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![]() You have come into this world to act. Perform your duty!Beloved El Morya I AM El Morya, having come to you through this Messenger again. I hasten to establish my momentum of Light in Tatyana’s force field. In accordance with the responsibility granted to me, I have been anointing all the Messengers during the last hundred years. And now, at this moment, I am placing my electronic presence over Tatyana as a sign of my patronage. I have no opportunity to render my sponsorship to an organization, as there is no such organization on the physical plane. There is only a Messenger. Therefore, from this day, I establish my sponsorship and secure the protective thread in Tatyana’s aura. I am doing it now. … It is done! From this moment, I endow Tatyana with the powers to represent me in the physical octave, and I take her under my patronage. I am happy to have my representative on Earth, on the physical plane of planet Earth again. You know that I aspire to cooperate with people. There is no other Master who has as many disciples, as I do. However, I render my personal sponsorship very rarely, and only in exceptional cases. You may not know what this means. As soon as the Brotherhood receives an opportunity to have a permanent focus of Light anchored in the aura of a Messenger, from any country, and as long as this focus of Light is active, not only this Messenger, but the whole country is taken under our protection. That is why I focus your attention on today’s event. We will see what the future will hold, and to what extent our hopes and our confidence will be justified. This concerns not only the Messenger, but this concerns the light-bearers who are now embodied in Russia. This is a chance for all of you to receive unprecedented support and the help of Heaven in all of your initiatives. And from now on, I promise those of you who have accepted our Messenger with all your heart that I will respond to any of your calls. I will give you all the help that can be given to you in all your undertakings. The only condition is the purity of your motives and the correspondence of your initiatives to the Will of God. Beloved, are you aware of the opportunity you are being granted? Is it not breathtaking to receive help and protection from the Ascended Hosts at your first call? Can you imagine how fast everything around you will be transformed? Thus, all you need to do is to approach an altar or enter your heart and make the following call: “In the name of I AM THAT I AM, in the name of my Mighty I AM Presence, in the name of my Holy Christ Self, and in accordance with the opportunity granted by beloved El Morya through the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Tatyana Mickushina, I ask that the Will of God be manifested in my actions, which I perform in the name of God in this physical octave.” Further on, you set forth the essence of the undertaking or business, in which you want to receive my personal help and the help of the Ascended Hosts. You may write down your request on a sheet of paper and then burn it. Thus, even without an organization, you receive help, directly rendered to you in your Divine actions, wherever you are. It does not matter whether you act by yourself or you act together with a group of like-minded people. In order to also make use of the calls of the Messenger as an additional help in your business, I recommend that you transmit a copy of your request directly to my Messenger. From this day on, Tatyana receives the mantle of my personal Messenger, in addition to the mantle of the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, which was laid on her shoulders a year ago. Thus, we will very soon know all the light-bearers who are ready to join this new dispensation and act within the framework of this dispensation. However, there is a difference from our previous dispensations. Previously, we established the focus within a certain organization, located in a certain country. And as a rule, a Messenger was at the head of such an organization and all organizational work fell on his shoulders. At present, we have chosen another way. We will, at your request, render our sponsorship to those organizations that you will establish in your localities. Do not wait for any command except the behests of your heart. You have come into embodiment, and each of you have come into embodiment with a certain mission. And you know what you are to do. It is not necessary for you to found an organization that embraces all the aspects of activity. Moreover, it does not necessarily have to be a social or religious organization. You may create a commercial organization in order to affirm the Divine principles in the methods of conducting business in your countries. You may open your own health care institution or an educational institution. The only requirement is that the Divine principles must be a priority in your organization, as the basis of it, and that you help the people around you. Do not strive for money. You will have exactly as much money as you need to implement your plans. Money, the energy of money is only a secondary factor. The most important factor is the purity of your hearts and your wish to fulfill the Will of God. This is your service that you have come to carry out in this world. The time for concrete actions has come. And do not tell me that you do not know what to do. Look around. Do not your eyes see the things which your abilities, your efforts, your hands and feet can be used for? The time for concrete actions has come. You have come into this world to act. Be so kind as to perform your duty. Enough idle talk and discussing which of you have achieved greater results on the Path! I want to see what you can really do in the surrounding physical world. You have come into this world to act. Perform your duty! And if you still have not understood what I am talking about, then I will have to descend to you, roll up my sleeves and show you what you ought to do. Look how much garbage there is around you. And this is not only physical garbage. This is the garbage that your mass media, television, radio, Internet, and newspapers are overfilled with. Clean up the garbage around you and within your consciousness. If some of you do not know what to apply your efforts to, nothing is left for you but to pray and ask God for enlightenment, because you have torn yourselves away from the Divine Reality so much, and you cannot even realize the extent to which the world, which you are in, is torn away from the Divine Reality. Time has changed, and together with the change of the cycles, we are choosing another way of acting. We will not establish a united organization, which would become a tasty morsel and a temptation for those who wish to rule. No, we will place our focus of Light over any organization that is consistent with our principles, and which will appeal to us directly or through this Messenger to establish our patronage. We will act through everyone who has prepared his temple for our coming. We will simply accept your invitation to enter your temples and your proposal to become our hands and feet on the physical plane. And we will enter your temples. It will take place so naturally, that you will not even notice our presence, and we will show you the best path in which you can act, and the first priority, that you should apply your efforts towards. If one of you says that he has no opportunity to create his own organization or open his own business or that he is lacking like-minded people and supporters, and he is absolutely lonely, then, let me not believe you. You live among people, and these people need your help. You have four lower bodies, and these bodies need to be purified. Therefore, do not tell me that you do not know what to do, and that you do not know what to occupy yourselves with. The time for the active actions has come. You will be rendered help from Heaven in all of your endeavors, if they correspond to the Will of God! What are you still waiting for? Shall I really come to you and show you what to do? Then hold up your shoulders, and I will shift off a part of my duties and a part of my work on to you. Everyone should do his business. Start working and you will be astonished by the help that will be given to you. I AM El Morya, and I am always with you wherever you perform your concrete deeds in the name of God. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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