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![]() Light your torches and set off to bestow your flame to the worldBeloved El Morya I AM El Morya, having come to you through my Messenger. Today’s meeting will be entirely devoted to our affairs connected with Russia and the problems that we have to solve in this country to insure the implementation of our plans. You know that over the last hundred and a half years, we have been trying to implement our plans related to this country, which stands apart from many countries, and there is nothing like it. And every time, as soon as we set about implementing our plans, and found a conductor on the physical plane through whom we could do this, the opposing forces turned against us and we were forced to retreat. However, it is impossible to endlessly escape from one’s destiny. If there is a plan of God for this country – Russia, and I tell you that there is such a plan, then this plan must be implemented. And any obstacles only harden the warrior on the Path. Any obstacles are necessary in order to acquire a skill and better dexterity. If you, your parents, and your grandparents had not passed through what they have passed through over the last hundred years, then you would hardly be able to understand our Teaching now. It is a delusion to think that we have been defeated. This defeat beloved, concerns only the physical plane. And all the sacrifices that were made in this country over the years of wars, revolutions and repressions, were made only on the physical plane. But if you look at what happened on the subtle plane, you would see a gigantic growth of souls. You would see the opportunities that were provided to each soul for its growth. You would see that some people sacrificed themselves for the Common Weal and Good, while others, in the pursuit of short-term profit on the physical plane, committed terrible crimes and created karma. And so it has been throughout modern history. God wants you to develop. God wants you to perfect yourselves and to grow. And since God loves Russia and the people of this country, He gave the people of this country the opportunity to pass accelerated tests and accelerated development. Much has been experienced; much grief and suffering had to be endured. And now the country is in a deep spiritual crisis and in a deep stagnation. This is a consequence of the karma of godlessness that people allowed. Imagine that exactly now, a generation of people is being born, who in their past lives fought against each other on the fields of civil war and met in interrogations during the time of repression. You can imagine that right now, former victims and former executioners are sitting at one desk at school; those who killed, and those who were killed and tortured. And the karma has not disappeared. The karma has remained, and the karma needs to be worked off. You know that if a pendulum has deviated too much in one direction, then it must inevitably, according to the law of physics, deviate in the other direction with the same amplitude. And if you have watched, over the past hundred years, as the pendulum has swung in the direction of godlessness, disbelief and rejection of the Supreme Law for all being, it means beloved, that for the next hundred years, Russia is destined to Faith in God and the Supreme Law. And since these 100 years have not passed without a trace for the development of people’s souls, then the experience gained by these souls will no longer allow them to be carried away by the blind faith and blind dogmas of any external church. Therefore, we begin a new cycle in a state of complete spiritual vacuum, and then it is easier for us to plant a bush of the new knowledge, new ideas and a new understanding of the structure of the world in the hearts and minds of the current generation in Russia. Neither destruction on the physical plane or hopelessness in the minds of people is an obstacle. The most important thing is to plant the seeds of aspiration in people's minds and hearts, light the fire of knowledge and fan the flame of Divine Freedom. You are used to relying on the external. You are used to making your plans based on the external knowledge acquired by your mind. The time has come when you must give God an opportunity to act through you. And all that is necessary for this, beloved - is to completely renounce your ego, and all attachments to the things of this world. You must provide your temples for the Divine guidance. Your ego hinders us – the bustle of your mind, a bustling questioning. You should simply rely on the Will of God. You must completely obey the Will of God. The Will of God is not manifested in external churches. There is no organization on the physical plane that carries out the Will of God. The Will of God beloved, is manifested only through you, through your hearts. Therefore, you must desire with all your heart to provide all your lower bodies for implementation of the Will of God for this country. You should be possessed by the realization of the Will of God. You should be possessed by the aspiration to become an obedient instrument of God to fulfill the plan for this country. I do not ask you to subject your will to any external organization. I do not ask you to seek any instruction from this Messenger through whom I am giving this Dictation. No, beloved. You no longer need any mediator between you and God, between you and the Ascended Hosts. Your Higher Self and your Guardian Angel always know the Divine plan for your life-stream. You do not need to go to messengers, clairvoyants, psychics, or servants of the cults in order to know the plan of God for your life-stream. Everything is written in your heart. Tell me, how many of you have been talking to your heart lately? How many of you have tried to understand what your heart is telling you? You are so busy in your life that you have no time to be alone with yourself in silence, away from the bustle for even five minutes. Your heart is constantly trying to talk to you. But you do not hear it. You prefer to listen to your friends, acquaintances, to watch television, to listen to your terrible music, or to pick up knowledge from newspapers, books, and magazines. Beloved, there is no source of information in your world that can tell you about your life plan, about why you have taken embodiment, and what you are to do now and in the near future. You will not hear about it on the radio, you will not learn about it from television programs. You will not read this in any books. Your heart holds the innermost information so necessary for you, and it longs to share this information with you. All the Ascended Hosts, beloved, are ready to give you all the possible help in your Divine task, for which you have come into embodiment on planet Earth at this difficult time. Why do you ignore the help of Heaven? How long will you run around your miserable world and seek the meaning of life? You will never find the meaning of life in the world around you! I tell you this with a full responsibility, because mortal cannot inherit immortal. Your nature is Divine in reality. And you must return to your Divine nature. Your search for the meaning of life on the physical plane is doomed to failure from the very beginning. The only true Path lies within you, within your hearts. There are many paths in this world that people prefer to follow from embodiment to embodiment, from life to life. And the only true path is rejected by them. God is patient, beloved. No matter how long you wander around the external world, the time will come, and you will return Home. Therefore, your main task for the near future is to find this path in your heart. And you will become living guides on this Path for many lost souls. When you begin to follow the Path leading you Home, you will have to give up the excessive baggage that burdens you and binds you to the physical world. Your vibrations will begin to rise, your thoughts and feelings will be purified, and you will serve as a torch on the Path for those who still continue to wander in the darkness. All the miracles and all treasures of the world are hidden in the depth of your hearts. When you can light the torch in your heart with your aspiration, then everything will change in you and everything will change around you. We need devoted collaborators. We need warriors of Light, whom we can count on in the implementation of our plans for this country and for humanity as a whole. Light your torches and set off to bestow your flame to the world. I AM El Morya, and I am giving you the flame of knowledge. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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