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![]() Prepare your temples for the coming of the MessiahJohn the Baptist I AM John the Baptist. I was the one who predicted the advent of the Messiah Christ. I AM, having come. I have come to tell you the story of my life, the story of that life. And I AM, having come to give you some instructions concerning your current lives. Much has changed on Earth since my last embodiment. Much has changed in the surrounding life, in all that is connected with the life of people, and in their work. There is a lot which is new. There are many discoveries that are used in the external world. However, if we turn to man’s worldview, to his views about God and the structure of the Universe, then the changes will not seem so significant. Yes, the terminology has changed; many scientific discoveries have been made that reveal the structure of the Universe and the laws of the physical world. And at the same time, man’s consciousness was, and remains, attached to the external manifestations of the physical world, to the external worship of God, and to external rituals. It is as if these 2,000 years have not passed since I was in embodiment. Man, with enviable speed, uses all scientific ideas and all scientific discoveries and applies these discoveries not for bringing himself closer to God but for separating himself from God. It seems progressive when you use modern rhythms during church services and it seems modern to you to use scientific terminology for explaining the universe. Any scientific discovery, and any achievement of human consciousness, is immediately used to further separate oneself from God. The simplicity of the Divine feeling and the simplicity of the Divine life are shrouded by you in many modern terms and concepts. You use a lot of technical terms when speaking about God. If you spent the same amount of effort on actually destroying what separates you from God in your consciousness, then life on Earth would change as if by magic. Most modern inventions put an insurmountable barrier between you and God. You know that I lived in the desert during my embodiment. I ate wild honey and locusts. Many considered me strange. But I could have communion with God in solitude only after I had separated myself from people and their vanity. And I would not have exchanged this communion for any human riches and honors. I rarely communicated with people. And the main teaching that I taught them was about purifying their souls and preparing them for the coming of the Messiah. People considered that my words referred to the arrival of an external Messiah, a man who would save them from their troubles and misfortunes. However, I meant not only the coming of an external Messiah but also the coming of an inner Messiah inside each person. I was preparing human consciousness for the coming of this Messiah. I do not think any of those people understood what I was talking about. But still, human consciousness changed a little and they awaited the coming of Christ. And He came and fulfilled his Mission with honor. My sermon cost me my life. Unlike most of the people, the ruling clergymen very quickly realized that my Teaching, if understood by the people, would forever turn their flock away from external worship and external rituals and direct them to meet with the real Messiah, the real part of themselves, an inner meeting with God within them. And, having received this inner communion, having gained access to this bliss within themselves, people would never have been able to believe any external religion or external teachers. People who have access to the Divine state of consciousness would very quickly unite with their own kind. The Divine state of consciousness is as contagious as the manifestations of non-divine states of consciousness in most people now. People are closely connected on the subtle plane. And a happy thought and good thinking, arising in several minds and hearts, are capable of spreading from heart to heart just as a million candles can be lit from one candle. Of course, I did not have an opportunity to give my Teaching to a large number of people. I taught those few who dared to approach me and listen to me. People were scared to receive knowledge from me because the churchmen forbade them from communicating with me. It was difficult for me to give knowledge to people. Look how the time has changed now. I give this Dictation and you have an opportunity to study this Dictation on the same day, even if you are on the other side of the globe. This is truly a time of great opportunities. We do not even need to waste either your efforts or ours to gather people who are ready to perceive our Teaching, at a certain place on the globe. You receive our Teaching and our vibrations thanks to the blessed gift that Saint Germain gave to humanity. I mean the Internet. And this is one of the few cases of using the Internet, which brings tangible benefits and, in fact, is the reason which this invention was manifested on the physical plane. Blessed hearts, you have the opportunity to listen to the Teachings of the great Beings of Light who came into embodiment to teach mankind over the last several thousand years. You have the opportunity to receive an unprecedented flow of Divine Energy through these Dictations. And this dispensation, this gift of Heaven, became real thanks to the new opportunity. Appreciate this opportunity. Drink the nectar of Divine Energy. Remember: not a drop of this Energy should be wasted in vain. Energy is being given to you for performing good deeds, not for finding out which one of you is more important and who is more divine. You cannot know this with your human consciousness. The greatest among you are those who serve life and all living beings more than others and demand nothing in return. Because there is nothing in this life that should be exchanged for the gift of Divine communion and for the opportunity to serve God in all life. Therefore, use the Energy received for its intended purpose. Prepare your temples for the coming of the Messiah; allow your Messiah, your Higher Self, your Christ Self, to come to you, be in you, speak through you, and act through you. Oh, beloved, I am happy that beloved Alpha has granted this opportunity to you at this difficult but truly blessed time for this planet. I will be glad to meet each of you who raise your vibrations to my level, and I will be able to come to you personally and communicate with you within your heart. My beloved and blessed, believe me, everything will happen just as predicted. Your eyes will begin to see clearly; you will be able to see us and communicate with us, and walk with us, and talk with us. There are no limitations in the Divine world. You yourselves have created these limitations in your consciousness, and the time has come to finally get rid of them. I cannot restrain the overwhelming joy of being able to address you directly. And I know that many, very many of those who read these lines are ready to communicate with me. Can you imagine how the world will change if everyone is able to communicate directly with the Ascended Hosts? And this will happen. This will happen sooner or later. And this will happen just as inevitably as the spring follows winter and is followed by summer. I AM John the Baptist, Elijah the Prophet[1], and I am giving you this prophecy. And my prophecy will invariably come true, and you also know this in your hearts. I AM John the Baptist. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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