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![]() May the reading of my Rosaries become the immediate task of your life in the near futureMother Mary I AM Mother Mary, your Mother in Heaven, having come to you through this Messenger. Many times I came through many people who are incarnated on planet Earth today. I use the dispensation that was granted to me which allows me to use the energy people emanate while reading Rosaries, in order to manifest myself in the physical world. I come to many people, and I will have this opportunity until the stream of energy flowing from your hearts into my heart is exhausted. I use every opportunity to appear before those who are ready to see and hear me. At present I come through Tatyana, as the time has come to provide you with a little guidance that is necessary for you at this stage. You may imagine me. I am standing right in front of you when you are reading these lines. I am standing in front of you with a bouquet of roses in my hands. I have prepared this bouquet for you, my beloved. For you, who aspires and spends so many hours reading my Rosaries. Do not give up this work, I am asking you, my beloved. I understand that there are many temptations and seductions in your world that seem to you to be more important than the prayers that I ask you to read for me every day. However, if it were not the need of the hour and the need for your service, I would not have bothered you. Beloved, it does not matter which Rosary you read - whether you read traditional Catholic Rosaries or Rosaries I have given through many Messengers lately. I would like you to understand that only your heart’s aspiration and purity, and your wish to help the entire Life on this planet are of importance. I do not want to frighten you with any forthcoming calamities and cataclysms. It is not because they are not coming in the near future. Cataclysms are inevitable, as people stubbornly do not want to keep their eyes on Heaven and go on persisting in their aspiration to get more and more pleasures of this world. That is why the energy of your prayers is so necessary for us. I assure each of you who read my Rosaries every day at this difficult time that within 100 kilometers around the place where you perform your daily service there will be no cataclysms or calamities. I especially appeal to the people of my favorite Russia. The very large length of your country and very low density of population in many regions requires you to carry out your service with double and even triple efforts. Russia has been granted a great role to play in changing the consciousness of mankind and raising it onto a higher level. That is why I ask everyone who hears this Message — may the reading of my Rosaries, no matter through which Messenger these Rosaries come to you, become the immediate task of your life in the near future. You must give me one Rosary every day. I am asking you. I am begging you, my beloved. To each of you who will commit to reading my Rosaries daily, I will come personally and give you a rose from my bouquet as a sign of my love to you. And that is not everything, my beloved. I ask you to read my Rosaries with a feeling of the mightiest love you can feel towards your planet, towards all living creatures inhabiting this planet. And I ask you to enter your heart and to feel its warmth before reading a Rosary. Think of me. I know how hard it is for you to be incarnated on Earth at this difficult time. But remember how difficult it was for me when my son Jesus was crucified before my eyes. How do you think I felt watching his sufferings? Beloved, do you love me? Can you send me Love from your hearts just for a few minutes before reading a Rosary every day? It is not difficult. Will you comply with my request, beloved? I love all of you, and I will come to you while reading your Rosaries. You will feel; you will certainly feel my presence. You may stop reading and talk to me. I will lend my ear to all your requests and wishes. And I promise to render you any help that the Cosmic Law will let me render. I will do my best to help you. Can I also expect you to do what I ask you? Believe me, if I did not know what I know and what is hidden from your eyes, I would never ask you to do the work that only you can do. The least I want you to do is feel fear. Do not be afraid of anything. I was among you; I was stepping on Earth, and I can assure you that each of you receives exactly as many trials in his life as he can withstand. The karma created by mankind is too heavy. The redemption of this karma requires great sacrifices and sufferings. But God is merciful and He grants you the means, which enable you to soften your karma and ease your burden. Do not neglect these means, and do not neglect the opportunity granted to you. I am leaving you. I was happy to use this opportunity to remind you once again about the work you should fulfill. I will certainly meet with each of you while reading your daily Rosaries. I AM Mother Mary, and until we meet again. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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