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![]() I took upon myself the sins of the world, but the main thing I did was to show you the PathBeloved Jesus I AM Jesus Christ, having come to you today through this Messenger, Tatyana. I AM, having come! I have come on this day, when the Orthodox Christians celebrate the bright holiday of Easter, in memory of my resurrection after the crucifixion. You know that the symbol of crucifixion and the symbol of resurrection belong not only to this event that took place 2000 years ago. These are the symbols that concern each of you living on Earth now. Each of you must pass through your crucifixion and your resurrection. Therefore, let today’s holiday serve as a reminder to you of your Path of initiations and of the trials on this Path that are ahead of you. It does not mean, beloved, that you will necessarily be crucified the way I was crucified. And it does not mean, beloved, that you will be resurrected the way I was resurrected. But these events will surely take place at the final stage of your initiations. Your crucifixion will take place when you hang on the cross between life and death, between eternal life and staying in your mortal world. You will realize the decay of the physical world around you and will feel a touch of the eternal world. And the feelings that you will experience during this initiation of yours will be comparable with the process of crucifixion that I happened to experience. Your physical body and all your subtle bodies will suffer. You will feel not only your own pain, but you will also feel the pain of every living creature suffering in your world. You will feel the imperfection of your world in its entirety. You will encounter these imperfect states of consciousness around you, and you will make a choice: to sacrifice yourself, sacrifice everything you have, and even sacrifice your physical body in order to help the suffering creatures around you who do not even know the reasons for their suffering. Yes beloved, the people who are already ready for awakening, and whose time has come experience such terrible pain and suffering that they are ready to accept the help of everybody who will explain to them the reason for their pain. And it will be good if there happens to be a person near them who has realized the state of being between the two worlds and who has made a choice in favor of the Divine world. Beloved, many of you have already gone through your crucifixion already, and many are close to going through their crucifixion. This is a state of your consciousness when you realize your mission and when you sacrifice all your being for the benefit of all the living creatures. However these living creatures, instead of thanking and lauding you, will try to humiliate and hurt you; they will persecute you and try to punish you. And at the moment when it seems that you have no more strength to endure this superhuman exertion of all your forces, you will realize that these people do not know what they are doing. And you will forgive them all, and moreover, you will wish to take upon yourselves their sins that dim their eyes and prevent them from seeing the Truth. It is then that you will go through your crucifixion on the cross of matter. And after this, you will be ready for your resurrection - as a state of your absolute harmony with the Will of God and full liberation from human thoughts and feelings. It is truly a resurrection because your Spirit will receive an opportunity to act through you. And you will become invulnerable to all the arrows aimed at you. Now there is nothing in your physical world that can harm you. You resurrect your spiritual energies and hold these spiritual energies on your physical plane. Nothing of the abomination of desolation around you can affect you any longer. On the contrary beloved, merely with your presence, you can stop any manifestations of imperfection in your world. You receive an additional opportunity to carry out your service, and the help that you are able to provide to the people around you is now the help of Heaven itself. It is because there is already nothing in you that can distinguish your state of consciousness from the Divine one. Do not believe those who will tell you that there was only one Son of God and only He alone could take upon himself all the sins of the world. Yes, I took upon myself the sins of the world, but the main thing I did was to show you the Path that you should follow and that you are already following. I gave you the Path, the Rose Path, covered with roses and thorns. And there is no other path, to follow through which you may reach the Kingdom of your Father in Heaven. Beloved, I am overwhelmed with the feeling of Love towards you. I see your service and I see how hard it is for you in your time. Events develop so quickly that your consciousness can hardly have time to adapt to the fast change of the scenery. Those who have stepped on the Path of service and follow it with confidence will receive the confirmation of the correctness of the chosen Path as moments of quiet joy, indescribable bliss descending upon them. Beloved, remember these moments, absorb these states of bliss with all the cells and atoms of your being. Catch these moments of bliss. This will give you strength and energy, and the ability to pass all your tests and all your trials on the Path. Let Love be your constant companion during all the minutes of your life. And if you do not experience the feeling of Love, then ask me, appeal to me, and I will do everything in my power to return your Love to you. Love is the sign on your Path, showing you that you are on the right Path. You should not associate this feeling with any certain person, and you must not demand the reciprocation of Love in return. Though, sometimes it is your Love that you experience towards a certain person that saves you during the most difficult periods of your trials. When you love, you do not need anything more. You are ready just to experience this state and enjoy this state. And all your problems, all your imperfections and the imperfections of the world around you are dissolved by this universal solvent, primordially inherent in this Universe. The flame of the true Divine Love can make its home only in the hearts of those people who have not lost their connection with the Divine world. It is the very feeling that is capable of raising your vibrations and bringing them into harmony with the constantly rising vibrations of your physical plane. Those people who are not able to assimilate the energies of Love will feel more and more cut off from your world. Sooner or later, they will decide either to resign themselves to the energy of Love or to leave this world forever, in which they will not be able to stay any longer due to the big divergence in vibrations. Beloved, I have been glad to use this opportunity to meet you this day, on which, I know, most of those reading these lines celebrate the event of my resurrection. Let me also join your commemoration and celebrate the triumph of resurrections of those of you who have reached in your consciousness the resurrection of the Divine vibrations, and who are fully in tune with me and the other Ascended Masters. This is a great victory, beloved, because you have reached the state that enables us to dwell in your temples! You will not believe me if I say that there is a much smaller part of me in Heaven than the part that is dwelling on Earth in your temples. In the temples of those who invited me to enter their temples and whose vibrations let me do it. I will also tell you confidentially that the majority of the Ascended Masters who have kept their connections with non-ascended mankind are also staying among you, in your bodies and in the bodies of your brothers and sisters. The worlds are approaching each other. The time has come when our worlds will be getting closer and closer to each other by their vibrations. And more and more of you, beloved, will come in touch with us and realize it with your external consciousness. I have been delighted with our meeting today. I impart all the Love of my heart to you and accept the Love of your hearts. I AM Jesus, your brother. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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