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![]() Distant Worlds are open for visits and are waiting for youI AM THAT I AM I AM THAT I AM, I am speaking from within you. Harmony and consonance are the qualities that are necessary for manifestation, in order to be able to receive Dictations from the subtle plane. Without these qualities, it is impossible to reach the state of absolute detachment from every surrounding thing on the physical plane, to tear one’s consciousness from the surrounding reality and rise upward. One might visualize leaving the body and ascending to the Higher Worlds as the ascent to the summit. In fact, the moment of transition to the subtle plane is connected with the rise of the level of vibrations. If the physical bodies were better prepared for such journeys through space and time, it would be possible to achieve the level of vibrations that would enable one to move in any direction and to any system of the worlds. However a physical temple, a physical conductor is very crude and cannot withstand even an insignificant increase in vibrations. It will simply burn out. Therefore, for journeys, we use subtle bodies. And here the readiness of these subtle bodies for such travels comes to the fore. The subtle bodies of most people are affected to such an extent that they have neither the right shape nor the necessary lightness. The state of the subtle bodies is completely dependent on the level of consciousness of a person. Therefore, the journey to distant worlds for most of humanity on Earth is simply inaccessible. Your subtle bodies are you yourselves, but only in the more subtle world. And you obtain mobility in the subtle world proportionally to the readiness of your consciousness to perceive the subtle world. As a rule, the majority of mankind cannot rise above the layers of the so-called dense astral. And these layers do not make it possible to tear oneself from the Earth and visit the more subtle and more developed systems of the universe. Thus, the task of acceptance of the subtle worlds and the task of perfection of your subtle bodies in order to acquire the ability to move through these worlds are coming to the fore. You are to acquire the ability to leave your body and travel throughout the worlds. This is the quality of the next level of development of the consciousness of mankind, and it will be acquired by mankind in the same way as you have to get rid of the protective suits of flesh that bind you. Distant Worlds are open for visits and are waiting for you. But you need to acquire lightness and to free yourselves of the burden of your karmic accumulations on this planet. The divisibility of the bodies, the spatial movements in the subtle bodies is a very close stage in human evolution when man, chained by the frameworks of one planet and tied down to this planet becomes a Cosmic Being, a Being whose home is the entire cosmos, the entire manifested Universe. This stage of human evolution will open up before you as soon as you complete your schooling on Earth. And this will take many more human years. I would like to touch upon the subject of the so-called ascension. This is not to say that incorrect knowledge on ascension was given through previous Messengers. But ascension as a process, during which you leave this physical world forever and move into existence on the subtle plane, will not happen as you imagine it. You ascend gradually, as if part by part, passing from race to race, from one cosmic cycle to another cosmic cycle. But the final ascension as a process of achieving some ultimate goal is unattainable. It is because the evolution is unlimited and cannot be stopped. No goal is ultimate. You ascend every day in your consciousness, in your vibrations, acquiring more and more freedom and reaching the energy level, which your vibrations correspond to. Inside of you, there is the part that has already achieved the so-called ascension in the past cosmic cycles. This part of you is your Christ Self or your Higher Self. This is the part of you that helps you draw all your lower bodies out of this materiality. Your Christ Self is your foothold, your guide, who shows you the path and directs you. That is why this connection with the Higher Part of yourself is so necessary. And now this connection is becoming reality for more and more people in embodiment. When raising the level of your energy, you acquire an opportunity to communicate with your Christ Self; you acquire the experience of communicating with the Higher Part of yourself, your I AM Presence. All that happens is exactly what you admit into your consciousness. If you admit in yourself, in your consciousness that you can communicate with your Higher Self, then sooner or later you will get this opportunity. Tatyana once stopped hearing the answers of her Higher Self. It was a shock for her. That is, the process of communicating with the Higher Part of herself became so natural that she simply could not understand what she would do next without this communication. Similarly, your consciousness, until it accepts the thought of communicating with its Higher Self and with the Higher Worlds, you will not be able to experience such communication. If you do not want to learn to swim, you will not learn. But in order to learn to swim, you need to get into the water and try to swim. The people who read these Dictations and understand what is being told in them are all able to swim, to communicate with the Higher Part of themselves. And, if you do not want to get into the water, no one can make you do it. You either decide to learn to swim and get into the water, or not. There are many methods on how to communicate with the Higher Part of yourself. I will give you the simplest one. You have a Friend. Your best and most devoted Friend who lives inside of you. This Friend has always loved you and aspired to help you as much as you allowed him to in all the difficult circumstances of your life. You often felt the need to get advice from a friend advice in a difficult situation. You were seeking friends outside of you. You were aspiring to human communication with them. And in the meantime, the best Friend, the most devoted Friend dwelling within you, was patiently waiting for you to pay attention to him. And he is ready to communicate with you. He is full of love and friendship feelings towards you. Pay attention to him. Tell him how much you love him, how you lack communication with him. Choose a time when you know that no one will bother you. Turn off everything that might distract you. Take a comfortable position. Focus on your heart. Ask your Higher Self if he wants to communicate with you. What does his answer “yes” mean? Listen to yourself. This answer may come as a very subtle sensation, a fluttering in your heart, or in another way. You must understand how your Christ Self will answer you. It will answer you in the way that you are able to perceive. You may not hear any answer. Do not force or tire yourself. Repeat your experience the next day. Do it every day. You should discover what time is most convenient for communication for you during the day. Try time and again. At first it will seem to you that you hear answers. Ask questions to your Christ Self, ask him. Talk to him as your closest friend. Say how much you love him, how much you dream to communicate with him. Sooner or later, your communication will take place. I wish you success on your Path. The time will come and we will meet. And I will speak with you from within you, just as I am speaking now from within this Messenger. I AM THAT I AM. OM. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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