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![]() The plan of God for Russia is the creation of the Community of the Holy SpiritNicholas Roerich I AM Nicholas Roerich, having come to you through this Messenger today. I have come on this significant day when not only Russia, but the whole world celebrates the victory in the Second World War. I wish to give you my vision of the events that you witnessed in the last century. I want to share with you my view on these events that I got after my ascension. Some of the thoughts I advance today will probably seem to you to go against the thoughts that I expressed during my incarnation or the thoughts that you gleaned from the Dictations of the Masters given through other Messengers. I will try to bear the fruit of my reflections about Russia to you. Judge for yourselves whether to take my thoughts as a basis of your activity or to ignore them. You know that I loved Russia very much and most of my life suffered deeply when I was not able to be present physically in the territory of this country. If the mission that we undertook in the 1920s on behalf of the Masters had succeeded, the whole course of the history of Russia and the whole course of the history of the world could have been different. I talk about the mission of delivery of the sacred casket and the Message of the Mahatmas to the government of Soviet Russia of that time. Our mission failed, and the attempt of the forces of Light to affect the situation in Russia was postponed for an uncertain time. A new attempt was prevented by my death. You know that after the victory gained in that horrible war I was striving to arrive to Russia with all my heart. I would like to give my reflections about the situation in Russia, based not on the external events but on the inner ones that stood behind everything that happened in Russia during the last century: the revolution, the execution of the Tsar’s family, the Civil War, the Great Patriotic War, the new revolution, and the power of the elite that has been established now. Only two forces stand behind all these events. Two forces, without having their interaction harmonized, result in appalling shocks and the loss of millions of human lives. One force is multiplying the illusion; the other force is directed onto the contracting of the illusion. You can call these forces the force for Good and the force for evil, but this will not be fully correct because the ideas of the Good and of the Common Wealth, if they fall under the power of the forces creating the illusion, turn into their complete antithesis. But the ideas of the evil, if they fall under the influence of the light forces, turn into their complete antithesis as well. You know that the world is set in motion by ideas, and the ideas are realized in the world through people. Therefore, no matter what the idea is, it will not be realized if it has no promoters. And if the idea is good but its promoters are rotten to the core, rotten in their consciousness, this idea will be so greatly distorted that it will turn into its complete antithesis and you will not recognize it. But the energy comes to this world only through people. Energy, the Divine energy comes to this world through the hearts of people. Therefore, you decide yourselves where to direct your energy. You know that we supported those transformations that began in Russia after the revolution. Many people see contradictions in this. Let me attempt to clarify this point. The conception of a Community, the Community of the Holy Spirit as the most correct and just form of managing society, was always supported by me. You can read about that in the Agni-Yoga books. However, if the conception of a Community is realized by the people who have fallen under the influence of the dark forces, nothing good will come out of such a realization. That is why we were putting our trust in intelligentsia, in those people who were able to change their consciousness and thus influence the course of history, not taking part in the government directly but acting obliquely through art, science, education, and the public health services. We saw it could be done. But those people who took advantage of the conception of a community in order to seize upon the power and to make use of the fruit of this power, did their best to flood all the spheres of social life with correct but absolutely lifeless slogans because the most important thing that had to be laid in the foundation of any community — the connection with the Hierarchy and the Divine service — was discarded. Therefore, we were observing a scary monster that existed in Russia during the whole 20th century: a snake with a lion’s snout. Even now we are observing the bestial grin of this monster. And the hands go down and there is no understanding about the future path in the consciousness of the most enlightened part of society. Russia has come to a standstill. It seems as if time has stopped. Nothing changes. It would have changed, but the people do not know in which direction to move. What is happening now is a wild outburst of the forces contributing to the illusion. But you know that in accordance with the Divine plan, these forces do not have much time to be in power. Therefore, they got into a fury in the end. Here they are bearing malice, having lost all shame and cast away all morals. Russia is going through a great trial. You know that God loves Russia and God sends the heaviest trials to his much-loved because it is in the trials that we grow and in the trials that our Spirit gets stronger. But those who are weeping and whimpering and saying that Russia has been done for have simply fallen under the influence of the illusory forces. Your Spirit, your Divinity, and God inside of you — these are the things you must pay attention to. You are really giants of Spirit, and those colossi on clay legs that surround you and rule in Russia now will break down and fall to pieces as soon as the bogatyrs[1] move their shoulders. The plan of God for Russia is the creation of a Community of the Holy Spirit based on the principles of Divinity, the Divine freedom, democracy, and care about every member of the community. And this Community will not be proclaimed from above and will not be established in the course of the next coup d’état or revolution. The Divine path is a path of slow but sure changes in the consciousness of people. But the changes in human consciousness, if they embrace a significant percent of the population of the country, are capable of leading to a perfect Divine miracle. The most perfect form of government will not hold its ground if it is not echoed in the consciousness and hearts of people. Therefore, your primary task is the creation of Communities of the Holy Spirit everywhere, in every town and every village. Gather together. Read the book Community. Read the Agni-Yoga books. They were given to you. Meditate upon those principles that should be laid in the foundation of the Community. Carry this image to the world through the Internet, through the education of children. You must impregnate the whole country with the conception of a new government, with the idea of Common Wealth and Good. I tell you that all the Heavenly Hosts are waiting for your actions so as to render you all the possible help. There is nothing new in the conception of the Community. One small thing is lacking. You simply need to organize a Community right in the place where you are now. Begin this work, beloved. Think about why the conception of a Community has always caused such resistance in the whole world. Why can the conception of a Community not take root in any of the countries of the world? Because it is a new way of governing that must change the existing way of governing. Those who are in power now understand very well that together with the Community the end to their manipulations, their financial control and management will come. They can govern only if their power is based on the lower animal instincts of people. And there is nothing they can oppose to the Divine man who is supported by all the Heaven. Think over how to give knowledge to the new generation and how to create Communities of the Holy Spirit. Your most important task for the near future is unification: the unification of all the Light-bearers, not on the principle of fight against evil, but on the principles of love, help, mercy, and compassion. Even when you are alone and there is nobody around you with whom you can unite into a Community, you know that you already represent by yourself a Community of the Holy Spirit if you build your life and all the relationships with the people around you on the principles of Common Wealth, Good, and Love. And all the Ascended Hosts will come where you are to protect your path. The Community, the Wealth, and the Good are born from your heart. Your task is simply to open your hearts and to let in the Divinity. Eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.[2] A journey of thousand a miles begins with a single step. I AM Nicholas Roerich. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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