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![]() The new stage will give you an opportunity to feel yourselves residing in two worlds simultaneouslyLord Surya I AM Surya, having come from the Great Central Sun! Beloved, the moment has come that the Ascended Hosts have expected, and that will be the turning point for the evolution of this planet. Such moments are non-recurrent, and each such moment serves as a starting point for further advancement. This is akin to how your sailboat moves under gusts of wind. Each new gust of wind gives a new impulse to your movement. Now a powerful gust of wind has filled the sails of opportunity for you. And only if you have been expecting this gust of wind and have hoisted the sails in time and prepared yourself for sailing, will you be able to take advantage of the Cosmic opportunity provided to you. There is a difficult Path ahead. Storms and hurricanes are ahead of you. But the most important thing is that you are ready for your Path and that you have raised the sails of your being. Waves and storms are your inevitable companions in the illusory world. The constant resistance of resilient matter creates the necessary tension that allows you to develop your thoughts, strengthen your will, and strive to victory through all the obstacles. The sailboat of your being can never be shipwrecked, if you keep the right image in your consciousness. Your consciousness is the main thing in you, and everything that happens to you, and any circumstances of your life, are determined only by the level of your consciousness. And you yourselves choose whether to aspire in your consciousness to the Highest, to move along the Highest Path, or choose to vegetate in a cozy corner. But those who choose a pleasant vegetative existence will sooner or later feel nudges forcing them to move. And many, especially the negligent, will simply be roughly pushed out of their cozy corners, awakened, set and directed along the Path. You are wayfarers, and you must constantly be on the move, never stopping. Therefore, those of you who expect in their consciousness that they have already achieved everything and can now rest, must urgently make the necessary adjustments in their consciousness. The state of rest is actually an illusion. You are never at rest. Even during meditations, when your human thoughts and feelings stop, you make grandiose movements in worlds, where there is no time and space. The whole mechanism of moving through distant worlds, through subtle worlds, through fiery worlds is hidden within you. You make your movements in your consciousness. Therefore, the only thing that should concern you is the level of your consciousness. Everything in your world has its beginning and end. And only your consciousness will continue after your death. What matters is the experience you gain. Therefore, the more you act in your world, the more experience you gain. The physical world provides tremendous opportunities for development. The physical world is literally crammed with objects, to which you can apply your efforts. You affect the physical world, and you transform the physical world. Each of your actions can elevate your consciousness, lead to the growth of your consciousness, your immortal part. And each of your actions can lead to the growth of the illusion. It all depends on the direction of your efforts. You are like a valve, through which Divine Energy flows. And you can direct the flow of this Energy either for multiplication of your consciousness, or you can spend this Energy for the multiplication of the illusion. The whole manifested world is a scene that you need for your development and that is created by you when you direct the Divine Energy to multiply the illusion. When you reach a certain degree of purity, of your chakras, and your bodies, then you overcome the unreal part of yourselves in your consciousness. And the more you elevate your consciousness, the more and more you are able to acquire the qualities inherent in the Divine world. Your world and our world are not hostile. Your world and our world mutually complement each other. Therefore, any inharmonious manifestations, that are present in your world, will eventually be subject to transformation. The transformation of your world can take place only in one way - through your consciousness, which controls the flow of Divine Energy, coming into your being from a single Source, the only one for the entire Universe. If you focus on your illusory world, then sooner or later, you will have to face the simple truth, that there is nothing in the physical world that could satisfy you. You can spend your whole life, just as you spent thousands of lives in your past incarnations, in search of the meaning of life. And there always comes a moment, for any being in the physical world, when he realizes that what he is really aspiring to is beyond the physical world. First, you acquire the duality of perception of your world. You begin to distinguish phenomena that belong to the physical world from phenomena that belong to the more subtle worlds. Then you begin to see the reasons for what is happening in the physical world. You begin to see the consequences of actions, and you begin to realize that changing your attitude to the world around you changes your thoughts, your actions, and your feelings. And in the fullness of time, you realize that you are acquiring, on par with your physical senses, the perception of the subtle worlds. And as soon as you gain this perception, you get more and more understanding of the subtle worlds. And the subtle worlds differ so favorably from what surrounds you on the physical plane, that you spend more and more of your time in your communication with the subtle world. And the moment comes when you simultaneously dwell in two worlds. You become a point between two worlds. And you realize very clearly that worlds are connected within you. And you understand that this is how God can act through you. And it is pleasant for you to feel your oneness with God, with the entire Universe. You understand that there is no boundary between you and other living beings. And you acquire infinite compassion towards all living beings that are at the stage of development of their consciousness that does not allow them to feel this oneness of Life. And now, being at this stage of your perception of the world, you will finally begin to understand us, the Beings who are behind the veil. We have understanding, but we do not have the capability to act in your world. You do not have understanding, but you have the opportunity to act in your world. Therefore, the next stage, which is already coming, will allow you to receive our understanding by penetrating the veil, and will make it possible for us to act through you when you allow us to be present within your beings. This is how the development of the world takes place. This is how the worlds penetrate each other. And the new stage, which has already come, will give you the opportunity to feel yourselves residing in two worlds simultaneously. At first, a few will be capable of this. Then more and more people will reach this state of consciousness. It is always difficult for the first to climb the highest peak. For those who follow, it is always easier. And very soon, what seemed fantastic will seem completely ordinary. Good luck! And raise flags on your yards, so that you can be seen from afar. And so that everyone who wishes to join you and stand under your banners has the opportunity to do so at any moment. God has no restrictions. All restrictions are present only in your consciousness and in your perception of the world around you. I AM Surya, having come to you from the Great Central Sun. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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