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![]() The time of darkness is over for Russia!Nicholas Roerich I AM Nicholas Roerich, Ascended Master Nicholas Roerich. I have come to you with this Messenger. It is joyful to realize that our meeting has taken place. A great deal of effort has been made by the Ascended Hosts in order to realize the presence of the Messenger in the Land of Russia. You know that during the time of my embodiment we tried to return to the Land of Russia many times. Each time this was impossible for many reasons, the main reason was the enormous resistance of the forces of darkness that had seized Russia and prevented any possibility of our presence in this country. You know how important it is to have a Beacon, a Focus of Light in the territory of a country such as Russia, anchored in the heart of a person who is in embodiment. You know how difficult it was to get this Focus of Light in Russia. And, truly, this is a great victory for the forces of Light! You cannot even imagine how the future of Russia can change if you manage to keep this Focus of Light, to guard it, and to kindle from this focus of Light many other focuses of Light both in the territory of Russia and in the territories of all neighboring countries. We are happy. The Heavens are happy. The Heavens rejoice! Anchoring this Focus was not an accident; it was painstaking work over the last one hundred and fifty years. You know that not a single Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood has been able to reside in the territory of this great country for a long time. You can imagine how much effort has been expended to give you the opportunity to receive these Dictations. Truly, all the significance of this event will not be assimilated by the consciousness of the light-bearers at once. During our short stay in the territory of Russia in the 1920s, you know that we passed through the city of Omsk twice. The first time was on the way to Moscow and the second time on the way back outside of Russia. However, very few people know that during our stay in Omsk we laid a Focus of Light there, a crystal of Light energy, which has been active all this time on the subtle plane. That is how we prepared the Path. And you know that this Messenger was born in Omsk and has lived all her life in Omsk, and she could not help but receive support on the subtle plane from our Focus of Light, our crystal that we laid in this place almost a hundred years ago. That is how history is made; that is how the events on Earth take place. And there was no guarantee that this experiment would succeed, and would not be terminated, as had already happened with many previous attempts to anchor the Focus of the Brotherhood in the physical temple of people living in Russia. I am telling you this in such detail so that you embrace the opportunity that is opening. Not everything that happens on the physical plane reflects what happens on the subtle plane. On the subtle plane, the New Russia has been built long ago. She was built by the efforts of the best sons and daughters of Mother Russia. How many temples, how many beautiful projects exist on the etheric plane over Russia. And these plans of God-inspired projects are ready to descend to the physical plane. The night is dark before dawn. Russia, with enviable constancy, like an unbroken horse, threw off many important missions of the forces of Light. She chose a hard path. All these years, in the territory of Russia, there has been a groan from millions of life-streams, who received karmic retribution for disobedience to the Will of God in full. The people have been through enough. They have stopped. No matter how long you run around, there is still no way to hide from the plan of God for this country. And the time has come to start implementing the plan. The time to implement the cosmic opportunity for this country has come. And now it is exactly those in embodiment who are supposed to precipitate the etheric plans on the physical plane of Russia. You know that it is always difficult for one to climb an inaccessible summit alone. But when one has risen, many will be able to use the helping hand and example and also ascend to the summit of Divine consciousness. Goy, Russia, has your time really come? And how did it not come when it came! There are still many unexpected turns ahead, many dangerous climbs and steep cliffs, but the light-bearers of Russia have reached the point from where the path to the summit is visible. And this stage of work, which is now ahead for the precipitation of the Divine plan on the physical plane, will require all your strengths and abilities. The time of darkness is over for Russia! And in your hearts you already feel the impending tomorrow. Always in the depths of the hearts of the Russian people, there lived a dream of a bright future which must come. Always in the hearts of the Russian people, there has been faith in the miracle that will save Russia. Many times it was exactly a miracle that saved Russia. And now comes the time for miracles. Through your hearts, your minds, your hands and your feet, the Golden Age will be built in Russia. This country has always stood apart from other countries and has always been striking in its unpredictability. Always in the minds of the best representatives of its people, there was hope for a special path that will suddenly be revealed, and this path will certainly be connected with God. Russia is a country loved by God. I am overwhelmed with joy and anticipation for a coming dawn, and then a bright sunny day for Russia! I have been with you today, and I am glad to have met you. I AM Nicholas Roerich. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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