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![]() A Teaching on good KarmaBeloved Kuthumi I AM Kuthumi, having come to you again. The purpose of my coming today is to acquaint you with one more viewpoint on the structure of the world. When contacting our reality, your sensations do not always reflect the real state of affairs. You are used to grounding your perception of the world according to your sensory organs, and you completely trust your sensory organs. And really, why in the world should you believe in something you do not see and why should you act in accordance with our recommendations when you do not even have an opportunity to meet with us directly without the help of this Messenger? However, this is a question of your faith. You either believe that the world around you is not the entire Creation and that the entire Creation is actually much larger, or you do not believe it. You cannot start knowing something that you do not believe in. You cannot sense the things that you know could not exist. However, as soon as you begin to believe in the real world of God that is invisible and not perceived by your sensory organs but is not less real because of that, you almost immediately start conceptualizing our world. The Higher worlds contact you and you are constantly coming into contact with the Higher worlds. You just do not pay attention to our reality. But our communication with each of you is not only possible, but it is in progress all the time. And the same way as you do not notice radio waves penetrating you constantly, the vibrations of our world come into contact with you all the time and you do not perceive them. If you properly prepare your temple and above all, you believe in the reality of our world, then you will inevitably be able to perceive our world. Imagine that I have an opportunity to talk to you. I come to you and sit in front of you. You do not see me. You do not see me for two reasons. The first reason is that you do not expect me to come, and within your consciousness you are not ready for my arrival. The second reason is that you do not perceive my presence with your physical sensory organs. Which of the two reasons separating us is the most essential and difficult to overcome? I will tell you that it is the first one. When your consciousness is ready to contact the Higher worlds and to communicate with the Ascended Hosts, you will start your communication regardless of whether your sensory organs perceive this communication or not. Your body has untapped, dormant abilities that enable you to hear without listening, to see without looking, to know and to get information almost immediately without the help of thoughts and words and without the help of your physical sensory organs. This seems to be fantastic to you, but if you turn to the history of the greatest inventions and discoveries, you will come across an amazing regularity. All these inventions and discoveries burst upon the mind of their inventors out of nowhere. A person would tune in to a certain wave of thoughts associated with some branch of human activity, and suddenly receive insights in the form of knowledge that appeared in his head out of nowhere. Certainly, it is very difficult to give an idea to a person who has no knowledge, for example, in the field of computer programming about the essence of invention in the field of modern knowledge such as the Internet or the contemporary means of communication. But for a person who has this knowledge, it will not be difficult to receive the new information coming into his external consciousness and connected with the subject of his activity. Many things like that take place completely spontaneously. And a person who has discovered an invention usually does not even think about the mechanism of how the idea for the invention crossed his mind. The same may be said about you. Having an idea of the Ascended Hosts, you can receive information from us that suddenly appears in your head and, even without knowing how it happens, you will be able to be guided by this information in your activities. If you think carefully, each of you will certainly recollect a few examples of how miraculously you managed to find some lost things, or to get an idea of how to behave in a difficult situation, or to obtain an utterly miraculous solution to an intricate task that you were facing in your life. All these miracles are the interference of the Higher plane in your life. And you receive the realization of these miraculous opportunities due to either your Higher Self or the intervention of the Ascended Hosts. The complexity is in the fact that the time passes differently in our worlds. That is why the moment of your request may not coincide with the moment when you receive the thing requested. It is natural that your requests can be satisfied only if you possess enough good karma to fulfill your requests. It seems unreasonable for a practical person to waste efforts on doing some good things absolutely disinterestedly without a backward glance and without looking forward to getting a reward for his good deed in the near future. But the reason for your indecisiveness and unwillingness to perform good deeds selflessly is again your disbelief in the Divine Law. You suppose that if you donate to a church, to an orphanage, or to any charitable organization, then you must immediately receive from God a multiplication of the money you spend on charity. Beloved, everything depends on the motive that is the basis of your decision to donate. If you sacrifice in order to receive something in return, or if you think that God will forget about the sin you committed, or if you make your donation in order to show everybody your generosity, then this sacrifice will not create good karma for you. You must just perform good deeds without thinking about the consequences and the benefits that this sacrifice can bring to you in the future. In this case you really create good karma. And this good karma of yours can help you when you are in a difficult situation and call to God and ask Him for help. God will help you. It is impossible for God not to help you. But for this help, the energy of your good karma in your causal body will be used. If you do not have enough good karma at the moment of your request, you will not receive the help you need and ask for. You receive exactly what you give to the world. And if you have not performed at least one good deed during all your life and during all your previous lives, then why do you think God will respond to your request when you are in need? For that reason, if I were you in embodiment, I would funnel all my energies and put all my cash assets into helping those living beings that need my help. In this case your good deeds will be accumulated in the form of energy in your causal body. It is similar to when you save money for a rainy day. The difference is only in that you save your money in the form of energy in another world. And there is no more reliable place in your world for keeping this energy and your savings. This energy of yours can always be requested by you through your appeal to God at a moment when you need Divine help. Consequently, when you call to God and say, “Help me, Lord!” and if at that moment there is not enough energy stored in your depository in Heaven to help you, then do not hold a grievance against God; hold it as a grievance against yourself because it was you who did not care about yourself and have not stocked the necessary amount of good karma in order to create a reserve of your merits in Heaven. Today I have given you a very important Teaching on good karma. I hope that all of you will be able to apply this Teaching in practice. Just imagine how good it could be for you if you took this Teaching as a guideline in your life, and how wonderful it would be if all people on Earth made a dash to create good karma. Each of you would be able to receive all the necessary help from the people who would literally be running around the Earth in search of those who are in need of their help. Besides, if you created the necessary amount of good karma, you could always appeal to God for help and receive help. I wish you to succeed in your practice of creating good karma. May you create only good karma in the future and for the rest of your life. I AM Kuthumi. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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