development takes place and in this way the merits are multiplied. However, between the stage when the seeds are sown and the stage when the plant becomes fruit-bearing there is some duration, a natural period. For the humanity of Earth this duration lasts for many millions of years. The Divine Alchemy is such that the Beings of Light, who sacrificed primordially in order to endow humanity of Earth with Mind, blended into the humans of Earth, in the millions of life-streams. And they will be able to restore their identity completely only after all the humans, remaining on Earth by that time, have reached the level of the Buddha Consciousness. Within each of the Ascended Masters there is a spark of a higher Being of Light, and when a person reaches the level of the ascended state of consciousness, he becomes able to give back the spark of Mind that has served as the yeast in the depth of his being and has caused his evolution to take place. The Heavens are exultant over each case of such ascension. Every case of such ascension gives to those Great Spirits, who endowed mankind with the Mind millions of years ago, an opportunity to restore their integrity to a greater extent. However, when a human reaches the stage of development of a Buddha, he in turn follows the example of the great Beings of Light. Each Ascended Master who has reached the level of Buddha Consciousness has the opportunity to impart a particle of himself to those individuals who are still in embodiment and with whom this Master was karmically connected, and whose life his history of existence on planet Earth was tightly intertwined. Of course, your life-stream must be in agreement with the presence of a particle of the Ascended Master within you. I will tell you more. Every prophet, Messenger, or messiah always had the presence of the higher Beings of Light within himself. Sometimes there was not one Being of Light but a few of them. The presence of the Beings of Light within the temple of an embodied individual is determined by his level of merits. You will not be able to endure the Light of the presence of the Higher Being within yourself if you are not ready, if you have not reached a certain level of purity of your four lower bodies, and correspondingly, if you do not have a high level of vibrations corresponding to a high level of consciousness achieved by you. The knowledge I am giving you today is not new. It was well-known and taught in all the prominent Schools of Mysteries and was echoed in many books and scientific works. Everything changes, and the time comes when the things that were accessible to very few advanced disciples become attainable for many people. Only the level of your consciousness prevents you from understanding and fully appreciating the greatness of the Creator, His care for every live creature, and the opportunities that the Law of this Universe provides for the evolution of all the souls inhabiting the Universe. Today I told you a beautiful legend about Buddhas and the multiplying of Buddha Consciousness. When a seed germinates and the plant grows, it encounters many barriers on its Path of development. These are droughts, floods, the burning sun, and the insect pests. Every individual in his development on planet Earth encounters many barriers. Every individual has to overcome a great many obstacles. However, these obstacles are necessary for the growth of your consciousness. You become a Buddha only when you have overcome all of the obstacles. You become a Buddha only when you go beyond the framework of the illusory world in your consciousness. Now, here is the most important thing that I must tell you about. The Teaching you have just received is just another view of the fall of Lucifer and the fall of the angels. As exemplified by these two views on one and the same event, you can judge how unrecognizably the human mind can distort even the highest deed of the Spirit. In truth, everyone judges everything by himself, and everyone sees in everything his own imperfections. That is why your own choice about which of the two legends you accept in your external consciousness will tell you a lot about yourself. The quality of duality is inherent in every event occurring in the material Universe. And the higher the level your consciousness, the less negative and the more positive and Divine things you see in the surrounding reality. When your consciousness reaches a high enough degree of purity, you will be astonished with the fact that everything around you has changed. And then, instead of the fallen angels that were surrounding you and with whom you were tirelessly fighting, you will see human beings who suffer and need your help. In order for the transformation of you and your consciousness to take place, you must wish to move along on the Path, you must put yourself under the winds of change, and not be afraid of anything. Nothing threatens you in your world except your own unreal part that attracts into your world all the negative situations and circumstances. I wish you to attain enlightenment already during your current life. All the Ascended Hosts and I are ready to serve you and to give you all the help you need. But never forget: It is impossible to help an individual who does not ask for help and who thinks he does not need our help. Always remember that you are just children in the questions of knowing the Divine Truth. At the current stage of the development of your consciousness, even the Truth that I have given you today will seem incomprehensible and disquieting to you. But a few years will pass and every schoolchild will be aware of this Truth. I AM Kuthumi. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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