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![]() You should become electrodes through which the physical plane of planet Earth will be saturated with LightBeloved Pallas Athena I AM Pallas Athena, having come to you through this Messenger. Do you know me? I AM the Goddess of Truth, and I AM a member of the Karmic Board as well. I AM having come to you today to give you a certain knowledge about the manifestation of the Law of Karma in your physical world. When you come into embodiment, a veil is drawn behind you and you forget about the events you lived through before this embodiment; you forget your previous embodiments. Such a state of affairs has not been forever. But this measure is rather more humane than restricting with respect to your life-streams. The point is that in the course of your numerous lives, you performed actions that were not the best ones. And if you remembered all your past grave actions and abuses, you would not be able to function in your current life. Therefore, the veil of your memory is drawn just after you are born. However, this veil is not thick for those, who due to their merits, have woven the way for obtaining the gift of seeing the past and the future. You know that many prophets and saints embodied on Earth in the past and in the present, had the gift of second sight. The veil rises slightly when your four lower bodies obtain a certain level of purity, and your consciousness rises up to the level at which it is not frightened by some phenomena taking place at the moment of the interaction of the worlds. In reality, human consciousness is very limited. It is limited by the role you perform in your current life and by the karma you created during your previous lives. It is your karma, in fact, that causes an obstruction between you and the higher planes. Your karma is energy, a thick energetic substance with a very low frequency of vibrations. And these low frequency vibrations are the veil that separates you from our world. Therefore, beloved, there is no difference between you and me except the difference in our vibrations. And when an opportunity comes for you to get rid of your karma and imperfections due to your efforts and merits, you are able to communicate with our world and to dwell in it. Your range of world perception is broadened and you acquire many abilities called the gifts of the Holy Spirit. That is why the target of my talk today is to give you a more correct understanding of the fact that only you yourselves, by your actions in the past and the present have created this veil separating you from the Real World of God. But, as is God’s plan, everything in this world develops in an evolutionary way, then the next stage you inevitably reach will be the stage of liberating yourself from the karma of your earthly embodiments. You get rid of your karma and rise to a higher energetic level. In reality, you can get rid of your karma in a few ways. You can make the right choices. Your life is nothing else but a chain of situations in which you are always given a chance to select one of two choices. One of them advances you toward God, while the other one estranges you from God. Everything is very simple. And all the multiplicity of life’s situations can be reduced down to just these two choices. This path is the only one followed by all people embodied on Earth. All the other paths are just supporting ones. You know the path as a prayer practice, when with the momentum of your heart you attract additional Divine Energy into your life, and with the help of this Energy you further dissolve your karmic burdens. You have been told recently about a higher practice for dissolving karma with the help of chakras’ pulsation.[1] But unfortunately, this practice becomes accessible only when your level of spiritual merit is high enough. The main task for you now is still your aspiration to overcome the limited state in which you are dwelling because of your karma. If you know the diagnosis, it is easier for you to find the correct treatment and apply it to your life. That is why everything you do in life is a way of overcoming your limited karmic state. This is the very purpose of your coming into embodiment. Such is the Law of this world. There was a time when you made a choice to test yourselves in embodiment as individuals. You were granted freedom to perform your experiments. And you started to use the Divine Energy on your own. For this purpose, you were endowed with a personality. Your personality was given a mind at a certain stage of evolutionary development. But the mind has a quality of duality. It has the opportunity to choose how to use its abilities. As a result of your experiments with your mind, you began shrouding yourselves with thicker and thicker energies, creating karma, i.e. using the Divine Energy not in harmony with the plan of God but in accordance with the plan of your own mind. Your activities in the dense physical world over millions of years has created the surrounding reality you are living in now. You know that the world surrounding you is just a mirror reflecting your imperfect consciousness. This was the stage when, in accordance with the plan of God for this Universe, you were allowed to experiment with the Divine Energy in accordance with your own free will. Now a new stage is approaching. During the first stage you plunged into the illusion, but now the stage of your return to the Real World of God has come. In accordance with Creator’s plan, those same souls who took part in the creation of the illusion, now have to overcome this illusory manifestation through their actions. First of all, you must give up the imperfect creation in your consciousness. During the first stage, you plunge into matter deeper and deeper and thus separate yourself from God more and more. At the second stage, with the awareness of your Oneness with God, you must return to the real part of yourself by abandoning the illusion and turning to Reality. While overcoming your imperfect state and working off your karma you raise your vibrations, and simultaneously the raising of your vibrations causes a rise in the vibrations of the surrounding world. You overcome yourselves, overcome your human nature and obtain more and more Divine qualities, returning step by step to the Divine Reality from where your souls have come into the physical world to experiment. The Dictations given through this Messenger are destined for the awakening of the memory of your souls and for giving your aspirations the proper direction. In the course of your evolution, you gradually receive clearer and clearer vision, and you recognize the Divine Truth and at a certain stage, you become one with this Truth. Today I have tried to give you a slightly different point of view on the changes taking place on Earth now. In fact, all these changes are possible and will become possible only due to your help, and due to the aspirations of your hearts and the Divine Energy that you conduct into your dense world. In the nearest future, those of you who are reading these lines should become electrodes through which the physical plane of planet Earth will be saturated with Light. I wish you to succeed on this path, and to overcome all the obstacles within you that prevent you from implementing God’s plan for this planet. I AM Pallas Athena. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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