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![]() I wish you a Victory!Beloved Lanello I AM Lanello, having come to you through this Messenger again. Today we will be talking about your Path and your service once more. Every time we come to give our Dictation we pursue only one aim — to raise your consciousness, to concentrate your attention on Heaven, and to divert you from your usual circle of interests. The world around you is very poor in values filled with the Divine vibrations. Everything around you corresponds to the level of mass consciousness of people. In order to tear yourself away from your encirclement, from the informational field around you, and, in general, from everything around, you have to and will have to make considerable efforts. If you wish with all your heart to change your consciousness and to raise it up to the Divine pattern, you must literally force yourself to give up your usual way of life, the standards of your behavior and your habits. You must become different people. You can change everything in your surroundings, but the most difficult thing to change is your consciousness. Many contemporary people surround themselves with the wonders of modern technology, state-of-the-art computers, audio and video technology, but their level of consciousness remains the same as the level of consciousness of a savage sitting next to a bonfire in a cave and devouring his share of meat under the sounds of a drum or a tambourine. You can drive the most modern car, wear the most fashionable clothes, but your consciousness will still remain at the same level as that of a cave dweller. That is why the Path is much thornier at your time than it has ever been before. You are surrounded by a large number of temptations, and it is much easier said than done to maintain a high spiritual level while living in the whirlpool of life in your city jungles. The entire reality around you has to be transformed. Man has to reveal his Divine potential and become closer to nature. Life itself must become as simple as possible, rich with its inner content but not with outer entertainments that, if one thinks about them, resemble the entertainments of savages. A habit of a contemporary man to cover himself with trinkets is very much akin to the manner in which savages decorated themselves. You can judge the level of spiritual achievements, spiritual progress, or degradation of a person by his manner of dressing, by the music he listens to, by the way of life he prefers. If you have a look at the human society from the ascended state of our consciousness, you will be shocked by the fact that in its average level of development, humanity does not exceed that of savages. For you it will be extremely hard to give up your nonsense that is just a similitude of life. If you scrutinize everything in the world around you, as well as all your actions during most of the day, and if you do it objectively, you will be surprised with the discovery that from the viewpoint of your perfecting in God 90 percent of the time of your life on Earth is wasted by you completely in vain. In reality, in order to perfect yourself in God, you are absolutely not obliged to withdraw to the desert or to the mountains for meditations. Your own life and the conditions of your reality provide you with the best circumstances for perfecting yourself in God and for the development of your consciousness. The whole point is in having the correct viewpoint on everything that takes place in life around you and inside of you. The thing is in how you react to everything that happens with you and how you perceive the surrounding reality. If the Divine plan had envisaged for you the keeping of the balance for planet Earth through constant meditation, you would have been born somewhere in Tibet or India. However, you were born in Russia, or America, or Europe. And you are to fulfill your mission, to implement your Divine plan exactly in the place where you were born. In the end your Divine plan comes to only one task: to keep your consciousness at the highest possible level and to aspire to reach the level of the Divine consciousness without leaving the thick of life. It will be incorrect if you understand the guidance given in these Dictations as a necessity for you to settle somewhere in the forest and to meditate. No! You have to stay in the thick of life, to carry out your daily duties in your family and at work and at the same time to maintain your consciousness at the highest possible level all the time. You must establish in your everyday life the Divine standards of behavior and the highest moral and spiritual standards. To know the Commandments and to follow them are two absolutely different things. You can be very well informed of all the norms and standards of behavior; you can even attentively watch your acquaintances and friends who avoid following these standards. But for some reason you think that it does not affect you personally and you may infringe upon these standards. It costs your carnal mind nothing to convince you to act in the way most pleasant for you, even if your actions conflict with the moral and ethical norms that you believe to be absolutely right and that you are ready to follow. That is why you must watch yourself carefully so as to spot all the moments of when you regularly lose balance. You know that you should not condemn or judge anyone. But do watch yourselves for some time. How many times a day do you esteem the behavior of other people? How many times each day do you rank the people around you among the fallen angels and the people given up for lost by God? You form opinions about other people with enviable easiness. But why is it so difficult for you to judge your own actions objectively? There is nothing terrible in the fact that you have made a mistake or even committed a serious sin. It is even not important how many times in your life you have committed this sin. A much more important thing is that you managed to conquer your imperfection and to rise above it. Do not return to your past and do not chew over the details of your wrong actions time and again. Your duty is to estimate your qualities, to accept the fact that these qualities are not Divine ones, and to part with them forever. Such is the genuine behavior of a spiritual huntsman! No matter what other people think about you, the only important thing is who you are in reality. Judge yourself according to the strictest laws. Work upon yourself until you overcome each of your imperfections. Always remember that you cannot be perfect as long as you are in embodiment. In order to remain in embodiment, you should constantly take upon yourself a certain share of negative energy and to transform it into perfect Divine energy through your actions, thoughts, and feelings. When you manage to work off your personal karma, you will take upon yourself a part of the karma of your town, your country, and your planet. You constantly live among imperfect energies, and you overcome all the barriers and obstacles with the help of your consciousness and understanding. In this way you transform all the negative energies penetrating your aura, acquire your merits, and create the treasure of your causal body. Hence, you can constantly picture in your consciousness an image of a warrior, a knight, who fights against the imperfection of the entire world. You take imperfection upon yourself and conquer it. You seize the arrows aimed at you and turn them into rose petals with the help of the energy of love and faith, with the help of your bravery and honor, with the help of the qualities inherent in any true warrior. Each of such warriors of Light is capable of carrying a huge load of the planetary karma. Never forget that the transmutation of karma takes place not only through meditations or reading decrees and prayers. While being in the thick of life, you are serving constantly by making right choices and showing the Path to others with your personal example. Prayers and meditations are only a subsidiary means enabling you to keep your consciousness on a high level, but the major battle takes place in your everyday life amidst life’s trivialities and disturbances. Long ago the karma was transmuted in the battlefields. Nowadays you are in the same battlefield, and you make wonders of courage and heroism, fighting with your life problems and disturbances, sacrificing your well-being and your free time for the sake of the establishment of the Divine patterns in your world. I wish you a Victory! A victory over your imperfections and a victory in the establishment of the Divine principles in your daily life! I AM Lanello. Always a Victory! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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