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![]() We simply took the matches away from the childrenBeloved Surya I AM Surya, having come to you today from the Great Central Sun to give you a Teaching on karma through this Messenger. You are familiar with the term karma as the energy that accompanies you during your stay in the earthly cycle of embodiments. You receive Divine energy that is the source of life in the Universe, and then you use this energy in accordance with your free will given by God. This energy is not always used by you in the way God intends, and in this case, this incorrectly qualified energy adds to your karmic baggage, by depositing itself in your subtle and physical bodies. Further, the Law of likeness comes into force. This incorrectly qualified energy, that constantly accompanies you in life, attracts to you those life situations which you need to go through in order to learn a lesson and act in this situation not according to your will, but according to the Will of God. In fact, you create karma whenever you violate the Will of God, when you act according to your egoistic motives. Therefore, your karma is directly proportional to the degree of your egoism, to the degree of your detachment from the Law of God, and to the degree of your rejection of the Law of God. The correct choices, which you make in each situation caused by karma, work off your karma. Each correct choice brings you closer to God and makes you refuse and leave behind the unreal part of you that you have created. In accordance with the cosmic cycles, at the beginning of the cycle you descend into materiality, accumulate karma and then come out of materiality by constantly analyzing your past mistakes when you meet again and again with one and the same situations for karma to be worked off. This cycle of coming out of materiality has just begun, and it will take many years, millions of earthly years. Let us now examine the dispensation that has been given to you through previous Messengers, that is the dispensation of the violet flame. The essence of the transmutation of karma through reading the decrees of the violet flame was that during the reading of the decrees, you were to realize those qualities in yourself that were not Divine, and with the help of additional Divine energy attracted to your physical world to transform these negative qualities into positive or Divine ones. What happened after you received this dispensation? You live in a dual world, which means that literally everything in your world can be used both for good, and for evil. You may ask how is it possible to use the reading of the violet flame decrees, intended for the transmutation of karma, for evil? It is very simple, and I can tell you this openly now because the dispensation of the violet flame has been taken from planet Earth at present. At the moment when you attract the additional stream of Divine energy while reading the decrees, you control this stream through your thoughts and feelings. And if at the moment of receiving this additional energy your thoughts and feelings are not pure and are far from Divine perfection, then instead of transmuting the karmic blockages in your electronic belt, in your four lower bodies, you add to these blockages the energy that you incorrectly qualified at the moment of reading the decrees of the violet flame. So instead of working off karma, you create new karma. You see that the decrees of the violet flame were a very powerful weapon given to you at this difficult time for your planet. And you see that 90 percent of this energy of the violet flame settled in your lower bodies at the time of reading these decrees, because at the time of reading these decrees, you did not think about getting rid of your ego, your imperfection, but you thought about what you could get from God in exchange for your many-hour vigils. What is worse, you allowed thoughts of condemnation of your brothers. You allowed other negative thoughts and feelings while reading these decrees. Therefore, the dispensation of the violet flame acts selectively at present, and only for those groups and people who have a correct inner motive when they start reading the decrees of the violet flame. And this is a reasonable precaution. We simply restricted the access, to this very powerful tool, for those individuals who have not yet reached the necessary level of development of their consciousness, so that they do not harm themselves. We simply took the matches away from the children. In the same way, my dispensation on the 23rd of each month, which allows you to transmute the karma of the following month, is limited and acts selectively. How can you determine whether you are under the action of this dispensation or not? You can determine this by your achievements on the Path. If a year ago, two years ago, and ten years ago, you were offended, judged, and allowed other imperfections peculiar to you, and now you continue to do so with the same intensity, then you yourself understand that this dispensation does not apply to you. However, nothing is lost irretrievably. If you sincerely decide in your heart to leave the unreal part of yourself and demonstrate your readiness in the form of constant everyday aspirations, everything will return to you. You will feel the violet flame return to your life and help you get rid of your imperfections. In the end, everything is determined by your inner aspiration and your inner motive. I would like to remind you that the main thing is not reading decrees or prayers; the main thing is your wish to get rid of your ego and to serve life and God. And this wish can be realized in any business, in any situation that you face in life. The most common and ordinary actions, your relationships with people and the world around you can work off karma as well as reading the decrees. At every moment of your life, you make a choice. And through your actions, you either work off your past karma or create new karma. Any of the most advanced spiritual practices, the best prayers will be useless for your spiritual advancement if you perform these practices with the selfish motive to achieve any privileges for yourself or your loved ones. There is only one true motive to start any spiritual practice and any spiritual method – it is to get rid of one’s ego and get closer to God, to serve God and all living beings. If you start spiritual practice with any other purpose, you create karma. In the spiritual realm, and in the field of religion, the same principle of duality operates that is inherent in your world. And sometimes, a pious person, from the human point of view, who regularly attends all church services and ceremonies, stands, on the spiritual level, below a person who never attends churches and church services but who has the right inner motive and realizes in his daily life the Commandments taught by Jesus and other Teachers of mankind. It will not be a great revelation if I say that there are many more spiritually advanced people outside the religious faiths than among the people, operating within a particular religious system. I have given you today enough information to think about. And I took this opportunity to inform you about the changes that our previous dispensations have undergone at the present time. I AM Surya from the Great Central Sun. Om. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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